I decided to write a bonus blog this week. I know I've been strictly writing re-caps of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory as of late, but I thought I would write another one to share my excitement about Street League.
If you are reading this blog, chances are you already know I am Rob Dyrdek's biggest fan. Rob Dyrdek is not only hilarious, talented and extremely driven, he is also the most generous person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I have always been a passionate person..basically whatever catches my attention and makes me happy, I always support 110%. I can honestly say I will always support anything that Rob Dyrdek is a part of. Right now it is Street League. Street League isn't something Rob is just a part of, it is something Rob CREATED. It is his dream come true.
Ever since Street League was announced, I was thinking of ways I would be able to attend an event. I literally spent everything in my bank account to fly out to Los Angeles back in May when I won tickets through Carl's Jr. to attend Rob's Sk84life event (which was worth every penny by the way), so I knew there was really no way I would be able to come up with enough money to get out west for a Street League event. I honestly had a lot of other stuff going on, I got a small promotion at work and I kind of settled on the fact that I would have to just watch it on ESPN and hope that in 2011 Street League would hit the midwest.
Weeks went on and every time there was a little more press about the events, I would be excited, but bummed at the same time because I so badly wanted to be able to experience it live.
A little bit of back-story - I have a little brother and sister, they are twins and they are 16. I brought my little sister in May to the sk84life event because she is a little bit bigger of a fan of Fantasy Factory than my brother, so I thought she would appreciate it more. My brother has ALWAYS wanted to go to LA. He is fascinated by Hollywood and celebrities and all of that. He was kind of bummed she got to go instead of him, but I promised him that the next time I went out there, he could come with.
Fast forward to a couple weeks ago, I was killing time on twitter like I do too often, and I tweeted that I was doing everything I possibly could to get out to a Street League event. Rob saw the tweet and he responded "@shygirl364 If you make it out there, I will give you tickets!"
My jaw dropped. First was shock, then the happy tears came. This was the second time a tweet has made me cry happy tears, the first one was from Carl's Jr telling me if I could make it out to LA, I won the sk84life contest. At this point I was determined. I had to get out to an event, it didn't matter which one, I just NEEDED to get out there. I thought about it for a few hours and decided on LA. I mean, I DID promise my brother he would be able to go out there sometime with me. Also, LA is pretty much my favorite city in the world. I do plan on moving out there eventually when I can make it happen financially. LA was the perfect choice.
We decided on flying out there Thursday, Sept 9th and flying home on Tuesday, Sept. 14th. That way, I have plenty of time for the Street League festivities and I also have a bunch of time to show my brother everything that is wonderful in LA. Luckily, my dad works for a hotel chain and he was able to help us out with hotel rooms. I got a great deal on a rental car. I also had someone generously give me some advice on twitter on how to get a discount on airfare. I am putting in a bunch of extra hours at work and I am going to actually make this happen.
Now it is two weeks until we leave and I am SO excited! The first Street League event is this weekend in Arizona and I am loving all the press it is getting. Every picture and radio interview is making me more and more excited!
A little bit of background for those who don't know much about Street League - Street League is a street skateboarding league created by Rob Dyrdek. The competition is 100% focused on street skating as opposed to X-Games and other competitions where it is about a bunch of different extreme sports. This is the first league created by a professional street skateboarder, so it is going to be so much better in every aspect than any other skateboarding event out there. There is also a different scoring system which keeps players updated after each trick as opposed to after each run, so they know when they need to step their game up.
24 of the TOP street skateboarders in the world have signed exclusive contracts with Street League, so that right there tells you it is a big deal. Paul Rodriguez, Eric Koston, Greg Lutzka, Chris Cole, Billy Marks, Ryan Sheckler, Nyjah Huston, Shane O'Neill, Torey Pudwill..and that's just a few names. I could seriously go on and on but that gives you just a taste of how serious this really is. I remember growing up playing as some of these guys in the Tony Hawk Pro Skater games. It's a big deal.
Anyways, it is a dream come true to be able to see these guys skate in person all under one roof. I got a chance to see Chris Cole, Sean Malto and Torey Pudwill do a little bit of skating at the Sk84life event and it was awesome. I can't even fathom how amazing this is going to be. AND I will get another chance to see Rob Dyrdek in person. I really hope I do get a chance to at least say hi to him and thank him again for everything. I know he will be super busy that day or even that whole week, so it might not happen, but I hope it does. I'd also love to meet Steve Berra, haha. I was hoping he was going to be at the sk84life event but he was out of the country. I am pretty sure he will be at the event since The Berrics is a sponsor. Honestly, there are so many people I would love to meet but getting to say hi to Rob is my priority. He has done so much for me not only as far as being generous every time I've met him, but he has given me the ability to believe in myself again after a long time of feeling like I would never accomplish anything in this world.
14 more days..my brother and I are both SO excited. So far, this is all I can think of to show him.
-Hollywood blvd
-Hollywood Sign
-Warner Brothers Studio Tour (I've taken it 7 out of the 8 times I've been to LA and it is amazing EVERY SINGLE TIME)
-Millions of Milkshakes (his idea)
-Santa Monica Pier
-Venice Beach (I've actually never been there)
-Hopefully there will be some sort of movie premiere or red carpet we can see so he can get a glimpse of a few celebrities. I know the VMAs are on the 12th but I'm pretty sure the area will be on lock-down and I don't think tickets to the event or the red carpet are available to the public
-NoHo Safe Spot Skate Spot
-Wild Grinders 711
-I NEED to drive my brother by the Fantasy Factory. I know we can't go inside, but it is so exciting just to see the big blue gate and the Dyrdek Enterprises sign. It's just so awesome to actually be standing there in person.
That's all I can think of right now...if anyone has any suggestions let me know! It's his first time and he wants to see EVERYTHING!
I am sure I will probably write another Street League blog before I leave for the trip, and I might even end up writing one on the plane. Also, you can expect a full review of how amazing the event was when I get back. That is how I plan to spend the 3.5 hours on the plane ride home.
Talk to you all soon!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Season 3 Episode 7 of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory!
I can't believe we are more than halfway through the season already! It is going by so fast! This last episode, "He's Just A Little Mini Pig," was hilarious. It was one of my favorite episodes this season. Rob and Jeremy wanted to prove that they are happier than one another and it was so much fun to watch!
The show opens with the guys skating on the mini ramp which is filled with red, yellow and blue balloons. It looked like fun, but it also looked pretty scary. Rob made it through the balloons but both Big Cat and Drama slammed when dropping into the mini ramp. Jeremy came out of his office and he was mad because the guys were popping balloons and it was interrupting him while he was on the phone. Rob called him a "fun hater," and told him to stop being negative. He told Jeremy he wasn't happy right now and Jeremy disagreed saying he was very happy. This set up the premise of the episode - Jeremy vs. Rob in a fun battle.
After the opening credits, Rob walks up to Chanel in the lobby and she has a photo of a "weird Indian man" on her desk. Rob asked her why it was there and she explained that it was Jeremy's picture. It was a spiritual adviser that Jeremy is really into. Chanel said that Jeremy even had a picture of this guy in his port-a-potty upstairs. Rob gets a little weirded out, grabs the photo and runs up to corpo. He goes up to Shelby, a guy who works in Corpo, and asks him if he ever heard of this man. He says he doesn't know much about him, just that his boss (Jeremy) is really into him. Then he goes to Drama. Drama asks why he has that photo and tells Rob that he is kinda freaking him out a little bit. Rob enters Jeremy's office, sits down, and asks who exactly H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the man in the photograph, is. Jeremy explains that H.H. stands for "His Holiness," and Sri Sri has created something that millions of people follow, in 140 different countries. Sri Sri's spiritual advising has helped Jeremy a great deal in his life. Rob wanted to know how he obtained "His Holiness" status, and Jeremy said it is just his title.
Jeremy continues to explain Sri Sri is all about living in a peaceful, stress free environment and he thinks it is something Rob could benefit from. He talks about how true happiness has nothing to do with wealth and material items, it comes from within. Then Rob grills Jeremy about his expensive watch, his Maserati and his house on the ocean. They both think that they live a happier life than each other and they want to prove who in fact is happier.
Rob says that he wants to set up a competition testing each others happiness and he also wants to see what he has to do to get "H.H." placed in front of his name to become "His Holiness Rob Dyrdek," haha. Before Rob leaves the office, he tells Jeremy that he needs to just clear up a rumor really quickly. He opens the door to Jeremy's port-a-potty and pulls out a picture of Sri Sri. Rob starts laughing.
Rob - "Are you kidding me?!"
Jeremy - "What are you doing? Some things aren't funny to joke about."
Rob - "I'll tell you one thing I'm never gonna do, and that's judge a man with a small portrait of another man, in a port-a-potty"
It was so hilarious! In the next scene, Rob walks into the building with a small pig in his arms. He goes up to Chanel at the front desk. Chanel thought it was adorable and asked to hold her, but when Rob went to hand the pig to her, it started squealing like crazy. Rob determined that Chanel gave off "bad pig vibes," and he continued into the factory.
Rob - "Look at this little pig! This is all yours all week, you can run around here and just pig off!"
Drama had a mixed look on his face of confusion and excitement. He asked Rob if that was a baby pig and Rob said it was. The camera shot over to Meaty and Beefy in Rob's office and they looked like they were ready to pounce. Rob said his only concern was introducing it to these guys.
Drama - "No way, look at him ready for some bacon!" and Meaty and Beefy licked their lips, haha.
Rob told Drama he might have to hold on to it and Drama was not too excited. They went into Drama's office and put the mini pig on the couch. They were petting it and Drama asked Rob why he had it. Rob said someone asked him to watch it for a week. Drama reminded Rob about how mini farm animals weren't really the ideal pet (referring to Mini Horse from Rob and Big). Rob agreed but he said once he had the little pig in his arms he couldn't say no. Then he looked down and he had pig crap all over his pink t-shirt, haha. You could tell at this point that it was going to be a fun week with the mini pig.
The camera cuts to an exterior shot of the Factory to start the next scene and Rob gets on the intercom -
"Guys, gals, come on down! It's free skate time in the Fantasy Factory!"
Drama peeks out of his office and sees Rob sitting at his desk wearing roller skates. Rob continues "It's time to show Jeremy Larner what happiness is all about!"
Everyone from Corpo comes down and gathers around Rob. He passes out a pair of skates to everyone and when he gets to Jeremy, he had a different box. Jeremy opens it up and it is a pair of pink and black skates, haha. Jeremy didn't want to wear them but we all know Rob can pretty much convince anyone to do anything, and Jeremy put them on. They were all having trouble balancing and Jeremy grabbed on to Rob's hips to steady himself. It didn't work too well and Jeremy ended up falling, pulling Rob down with him.
Rob - "Do not put your hands on another man with wheels."
I was laughing so hard at this point. Then the camera switches between everyone in the factory trying to skate. Chanel wiped out, Drama was doing alright, Jeremy fell hard. Then Rob brought everyone together and used a remote to dim the factory lights and start a disco ball and some roller disco music. Everyone was pretty excited and we saw everyone trying to get down the steps and ramps on their skates. Rob told them that it was time to create a snake. "Throw your hands on my hips players, let's get weird!"
People were falling left and right and it was hysterical! There were a couple people who pulled off some good moves. Shelby from Corpo looked like a pro! Drama was doing pretty good. A couple things I loved about this scene, not only was it hilarious, we got to see a lot of the behind the scenes people who work in Corpo! Talisha made her first appearance! We also saw Brian Atlas, the general manager for Streetleague, and we even saw Kevin Delaney and Tai who work for Young and Reckless for a brief second! Geoffrey and Tracy were there, along with a few other people whose names I am not completely sure of. It was nice to see the whole group together! Also, if you watch closely, you can see the Fantasy Factory camera guys trying to keep up with the skating by filming on a side hack! Must be such a fun job! haha.
After the roller skating, there was a commercial break, and when we come back Drama and Rob are in Drama's office with the pig and Drama calls Chanel and asks her to come and try and bond with it. Chanel comes in and goes slowly up to the pig while talking in a baby voice. She sits on the couch and asks "wanna smell me?" while holding her hand out. The pig starts walking backwards with it's ass towards the camera and Rob goes "smell this," haha! This was so SO funny! Another moment in the show where I was laughing so hard. This one had my entire family cracking up! The pig started to pee and Rob ran over, grabbed the pig and put her in the litter box, but it wasn't soon enough. She marked her territory all over the couch in Drama's office.
The next scene begins with Jeremy calling Rob from his office. He tells Rob that since Rob agreed to go on a spiritual journey with him, he wants to take him to a breathing class. Rob was a little bit confused about a class that teaches breathing, but he went along with it anyways and brought Drama for the ride. Rob, Drama and Jeremy enter this house where they are greeted by a breathing instructor named Rajshree. Jeremy was introducing all of them and Rajshree asked Drama if he was freaked out, haha. He said no, but she told him that he looked freaked out. Drama always looks a little weirded out when he goes on one of Rob's adventures. The four of them got on the floor and Rajshree told them to watch what she does and duplicate it. She had her arms up and as she brought them down she breathed really hard out of her nose. Rob and Drama were looking at Jeremy like he was crazy and Drama said if he does this he is going to snot all over himself. Rob started doing it, then Drama followed. I don't want to knock the breathing technique at all, I'm sure it is great and works really well for people. All I am going to say, is the three of them all lined up in a row breathing like this looked hilarious.
This scene reminded me of when Rob and Jeremy were at the top of a cliff in season one when they were going to go zip lining for the first time. Jeremy did this weird breathing technique to get himself ready and I think if I remember correctly, during the commentary they talked about how Jeremy really didn't want to explain it, it was private. I wonder if these two breathing techniques are related in any way.
Anyways, they finish the breathing class and Rob said he feels pretty good.
Rob - "At any point did the sun come through here and come on my face?"
After he said that Jeremy and Drama busted out laughing and Rob tried to save it.
Rob - "Wait, did the sun shine through here at ANY point?"
Rajshree - "No,"
Rob - "Is it called something when you're in the bright light?"
Rajshree - "Yes. Koo Koo."
This scene was so funny. I am sure you can't really understand it without watching it, so if you haven't seen the episode, just go watch and you will see what I mean. After the breathing lesson, they walked out of the house and you can hear someone sniffing. Then Rob asks Jeremy if he smells that, it smells like an old man. Sure enough, the camera pans to the road and there is an old man walking down the street. Rob ends the scene with telling Drama and Jeremy how he has incredibly good senses right now.
After the commercial we see a mechanical bull in the factory and Rob is dressed like a cowboy. He goes into Drama's office with a bunch of cowboy hats and tells him he is still on his mission to prove who is happier between Jeremy and himself. They go out into the factory and the whole Corpo crew is there again, this time wearing cowboy outfits instead of roller skates. Rob challenges everyone to see who can last the longest on the bull and Chanel hops on first. She lasted 10 seconds before being thrown off. Next was Big Cat who only lasted 6. Drama got 7, and Jeremy got 7. Next it was Rob's turn. He already had some previous bull riding experience from when he went out to Mississippi during season two of Rob and Big, so I knew he would probably be able to last the longest. Rob was able to hold on to the bull for 22 seconds!
Everyone gathered around and Rob asked for a show of hands for everyone who thinks Jeremy had a good time. Everyone raised their hand and Rob asked Jeremy if he did have a good time. Jeremy said he did and another hilarious quote from the show was born.
Rob - "Did you express joy?"
Jeremy "I had a good time. Definitely a GOOD time, but I'm going to show you a GREAT time."
For some reason when that last sentence came out of Jeremy's mouth, it had kind of a seductive tone to it and it pretty much made the scene, haha. Everyone started laughing and they all went back to work.
Next we see Jeremy call down to Rob in his office and he tells him that Sri Sri is actually sitting up there with him right now. Rob told Drama that "His Holiness" was in the building and they went upstairs.
Rob asked Sri Sri what his mission was and Sri Sri responded, "To put a smile on all those faces which have forgotten to smile."
Rob tells him that he thinks a thrill adds to life happiness and Sri Sri says he is ready to experience the thrill. Jeremy was visibly nervous about Rob taking Sri Sri to go and do some thrilling, reckless things, but that didn't stop Rob. We see Sri Sri shooting the tennis ball gun at Rob and Jeremy, playing basketball, jumping into the foam pit, driving Rob's go kart (where Drama comments that "A man in a robe should never be driving a go kart,") and then Rob takes him for a spin in the T-Rex. Sri Sri basically had the ultimate fun day at the Fantasy Factory. I am pretty sure every single Fantasy Factory fan was ridiculously jealous of Sri Sri's day. I know I was, haha.
When they got back to the factory, Sri Sri got out of the car and Rob couldn't get his seat belt to unfasten. Sri Sri reaches in to the car and says "Let me release you." With that, he is able to successfully unfasten Rob's seat belt, releasing Rob from the car.
Rob - "He just guru'd me right there,"
Jeremy told Sri Sri that he is always the one telling Rob that he shouldn't be doing all these crazy things and Sri Sri replied that he actually thinks Rob should do MORE crazy things! They go out into the lobby and Rob hugs Sri Sri and says his goodbyes. After Sri Sri leaves, Rob comments on how now he just wants to grow a beard and wear a robe every day for the rest of his life, haha.
They had a commercial break and when they came back, Big Cat brought the mini pig into Rob's office and said it was time to say bye, he was taking the pig back home. Big Cat put the cage on Rob's desk and Rob and Meaty both said bye. As Big Cat walked away with the pig, they rolled an amazing montage of Rob's happy moments with the pig. Beefy followed Big Cat all the way to the door and when Big Cat was gone, Rob called Beefy over.
Rob - "Yeah, see you're here forever cause you're so pretty! You're here forever cause you're a real pretty pig! Not some dumb, little, silly, real pig! Come on in guys, lets just hang with us. No more farm animals, we've learned our lesson with that."
The last scene of the show, Rob calls up to Jeremy's office and asks him how he is doing. Rob says he is really happy right now and he wants Jeremy to come down so he can show him something. Rob, Jeremy, Chanel, Drama and Big Cat go outside and Rob explained to them how he really had a great time with H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and he wants to be an H.H. too. Rob said from here on out, he is His Happiness Dyrdek. The camera pans up to the Dyrdek Enterprises sign on the front of the factory and we now see a brand new H.H. placed in front of the Dyrdek.
Episode 7 was another great episode. Tons of laugh out loud moments. Don't forget, this blog is not to be used as a substitute to watching the actual show! I'm sure there are a few details I missed that can only be fully appreciated by watching. If you missed it, go to mtv.com and they have the full episode up. Also, a limited number of mini pig Young and Reckless T-shirts are available at youngandreckless.com. I already ordered mine!
Next week we have TWO brand new episodes, a FULL HOUR of Fantasy Factory! In the first episode the group decides to have an awkward intervention for Big Cat. The second episode is a brand new best of and behind the scenes episode! I am very much looking forward to next week, any time Big Cat's awkwardness is addressed, it is hilarious!
The show opens with the guys skating on the mini ramp which is filled with red, yellow and blue balloons. It looked like fun, but it also looked pretty scary. Rob made it through the balloons but both Big Cat and Drama slammed when dropping into the mini ramp. Jeremy came out of his office and he was mad because the guys were popping balloons and it was interrupting him while he was on the phone. Rob called him a "fun hater," and told him to stop being negative. He told Jeremy he wasn't happy right now and Jeremy disagreed saying he was very happy. This set up the premise of the episode - Jeremy vs. Rob in a fun battle.
After the opening credits, Rob walks up to Chanel in the lobby and she has a photo of a "weird Indian man" on her desk. Rob asked her why it was there and she explained that it was Jeremy's picture. It was a spiritual adviser that Jeremy is really into. Chanel said that Jeremy even had a picture of this guy in his port-a-potty upstairs. Rob gets a little weirded out, grabs the photo and runs up to corpo. He goes up to Shelby, a guy who works in Corpo, and asks him if he ever heard of this man. He says he doesn't know much about him, just that his boss (Jeremy) is really into him. Then he goes to Drama. Drama asks why he has that photo and tells Rob that he is kinda freaking him out a little bit. Rob enters Jeremy's office, sits down, and asks who exactly H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the man in the photograph, is. Jeremy explains that H.H. stands for "His Holiness," and Sri Sri has created something that millions of people follow, in 140 different countries. Sri Sri's spiritual advising has helped Jeremy a great deal in his life. Rob wanted to know how he obtained "His Holiness" status, and Jeremy said it is just his title.
Jeremy continues to explain Sri Sri is all about living in a peaceful, stress free environment and he thinks it is something Rob could benefit from. He talks about how true happiness has nothing to do with wealth and material items, it comes from within. Then Rob grills Jeremy about his expensive watch, his Maserati and his house on the ocean. They both think that they live a happier life than each other and they want to prove who in fact is happier.
Rob says that he wants to set up a competition testing each others happiness and he also wants to see what he has to do to get "H.H." placed in front of his name to become "His Holiness Rob Dyrdek," haha. Before Rob leaves the office, he tells Jeremy that he needs to just clear up a rumor really quickly. He opens the door to Jeremy's port-a-potty and pulls out a picture of Sri Sri. Rob starts laughing.
Rob - "Are you kidding me?!"
Jeremy - "What are you doing? Some things aren't funny to joke about."
Rob - "I'll tell you one thing I'm never gonna do, and that's judge a man with a small portrait of another man, in a port-a-potty"
It was so hilarious! In the next scene, Rob walks into the building with a small pig in his arms. He goes up to Chanel at the front desk. Chanel thought it was adorable and asked to hold her, but when Rob went to hand the pig to her, it started squealing like crazy. Rob determined that Chanel gave off "bad pig vibes," and he continued into the factory.
Rob - "Look at this little pig! This is all yours all week, you can run around here and just pig off!"
Drama had a mixed look on his face of confusion and excitement. He asked Rob if that was a baby pig and Rob said it was. The camera shot over to Meaty and Beefy in Rob's office and they looked like they were ready to pounce. Rob said his only concern was introducing it to these guys.
Drama - "No way, look at him ready for some bacon!" and Meaty and Beefy licked their lips, haha.
Rob told Drama he might have to hold on to it and Drama was not too excited. They went into Drama's office and put the mini pig on the couch. They were petting it and Drama asked Rob why he had it. Rob said someone asked him to watch it for a week. Drama reminded Rob about how mini farm animals weren't really the ideal pet (referring to Mini Horse from Rob and Big). Rob agreed but he said once he had the little pig in his arms he couldn't say no. Then he looked down and he had pig crap all over his pink t-shirt, haha. You could tell at this point that it was going to be a fun week with the mini pig.
The camera cuts to an exterior shot of the Factory to start the next scene and Rob gets on the intercom -
"Guys, gals, come on down! It's free skate time in the Fantasy Factory!"
Drama peeks out of his office and sees Rob sitting at his desk wearing roller skates. Rob continues "It's time to show Jeremy Larner what happiness is all about!"
Everyone from Corpo comes down and gathers around Rob. He passes out a pair of skates to everyone and when he gets to Jeremy, he had a different box. Jeremy opens it up and it is a pair of pink and black skates, haha. Jeremy didn't want to wear them but we all know Rob can pretty much convince anyone to do anything, and Jeremy put them on. They were all having trouble balancing and Jeremy grabbed on to Rob's hips to steady himself. It didn't work too well and Jeremy ended up falling, pulling Rob down with him.
Rob - "Do not put your hands on another man with wheels."
I was laughing so hard at this point. Then the camera switches between everyone in the factory trying to skate. Chanel wiped out, Drama was doing alright, Jeremy fell hard. Then Rob brought everyone together and used a remote to dim the factory lights and start a disco ball and some roller disco music. Everyone was pretty excited and we saw everyone trying to get down the steps and ramps on their skates. Rob told them that it was time to create a snake. "Throw your hands on my hips players, let's get weird!"
People were falling left and right and it was hysterical! There were a couple people who pulled off some good moves. Shelby from Corpo looked like a pro! Drama was doing pretty good. A couple things I loved about this scene, not only was it hilarious, we got to see a lot of the behind the scenes people who work in Corpo! Talisha made her first appearance! We also saw Brian Atlas, the general manager for Streetleague, and we even saw Kevin Delaney and Tai who work for Young and Reckless for a brief second! Geoffrey and Tracy were there, along with a few other people whose names I am not completely sure of. It was nice to see the whole group together! Also, if you watch closely, you can see the Fantasy Factory camera guys trying to keep up with the skating by filming on a side hack! Must be such a fun job! haha.
After the roller skating, there was a commercial break, and when we come back Drama and Rob are in Drama's office with the pig and Drama calls Chanel and asks her to come and try and bond with it. Chanel comes in and goes slowly up to the pig while talking in a baby voice. She sits on the couch and asks "wanna smell me?" while holding her hand out. The pig starts walking backwards with it's ass towards the camera and Rob goes "smell this," haha! This was so SO funny! Another moment in the show where I was laughing so hard. This one had my entire family cracking up! The pig started to pee and Rob ran over, grabbed the pig and put her in the litter box, but it wasn't soon enough. She marked her territory all over the couch in Drama's office.
The next scene begins with Jeremy calling Rob from his office. He tells Rob that since Rob agreed to go on a spiritual journey with him, he wants to take him to a breathing class. Rob was a little bit confused about a class that teaches breathing, but he went along with it anyways and brought Drama for the ride. Rob, Drama and Jeremy enter this house where they are greeted by a breathing instructor named Rajshree. Jeremy was introducing all of them and Rajshree asked Drama if he was freaked out, haha. He said no, but she told him that he looked freaked out. Drama always looks a little weirded out when he goes on one of Rob's adventures. The four of them got on the floor and Rajshree told them to watch what she does and duplicate it. She had her arms up and as she brought them down she breathed really hard out of her nose. Rob and Drama were looking at Jeremy like he was crazy and Drama said if he does this he is going to snot all over himself. Rob started doing it, then Drama followed. I don't want to knock the breathing technique at all, I'm sure it is great and works really well for people. All I am going to say, is the three of them all lined up in a row breathing like this looked hilarious.
This scene reminded me of when Rob and Jeremy were at the top of a cliff in season one when they were going to go zip lining for the first time. Jeremy did this weird breathing technique to get himself ready and I think if I remember correctly, during the commentary they talked about how Jeremy really didn't want to explain it, it was private. I wonder if these two breathing techniques are related in any way.
Anyways, they finish the breathing class and Rob said he feels pretty good.
Rob - "At any point did the sun come through here and come on my face?"
After he said that Jeremy and Drama busted out laughing and Rob tried to save it.
Rob - "Wait, did the sun shine through here at ANY point?"
Rajshree - "No,"
Rob - "Is it called something when you're in the bright light?"
Rajshree - "Yes. Koo Koo."
This scene was so funny. I am sure you can't really understand it without watching it, so if you haven't seen the episode, just go watch and you will see what I mean. After the breathing lesson, they walked out of the house and you can hear someone sniffing. Then Rob asks Jeremy if he smells that, it smells like an old man. Sure enough, the camera pans to the road and there is an old man walking down the street. Rob ends the scene with telling Drama and Jeremy how he has incredibly good senses right now.
After the commercial we see a mechanical bull in the factory and Rob is dressed like a cowboy. He goes into Drama's office with a bunch of cowboy hats and tells him he is still on his mission to prove who is happier between Jeremy and himself. They go out into the factory and the whole Corpo crew is there again, this time wearing cowboy outfits instead of roller skates. Rob challenges everyone to see who can last the longest on the bull and Chanel hops on first. She lasted 10 seconds before being thrown off. Next was Big Cat who only lasted 6. Drama got 7, and Jeremy got 7. Next it was Rob's turn. He already had some previous bull riding experience from when he went out to Mississippi during season two of Rob and Big, so I knew he would probably be able to last the longest. Rob was able to hold on to the bull for 22 seconds!
Everyone gathered around and Rob asked for a show of hands for everyone who thinks Jeremy had a good time. Everyone raised their hand and Rob asked Jeremy if he did have a good time. Jeremy said he did and another hilarious quote from the show was born.
Rob - "Did you express joy?"
Jeremy "I had a good time. Definitely a GOOD time, but I'm going to show you a GREAT time."
For some reason when that last sentence came out of Jeremy's mouth, it had kind of a seductive tone to it and it pretty much made the scene, haha. Everyone started laughing and they all went back to work.
Next we see Jeremy call down to Rob in his office and he tells him that Sri Sri is actually sitting up there with him right now. Rob told Drama that "His Holiness" was in the building and they went upstairs.
Rob asked Sri Sri what his mission was and Sri Sri responded, "To put a smile on all those faces which have forgotten to smile."
Rob tells him that he thinks a thrill adds to life happiness and Sri Sri says he is ready to experience the thrill. Jeremy was visibly nervous about Rob taking Sri Sri to go and do some thrilling, reckless things, but that didn't stop Rob. We see Sri Sri shooting the tennis ball gun at Rob and Jeremy, playing basketball, jumping into the foam pit, driving Rob's go kart (where Drama comments that "A man in a robe should never be driving a go kart,") and then Rob takes him for a spin in the T-Rex. Sri Sri basically had the ultimate fun day at the Fantasy Factory. I am pretty sure every single Fantasy Factory fan was ridiculously jealous of Sri Sri's day. I know I was, haha.
When they got back to the factory, Sri Sri got out of the car and Rob couldn't get his seat belt to unfasten. Sri Sri reaches in to the car and says "Let me release you." With that, he is able to successfully unfasten Rob's seat belt, releasing Rob from the car.
Rob - "He just guru'd me right there,"
Jeremy told Sri Sri that he is always the one telling Rob that he shouldn't be doing all these crazy things and Sri Sri replied that he actually thinks Rob should do MORE crazy things! They go out into the lobby and Rob hugs Sri Sri and says his goodbyes. After Sri Sri leaves, Rob comments on how now he just wants to grow a beard and wear a robe every day for the rest of his life, haha.
They had a commercial break and when they came back, Big Cat brought the mini pig into Rob's office and said it was time to say bye, he was taking the pig back home. Big Cat put the cage on Rob's desk and Rob and Meaty both said bye. As Big Cat walked away with the pig, they rolled an amazing montage of Rob's happy moments with the pig. Beefy followed Big Cat all the way to the door and when Big Cat was gone, Rob called Beefy over.
Rob - "Yeah, see you're here forever cause you're so pretty! You're here forever cause you're a real pretty pig! Not some dumb, little, silly, real pig! Come on in guys, lets just hang with us. No more farm animals, we've learned our lesson with that."
The last scene of the show, Rob calls up to Jeremy's office and asks him how he is doing. Rob says he is really happy right now and he wants Jeremy to come down so he can show him something. Rob, Jeremy, Chanel, Drama and Big Cat go outside and Rob explained to them how he really had a great time with H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and he wants to be an H.H. too. Rob said from here on out, he is His Happiness Dyrdek. The camera pans up to the Dyrdek Enterprises sign on the front of the factory and we now see a brand new H.H. placed in front of the Dyrdek.
Episode 7 was another great episode. Tons of laugh out loud moments. Don't forget, this blog is not to be used as a substitute to watching the actual show! I'm sure there are a few details I missed that can only be fully appreciated by watching. If you missed it, go to mtv.com and they have the full episode up. Also, a limited number of mini pig Young and Reckless T-shirts are available at youngandreckless.com. I already ordered mine!
Next week we have TWO brand new episodes, a FULL HOUR of Fantasy Factory! In the first episode the group decides to have an awkward intervention for Big Cat. The second episode is a brand new best of and behind the scenes episode! I am very much looking forward to next week, any time Big Cat's awkwardness is addressed, it is hilarious!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Season 3 Episode 6 of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory!
This weeks episode titled "Operation Save Patty!" was an episode I've been looking forward to since February. Six months ago, while this episode was being filmed, was the first time I met Rob Dyrdek. I decided to take a chance and drive 5.5 hours hoping I would see him somewhere. If you don't remember my story or never got a chance to read it, here is the link.
"Operation Save Patty" was a great episode. I already knew it was going to be hilarious because every episode that features the Dyrdek Family is just so funny. Rob tends to revert back to his 16 year old self whenever he is around his parents and it is so much fun to watch. This episode was based on Rob's idea to go back home and help out his mom Pat, who had just shattered her ankle. Rob wanted to do everything he could to make things easier for her. He decided to get Drama, fly back home to Kettering, OH, and begin Operation Save Patty.
The show opens with Drama on what looks like a snakeboard. I honestly don't know what it is. I tried to google it and I got a lot of different names. It's either called a Snakeboard or a RipStik. It's not a regular skateboard, it looks like the wheels are in a row rather than next to each other. Drama is skating around on it and Rob tells him to drop in on the bank ramp. Drama is hesitant because he is sure he will fall. Drama does it and he does fine until he hits a tiny ramp on the Wildgrinders setup. The board stops moving and Drama doesn't. He ends up skidding across the factory floor, all the way to one of the red rails! Drama took a pretty good slam. I think I mentioned it last week, it was shown in the beginning of the sketchiest moments episode. Rob and Big Cat start cracking up and Rob says to Drama "The new brave Drama is so much better."
The opening credits roll and when we get back, Rob and Drama are sitting in Rob's office. Rob is telling Drama about how he got a call from his sister and she said his mom shattered her ankle while going down the stairs. Rob said that she will be bedridden for two months, and he wants to go out there and help her. He calls his mom up and puts her on speakerphone. They talk for a little bit and Pat tells Rob that when he called the previous week and left a message of himself singing to her, it did not make her feel better and she wanted to tell Rob to shut up! She also told Rob he is not funny. That was all Rob needed to hear, his new mission was to go out to Ohio and not only help his mom feel better, he also needed to prove to her that he IS funny.
Rob gets off the phone and Drama asks Rob if he is sure he needs him to come with. Rob starts a speech in a drill sargent kind of voice about how this is bigger than just going out to Ohio to be there for his mom. "...She can't get to the toilet! She can't watch DVDs! This is BIGGER than ME AND YOU! This is an OPERATION! We need to JOIN TOGETHER in OPERATION SAVE PATTY and MAKE. THIS. HAPPEN!"
Rob asks Drama if he is with him and Drama says he is in, as long as Rob stops screaming. Then Rob asks Drama if he thinks he is funny. Drama responds yeah, he just doesn't think Rob has "mom humor."
Rob brings Drama out into the factory and says watch this, this is action funny. He gets on top of one of those things construction workers use to get high up and he extends it to the top. He brings it over to Jeremy's window and when he gets there he rolls down past his window with his bare ass up against the glass. You could actually hear the squeaking from Rob's ass rubbing against the glass. It was HILARIOUS! Jeremy got so mad and Rob says "That is funny." Jeremy tells Rob that's not funny, that's disgusting. Rob tells Jeremy he is going out to Ohio to help his mom and then the camera switches to the Dayton, OH Airport. When Rob and Drama get there, they have a white handicap accessible van waiting for them and Rob pulls out two purple hoodies with the Operation Save Patty logo on them. Rob wraps a purple blanket around his head and Drama says he looks like a "Barney Terrorist," and he is going to scare his mom. Rob says he will be sending out positivity through purple.
They load up the van with their stuff and drive over to "MedMart," a store that specializes in medical equipment. Rob and Drama grab some knee walkers and start doing manuals with them. Rob says it could be a sport. He picks up a couple of jazzies, a portable toilet chair and a knee walker. Drama makes a funny comment about how it is ironic that they don't have automatic doors at a store that sells medical stuff.
They pile everything into the car and head over to the Dyrdek's house. Gene meets them outside and they bring everything in. Rob and Drama attempt to lift one of the jazzies up the stairs and they drop it. Gene says to be careful, "This might turn into Operation save Drama and save Rob," haha.
Rob drives the jazzy into his parents bedroom and Pat is laying in bed. Rob gives her a hug and tells her he got her a bunch of new equipment to help her. The jazzy wasn't working too well because there was no room upstairs to move around in it. The knee walker didn't work because it hurt when Pat tried to use it. Rob was getting frustrated because Operation Save Patty was failing. He told his mom he had one more thing that he thought she would be excited about. He brought in the portable toilet and she wasn't too amused. Rob started listing off new things he can get to make this operation a success and he said "What if I get Operation Save Patty tattooed across my chest?" Gene replied, "Then it would be exactly like all this stuff. A mistake." Gene is pretty quick witted, he has some pretty funny quotes if you go through all the episodes that Rob's family is in.
Denise, Rob's sister stops by and Rob gives her a hug. He tells her he wanted to make sure the portable toilet went to her, since Pat won't be using it. Rob and his family sit down for dinner and Gene makes a toast about Operation Save Patty being more successful tomorrow.
The next scene is Operation Save Patty: Day 2, and Rob and Drama are driving through Kettering. Rob says it's funny to him that his mom really doesn't think he is funny. They spot a comedy house, which is odd because Kettering really isn't a big city at all. When I was there they basically had one large outdoor mall where they had pretty much everything you needed. It looks like "The Funny Bone," the comedy house they spotted, is in that mall. Rob said he was going to do a comedy show to prove how funny he is to Pat.
They pull up to the house and Rob gives his mom a standard wheelchair, the one thing she really wanted. Rob says since day one was a failure, he hired a bunch of people to help make day two successful. Rob's mom says she feels like she is on Extreme Home Makeover and Rob says he is Ty Pennington, haha. Rob gets out of the way and lets everyone start working.
The camera cuts to Rob, Drama, Pat and Gene all sitting down in what looks like a family room or the basement. Rob says "Mom, Chris thinks I am super funny, what do you think?" Pat says "I don't think so." The workers are busy installing the chair lift on the stairs and they are using a drill. Rob gets up and every time the drill goes off he makes it look like he is farting. This scene was SO funny! My whole family was cracking up. Rob's facial expressions and body movements were so in sync with the drilling, he really pulled it off perfectly. It's extra funny because if you watched the episode last season where Rob goes to Myrtle Beach with his family, you know that Pat despises anything that has to do with "tooting," haha. Rob bought a fart machine just to mess with her and she took it away. I was laughing so hard during this scene, I could barely concentrate on what Rob was saying. Pat actually did start laughing a little bit but she said it's not funny, it was disgusting. Rob said he wanted to go check out the skate plaza while the workers were busy installing everything.
The Rob Dyrdek Skate Plaza is the first place my sister and I went when we arrived in Kettering that morning. I've never been there before so I wanted to get out and actually walk the plaza to see what it was like. We walked up to the plaza and literally almost fell 50 times. I am honestly surprised I didn't. That plaza was SO ICY. It's made up of ramps, rails, stairs and ledges and it is not fun at all trying to walk up icy ramps and stairs. When I got there it looked like someone set it up for snowboarding. The snow was smoothed down over the stairs and it led to a barrel as a gap. It was pretty steep. I was excited to see this episode and see how Rob and Drama did when they skated on it. They did pretty well, they took a few slams but for the most part it looked like they had a lot of fun!
They headed back to see if the workers were finished installing all of the new equipment. When they pulled up to the house Rob noted how his dad dug the snow off of a duck statue that was sitting on their lawn, so its head wasn't covered. I thought that was pretty funny. Rob went inside and showed his mom the new chair lift. Once they got upstairs he showed her the new bed that elevates and the 32 inch plasma TV he bought her. Rob said he also got a cherry on top - the 20th anniversary collection of The Oprah Show. Over 900 hours of Oprah, haha. They deemed Operation Save Patty day 2 a success and Rob told his mom that he wanted to bring her out tonight because he was going to do a special stand up comedy show to show her how funny he really is.
As they pulled up to The Funny Bone, Rob was getting nervous. They all go inside and Rob heads back stage. He asks the other comedians there if they have any advice. They told Rob just to relax and he should be fine. The MC went on and hyped the crowd up for Rob. Rob went on stage and he did good! The crowd was laughing before he even made a joke! Rob joked about how he grew up with a O.D.D.P - Open Door Dumping Policy. It is exactly what it sounds like, haha. I don't want to give the jokes away by writing the whole thing, you just need to watch Rob perform on stage. Rob closes with another hilarious joke and at the end Patty finally admits that Rob was funny.
The next morning Rob takes the chair lift downstairs and says his goodbyes to his family. Patty started crying, she cries every time they say goodbye. It's funny because Patty's crying always starts a chain reaction when I watch with my mom, and she starts crying. I guess she knows the feeling, haha.
Rob and Drama talk about how Operation Save Patty was a success but they are ready to get back to California. They drive away and the end credits start rolling.
I loved this episode, I thought it had tons of funny moments! Like I said before, it's always funny to watch how Rob interacts with his family. Next week Rob and Jeremy have a competition to see who is really happier and they get in to all sorts of crazy fun! Also, we finally get introduced to Mini Pig!
"Operation Save Patty" was a great episode. I already knew it was going to be hilarious because every episode that features the Dyrdek Family is just so funny. Rob tends to revert back to his 16 year old self whenever he is around his parents and it is so much fun to watch. This episode was based on Rob's idea to go back home and help out his mom Pat, who had just shattered her ankle. Rob wanted to do everything he could to make things easier for her. He decided to get Drama, fly back home to Kettering, OH, and begin Operation Save Patty.
The show opens with Drama on what looks like a snakeboard. I honestly don't know what it is. I tried to google it and I got a lot of different names. It's either called a Snakeboard or a RipStik. It's not a regular skateboard, it looks like the wheels are in a row rather than next to each other. Drama is skating around on it and Rob tells him to drop in on the bank ramp. Drama is hesitant because he is sure he will fall. Drama does it and he does fine until he hits a tiny ramp on the Wildgrinders setup. The board stops moving and Drama doesn't. He ends up skidding across the factory floor, all the way to one of the red rails! Drama took a pretty good slam. I think I mentioned it last week, it was shown in the beginning of the sketchiest moments episode. Rob and Big Cat start cracking up and Rob says to Drama "The new brave Drama is so much better."
The opening credits roll and when we get back, Rob and Drama are sitting in Rob's office. Rob is telling Drama about how he got a call from his sister and she said his mom shattered her ankle while going down the stairs. Rob said that she will be bedridden for two months, and he wants to go out there and help her. He calls his mom up and puts her on speakerphone. They talk for a little bit and Pat tells Rob that when he called the previous week and left a message of himself singing to her, it did not make her feel better and she wanted to tell Rob to shut up! She also told Rob he is not funny. That was all Rob needed to hear, his new mission was to go out to Ohio and not only help his mom feel better, he also needed to prove to her that he IS funny.
Rob gets off the phone and Drama asks Rob if he is sure he needs him to come with. Rob starts a speech in a drill sargent kind of voice about how this is bigger than just going out to Ohio to be there for his mom. "...She can't get to the toilet! She can't watch DVDs! This is BIGGER than ME AND YOU! This is an OPERATION! We need to JOIN TOGETHER in OPERATION SAVE PATTY and MAKE. THIS. HAPPEN!"
Rob asks Drama if he is with him and Drama says he is in, as long as Rob stops screaming. Then Rob asks Drama if he thinks he is funny. Drama responds yeah, he just doesn't think Rob has "mom humor."
Rob brings Drama out into the factory and says watch this, this is action funny. He gets on top of one of those things construction workers use to get high up and he extends it to the top. He brings it over to Jeremy's window and when he gets there he rolls down past his window with his bare ass up against the glass. You could actually hear the squeaking from Rob's ass rubbing against the glass. It was HILARIOUS! Jeremy got so mad and Rob says "That is funny." Jeremy tells Rob that's not funny, that's disgusting. Rob tells Jeremy he is going out to Ohio to help his mom and then the camera switches to the Dayton, OH Airport. When Rob and Drama get there, they have a white handicap accessible van waiting for them and Rob pulls out two purple hoodies with the Operation Save Patty logo on them. Rob wraps a purple blanket around his head and Drama says he looks like a "Barney Terrorist," and he is going to scare his mom. Rob says he will be sending out positivity through purple.
They load up the van with their stuff and drive over to "MedMart," a store that specializes in medical equipment. Rob and Drama grab some knee walkers and start doing manuals with them. Rob says it could be a sport. He picks up a couple of jazzies, a portable toilet chair and a knee walker. Drama makes a funny comment about how it is ironic that they don't have automatic doors at a store that sells medical stuff.
They pile everything into the car and head over to the Dyrdek's house. Gene meets them outside and they bring everything in. Rob and Drama attempt to lift one of the jazzies up the stairs and they drop it. Gene says to be careful, "This might turn into Operation save Drama and save Rob," haha.
Rob drives the jazzy into his parents bedroom and Pat is laying in bed. Rob gives her a hug and tells her he got her a bunch of new equipment to help her. The jazzy wasn't working too well because there was no room upstairs to move around in it. The knee walker didn't work because it hurt when Pat tried to use it. Rob was getting frustrated because Operation Save Patty was failing. He told his mom he had one more thing that he thought she would be excited about. He brought in the portable toilet and she wasn't too amused. Rob started listing off new things he can get to make this operation a success and he said "What if I get Operation Save Patty tattooed across my chest?" Gene replied, "Then it would be exactly like all this stuff. A mistake." Gene is pretty quick witted, he has some pretty funny quotes if you go through all the episodes that Rob's family is in.
Denise, Rob's sister stops by and Rob gives her a hug. He tells her he wanted to make sure the portable toilet went to her, since Pat won't be using it. Rob and his family sit down for dinner and Gene makes a toast about Operation Save Patty being more successful tomorrow.
The next scene is Operation Save Patty: Day 2, and Rob and Drama are driving through Kettering. Rob says it's funny to him that his mom really doesn't think he is funny. They spot a comedy house, which is odd because Kettering really isn't a big city at all. When I was there they basically had one large outdoor mall where they had pretty much everything you needed. It looks like "The Funny Bone," the comedy house they spotted, is in that mall. Rob said he was going to do a comedy show to prove how funny he is to Pat.
They pull up to the house and Rob gives his mom a standard wheelchair, the one thing she really wanted. Rob says since day one was a failure, he hired a bunch of people to help make day two successful. Rob's mom says she feels like she is on Extreme Home Makeover and Rob says he is Ty Pennington, haha. Rob gets out of the way and lets everyone start working.
The camera cuts to Rob, Drama, Pat and Gene all sitting down in what looks like a family room or the basement. Rob says "Mom, Chris thinks I am super funny, what do you think?" Pat says "I don't think so." The workers are busy installing the chair lift on the stairs and they are using a drill. Rob gets up and every time the drill goes off he makes it look like he is farting. This scene was SO funny! My whole family was cracking up. Rob's facial expressions and body movements were so in sync with the drilling, he really pulled it off perfectly. It's extra funny because if you watched the episode last season where Rob goes to Myrtle Beach with his family, you know that Pat despises anything that has to do with "tooting," haha. Rob bought a fart machine just to mess with her and she took it away. I was laughing so hard during this scene, I could barely concentrate on what Rob was saying. Pat actually did start laughing a little bit but she said it's not funny, it was disgusting. Rob said he wanted to go check out the skate plaza while the workers were busy installing everything.
The Rob Dyrdek Skate Plaza is the first place my sister and I went when we arrived in Kettering that morning. I've never been there before so I wanted to get out and actually walk the plaza to see what it was like. We walked up to the plaza and literally almost fell 50 times. I am honestly surprised I didn't. That plaza was SO ICY. It's made up of ramps, rails, stairs and ledges and it is not fun at all trying to walk up icy ramps and stairs. When I got there it looked like someone set it up for snowboarding. The snow was smoothed down over the stairs and it led to a barrel as a gap. It was pretty steep. I was excited to see this episode and see how Rob and Drama did when they skated on it. They did pretty well, they took a few slams but for the most part it looked like they had a lot of fun!
They headed back to see if the workers were finished installing all of the new equipment. When they pulled up to the house Rob noted how his dad dug the snow off of a duck statue that was sitting on their lawn, so its head wasn't covered. I thought that was pretty funny. Rob went inside and showed his mom the new chair lift. Once they got upstairs he showed her the new bed that elevates and the 32 inch plasma TV he bought her. Rob said he also got a cherry on top - the 20th anniversary collection of The Oprah Show. Over 900 hours of Oprah, haha. They deemed Operation Save Patty day 2 a success and Rob told his mom that he wanted to bring her out tonight because he was going to do a special stand up comedy show to show her how funny he really is.
As they pulled up to The Funny Bone, Rob was getting nervous. They all go inside and Rob heads back stage. He asks the other comedians there if they have any advice. They told Rob just to relax and he should be fine. The MC went on and hyped the crowd up for Rob. Rob went on stage and he did good! The crowd was laughing before he even made a joke! Rob joked about how he grew up with a O.D.D.P - Open Door Dumping Policy. It is exactly what it sounds like, haha. I don't want to give the jokes away by writing the whole thing, you just need to watch Rob perform on stage. Rob closes with another hilarious joke and at the end Patty finally admits that Rob was funny.
The next morning Rob takes the chair lift downstairs and says his goodbyes to his family. Patty started crying, she cries every time they say goodbye. It's funny because Patty's crying always starts a chain reaction when I watch with my mom, and she starts crying. I guess she knows the feeling, haha.
Rob and Drama talk about how Operation Save Patty was a success but they are ready to get back to California. They drive away and the end credits start rolling.
I loved this episode, I thought it had tons of funny moments! Like I said before, it's always funny to watch how Rob interacts with his family. Next week Rob and Jeremy have a competition to see who is really happier and they get in to all sorts of crazy fun! Also, we finally get introduced to Mini Pig!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Season 3 Episode 5 of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory!
Before I write this recap, I want to share a video that I worked really hard on for the past week or so. I went through every episode of Rob and Big and Fantasy Factory and pulled the scenes where Rob sings one of his hilarious songs. I edited them all together so the fans can watch them in one place and I think it came out pretty great. Here is the link, I hope you enjoy it!
This episode was a clip show featuring the sketchiest moments from all three seasons of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory. I wasn't sure what kind of blog I could write about a clip show, but after watching it, I realized that I have tons of material to work with. Rob and Drama had some HILARIOUS commentary between clips. I don't want to write too much about their commentary because I think it is better when it is heard from Rob and Drama themselves rather than reading it. If you haven't seen the episode, go watch it after reading this blog. It has a lot of good laughs! In my opinion, this was the best clip show that has come out in all three seasons! The producers chose to use a lot of footage that has never before been seen. I love unseen footage!
The show opened with Rob getting pulled on his skateboard into the foam pit by Turbo on a motorbike, attempting to dunk a basketball in the hoop. This is sketchy because if there is not the perfect amount of speed leading up to Rob's launch, he could easily slam his body into the basketball hoop and hurt himself pretty badly. The first couple attempts were unsuccessful, but it was all worth it when he dunked the ball perfectly into the hoop on the last try. Shane Nickerson, the executive producer of Fantasy Factory makes his first appearance of the third season with one short sentence - "Maybe we'll just use that one." And then the opening credits start rolling.
Rob and Drama are sitting in the factory and Rob sets the show up by explaining that this clip show will be different from all the other clip shows. This one will be about sketchy moments. They cut to a short montage consisting of the tennis ball gun, the zip line, and a good amount of slams. The slam that made me cringe the most was a never before seen clip of Drama on his board, attempting to skate over the wild grinders bank. He had a good amount of speed and he lost it, slamming his body onto the concrete face first and sliding across the floor all the way to the red rail. You could tell that one hurt, haha.
Rob talks a little bit and they get into another montage of sketchy clips. It was mostly things we have seen before, but it was all stuff that was worth seeing again. Rob talks about how during this episode, instead of just showing the clips, he and Drama are going to give the viewers a little inside information on what was going on in their head during those moments.
The set up the first sketchy moment of the episode and that is - Shark Attack.
Shark Attack took place in season one during an episode titled "Shark Sugar." Rob and Drama were driving along and Rob came up with this idea for a new Wild Grinders character named Shark Attack. The only problem was, he didn't want to create the character until he actually earned the nickname. Rob found a place in the Bahamas that would let him get attacked by a shark and he set it up. He got himself a chained shark suit and him and drama flew out to the Bahamas. Once Rob got there, there were quite a few more sharks than he thought.
Rob proceeds to explain a little bit about how he felt during that shark attack day, and then they get into the clip. I've seen it tons of times, but it never gets old. The shark had such a tight grip on his arm, and he was yanking Rob all around. They showed some unseen footage of Rob explaining to the crew how terrifying it really was under the water and then Rob showed everyone the bruise on his arm from where the shark latched on. I was always wondering about Rob having a bruise after that. I know the chain suit is supposed to prevent the shark from penetrating into the skin, but after watching how much force the shark actually had, I knew it had to leave some sort of mark. I'm glad Rob cleared that up for me, haha.
After Shark Attack, they get into the next sketchy moment, Bobby Light opening for Blink 182. This took place in season two during an episode titled "Lights Out." When thinking about which moments they were going to include in this episode, Bobby Light really never came to mind. After Rob and Drama explained it, I can definitely see how it would be a little sketchy. If you aren't a natural performer, being on stage can be a terrifying experience. Rob skates in front of people all the time but skating is his passion. For Rob to go on stage in front of tens of thousands of people and perform "Lights Out," that must have been very scary.
The third sketchy moment featured in this episode was the Car Jump. Rob decided he wanted to try and jump a car during an episode in season one titled "Get With Your Power Animal." He met up with Ken Block, a professional rally car racer and the co-owner of DC Shoes. Ken showed Rob as much as he could about how to successfully jump the car, but things could have easily taken a turn for the worst. There were a couple of unused scenes here as well, one of which taught me something about the show I didn't know. The car jump was actually attempted twice. The first time Rob went for it, he missed his sweet spot and landed pretty sketchy. The in-car camera showed us how Rob and Drama's heads actually got whipped around and hit the sides of the seat. After that, they were running out of time and if Rob wanted to successfully make the jump, he had five minutes to try it again. Anyone who is a Rob Dyrdek fan knows that Rob doesn't give up. He went for it, and he made the jump perfectly.
After the Car Jump, we had Jockeying the Horse. Rob decided to purchase a race horse and jockey it himself during the season premiere of season two - "Dirty Man Horse." I don't think Rob really realized what he got into, because he explained how terrified he was from the time he agreed to race the horse until after the race was over. Rob explained how much he had to learn in order to jockey the horse and how everyone was telling him he couldn't do it. The words "Can't Do It" don't exist in Rob's vocabulary, and he proved everyone wrong. Not only did he jockey the horse...he finished in first place.
The show cuts back to Rob and he is explaining about how whenever he sees that footage, he feels the adrenaline from the race and he also realizes how good his "rump" looks.
Rob - "Let's take a look back at that footage and see my rump look incredibly stout and strong."
After jockeying the horse, they shared some humiliating footage of Drama that was never before seen. It was AMAZING! I don't know how this didn't make it into the episode. I know they only have about 21 minutes per episode and everything else that was put into that episode was hilarious and essential, but this really was so funny. Instead of Drama jockeying a horse, Rob had him do something called Reverse Donkey. We see Drama in a purple and white Young and Reckless jockey outfit, and he sits on a donkey, backwards. Basically he is facing the donkey's ass instead of it's head, so when the donkey starts to walk, Drama can't see where he is going. It was SO SO funny to see Drama riding this small donkey backwards. It needs to be seen by every fan of Fantasy Factory.
They cut to a commercial and when they come back Rob explains a more recent sketchy moment, the Skateboarding Car. This was a part of the season premiere of this season in an episode titled "This Is A Skateboard Car." Like I mentioned in my blog about the season premiere, this is a really difficult thing to describe. Basically, Rob gets behind the wheel of a full sized race car which has been specially modified to be able to handle grinding on rails and doing tailslides, etc. It is something that needs to be seen to understand. This was sketchy because once again like jumping the car, this car could easily be flipped if Rob landed the wrong way after doing a trick. Rob explained a little bit about the process of "birthing a sport" and being the first ones to do it.
After the skateboarding car, Rob is wearing Big Cat's neck brace and he brings Big Cat out to discuss the cat-astrophic shit whip. Back in season one during the episode "Get With Your Power Animal," the crew is attempting to be launched into the foam pit on a skateboard by dirt bike. Big Cat got speed wobbles on his way towards the ramp and the board slipped out from under him, causing him to fly into the ramp and land directly on his head when hitting the ground. Speed wobbles are basically when a person is going fast on a skateboard and their balance is a little bit off causing the board to start wobbling back and forth. It wasn't Big Cat's fault, he is a fantastic skateboarder. It was just an unfortunate event. If you are a fan of the show, I am pretty sure the image of Big Cat hitting the ramp is forever burned into your memory. No matter how many times you see it, it doesn't get any easier to watch.
I can't move on to the next subject before pointing out Big Cat's shirt. Big Cat is known for always wearing shirts that involve cats. Sometimes they are jungle cats, sometimes they are regular cats. Tonight he was wearing a shirt with what appeared to be a tabby (I could be wrong, I am more of a dog person) who was standing on his two back paws with a machine gun and the words "Thug Life" written across its belly. That shirt was a total win.

There is a commercial break and then Rob introduces the next sketchy moment, breaking the land speed record with Danny Way. This was during the "Extreme Timmy" episode in season one. Danny Way wanted to break the land speed world record which is fastest speed on a board being pulled by a car. He needed to break 70mph. Rob was really sketched out because he has had no professional training as far as driving and he could have ran over and killed Danny by making one wrong move. Danny Way did fall while attempting this record and his board actually went under the car and into the engine. Rob explains how terrifying that moment was, but Danny wanted to keep going. The sun was setting but that didn't stop them, they were clocked in at 74mph and successfully broke the world record.
After that, Rob and Drama are standing above the foam pit and as Drama jumps in Rob hits his back legs so he ends up falling head first into the pit. The camera pans down and we can literally only see Drama's leg sticking up. It was pretty funny. Rob explains how there are plenty more sketchy moments in episodes to come and they show a montage of the upcoming episodes. We have some pretty fun stuff to look forward to including a squid fight, some ninja moves, a mechanical bull, and more. The rest of this season looks like it is going to be insane, so don't miss an episode!
Next week we have Operation Save Patty, the episode that was filmed when I went to Ohio in February! Every episode that involves The Dyrdek Family is sure to be hilarious, so I am really looking forward to that one!
Also, go to youngandreckless.com to order your exclusive "Don't Be Sketchy" shirt. I already ordered mine and they will sell out quickly!
This episode was a clip show featuring the sketchiest moments from all three seasons of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory. I wasn't sure what kind of blog I could write about a clip show, but after watching it, I realized that I have tons of material to work with. Rob and Drama had some HILARIOUS commentary between clips. I don't want to write too much about their commentary because I think it is better when it is heard from Rob and Drama themselves rather than reading it. If you haven't seen the episode, go watch it after reading this blog. It has a lot of good laughs! In my opinion, this was the best clip show that has come out in all three seasons! The producers chose to use a lot of footage that has never before been seen. I love unseen footage!
The show opened with Rob getting pulled on his skateboard into the foam pit by Turbo on a motorbike, attempting to dunk a basketball in the hoop. This is sketchy because if there is not the perfect amount of speed leading up to Rob's launch, he could easily slam his body into the basketball hoop and hurt himself pretty badly. The first couple attempts were unsuccessful, but it was all worth it when he dunked the ball perfectly into the hoop on the last try. Shane Nickerson, the executive producer of Fantasy Factory makes his first appearance of the third season with one short sentence - "Maybe we'll just use that one." And then the opening credits start rolling.
Rob and Drama are sitting in the factory and Rob sets the show up by explaining that this clip show will be different from all the other clip shows. This one will be about sketchy moments. They cut to a short montage consisting of the tennis ball gun, the zip line, and a good amount of slams. The slam that made me cringe the most was a never before seen clip of Drama on his board, attempting to skate over the wild grinders bank. He had a good amount of speed and he lost it, slamming his body onto the concrete face first and sliding across the floor all the way to the red rail. You could tell that one hurt, haha.
Rob talks a little bit and they get into another montage of sketchy clips. It was mostly things we have seen before, but it was all stuff that was worth seeing again. Rob talks about how during this episode, instead of just showing the clips, he and Drama are going to give the viewers a little inside information on what was going on in their head during those moments.
The set up the first sketchy moment of the episode and that is - Shark Attack.
Shark Attack took place in season one during an episode titled "Shark Sugar." Rob and Drama were driving along and Rob came up with this idea for a new Wild Grinders character named Shark Attack. The only problem was, he didn't want to create the character until he actually earned the nickname. Rob found a place in the Bahamas that would let him get attacked by a shark and he set it up. He got himself a chained shark suit and him and drama flew out to the Bahamas. Once Rob got there, there were quite a few more sharks than he thought.
Rob proceeds to explain a little bit about how he felt during that shark attack day, and then they get into the clip. I've seen it tons of times, but it never gets old. The shark had such a tight grip on his arm, and he was yanking Rob all around. They showed some unseen footage of Rob explaining to the crew how terrifying it really was under the water and then Rob showed everyone the bruise on his arm from where the shark latched on. I was always wondering about Rob having a bruise after that. I know the chain suit is supposed to prevent the shark from penetrating into the skin, but after watching how much force the shark actually had, I knew it had to leave some sort of mark. I'm glad Rob cleared that up for me, haha.
After Shark Attack, they get into the next sketchy moment, Bobby Light opening for Blink 182. This took place in season two during an episode titled "Lights Out." When thinking about which moments they were going to include in this episode, Bobby Light really never came to mind. After Rob and Drama explained it, I can definitely see how it would be a little sketchy. If you aren't a natural performer, being on stage can be a terrifying experience. Rob skates in front of people all the time but skating is his passion. For Rob to go on stage in front of tens of thousands of people and perform "Lights Out," that must have been very scary.
The third sketchy moment featured in this episode was the Car Jump. Rob decided he wanted to try and jump a car during an episode in season one titled "Get With Your Power Animal." He met up with Ken Block, a professional rally car racer and the co-owner of DC Shoes. Ken showed Rob as much as he could about how to successfully jump the car, but things could have easily taken a turn for the worst. There were a couple of unused scenes here as well, one of which taught me something about the show I didn't know. The car jump was actually attempted twice. The first time Rob went for it, he missed his sweet spot and landed pretty sketchy. The in-car camera showed us how Rob and Drama's heads actually got whipped around and hit the sides of the seat. After that, they were running out of time and if Rob wanted to successfully make the jump, he had five minutes to try it again. Anyone who is a Rob Dyrdek fan knows that Rob doesn't give up. He went for it, and he made the jump perfectly.
After the Car Jump, we had Jockeying the Horse. Rob decided to purchase a race horse and jockey it himself during the season premiere of season two - "Dirty Man Horse." I don't think Rob really realized what he got into, because he explained how terrified he was from the time he agreed to race the horse until after the race was over. Rob explained how much he had to learn in order to jockey the horse and how everyone was telling him he couldn't do it. The words "Can't Do It" don't exist in Rob's vocabulary, and he proved everyone wrong. Not only did he jockey the horse...he finished in first place.
The show cuts back to Rob and he is explaining about how whenever he sees that footage, he feels the adrenaline from the race and he also realizes how good his "rump" looks.
Rob - "Let's take a look back at that footage and see my rump look incredibly stout and strong."
After jockeying the horse, they shared some humiliating footage of Drama that was never before seen. It was AMAZING! I don't know how this didn't make it into the episode. I know they only have about 21 minutes per episode and everything else that was put into that episode was hilarious and essential, but this really was so funny. Instead of Drama jockeying a horse, Rob had him do something called Reverse Donkey. We see Drama in a purple and white Young and Reckless jockey outfit, and he sits on a donkey, backwards. Basically he is facing the donkey's ass instead of it's head, so when the donkey starts to walk, Drama can't see where he is going. It was SO SO funny to see Drama riding this small donkey backwards. It needs to be seen by every fan of Fantasy Factory.
They cut to a commercial and when they come back Rob explains a more recent sketchy moment, the Skateboarding Car. This was a part of the season premiere of this season in an episode titled "This Is A Skateboard Car." Like I mentioned in my blog about the season premiere, this is a really difficult thing to describe. Basically, Rob gets behind the wheel of a full sized race car which has been specially modified to be able to handle grinding on rails and doing tailslides, etc. It is something that needs to be seen to understand. This was sketchy because once again like jumping the car, this car could easily be flipped if Rob landed the wrong way after doing a trick. Rob explained a little bit about the process of "birthing a sport" and being the first ones to do it.
After the skateboarding car, Rob is wearing Big Cat's neck brace and he brings Big Cat out to discuss the cat-astrophic shit whip. Back in season one during the episode "Get With Your Power Animal," the crew is attempting to be launched into the foam pit on a skateboard by dirt bike. Big Cat got speed wobbles on his way towards the ramp and the board slipped out from under him, causing him to fly into the ramp and land directly on his head when hitting the ground. Speed wobbles are basically when a person is going fast on a skateboard and their balance is a little bit off causing the board to start wobbling back and forth. It wasn't Big Cat's fault, he is a fantastic skateboarder. It was just an unfortunate event. If you are a fan of the show, I am pretty sure the image of Big Cat hitting the ramp is forever burned into your memory. No matter how many times you see it, it doesn't get any easier to watch.
I can't move on to the next subject before pointing out Big Cat's shirt. Big Cat is known for always wearing shirts that involve cats. Sometimes they are jungle cats, sometimes they are regular cats. Tonight he was wearing a shirt with what appeared to be a tabby (I could be wrong, I am more of a dog person) who was standing on his two back paws with a machine gun and the words "Thug Life" written across its belly. That shirt was a total win.

There is a commercial break and then Rob introduces the next sketchy moment, breaking the land speed record with Danny Way. This was during the "Extreme Timmy" episode in season one. Danny Way wanted to break the land speed world record which is fastest speed on a board being pulled by a car. He needed to break 70mph. Rob was really sketched out because he has had no professional training as far as driving and he could have ran over and killed Danny by making one wrong move. Danny Way did fall while attempting this record and his board actually went under the car and into the engine. Rob explains how terrifying that moment was, but Danny wanted to keep going. The sun was setting but that didn't stop them, they were clocked in at 74mph and successfully broke the world record.
After that, Rob and Drama are standing above the foam pit and as Drama jumps in Rob hits his back legs so he ends up falling head first into the pit. The camera pans down and we can literally only see Drama's leg sticking up. It was pretty funny. Rob explains how there are plenty more sketchy moments in episodes to come and they show a montage of the upcoming episodes. We have some pretty fun stuff to look forward to including a squid fight, some ninja moves, a mechanical bull, and more. The rest of this season looks like it is going to be insane, so don't miss an episode!
Next week we have Operation Save Patty, the episode that was filmed when I went to Ohio in February! Every episode that involves The Dyrdek Family is sure to be hilarious, so I am really looking forward to that one!
Also, go to youngandreckless.com to order your exclusive "Don't Be Sketchy" shirt. I already ordered mine and they will sell out quickly!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Season 3 Episode 4 of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory!
"It's Barrryyy, Barry Brightttttt!"
I know I say it every week, but once again, The Fantasy Factory crew outdid itself. This was SUCH a funny episode. It had my entire family laughing hysterically. If you are a fan of the random songs Rob comes up with, you will love this episode, I guarantee it. Remember, don't use this re-cap as a substitute for actually watching the show! There are tons of scenes that you need to actually see and hear to appreciate!
The episode opened with Rob sitting at his computer, laughing. It wasn't Rob's normal laugh, it was a deep exaggerated belly laugh. We see Drama sitting at Rob's desk and Rob tells Drama that he could easily be an actor. Drama tells Rob that he was actually talking to someone the other day about how the hardest part of acting is probably mastering the fake laugh. Rob lets out a giggle which leads into a full on laugh, and honestly, it was hard to watch that scene without cracking up myself.
The credits roll and when we get back, the song "Shake It Up," by The Cars is playing while Rob is working out in a gym. This song was a perfect choice for this scene. The FF producers always manage to choose great music for the show. The gym, I've never seen it before, but it looks to me like it is set up next to where Big Cat's old office was. In this scene we get to meet Rob's personal trainer, Alexandra Laws. They are working together on various exercises. Rob eventually starts working on a piece of equipment and when he is finished, he asks Alex what it is. She tells him it is something she created, called the iCore Cruncher. It allows you to do 10 different exercises in 10 minutes. Rob tells her that this is a million dollar idea and he wants to think about some marketing strategies for the product. She tells him she would love that, and Rob goes off to shower.
In the next scene, Chanel walks in to Rob's office and tells him she would like to ask him for a favor. She tells Rob she wants to be in Maxim Magazine. She feels like Maxim always shows really girly girls and she wanted them to feature someone who fit the role of a tomboy; someone more like her. Rob told Chanel, no way is she a tomboy, she is a girly girl. He made her a deal, that if she could drive the T-Rex and do a full 360ยบ spin, he would see what he could do to help her out and get her in to Maxim. She agreed and they went over to the T-Rex.
I already knew this was going to be a hilarious scene. Remember back in season one, Rob had a 69' Camero? It was red and black with the Rogue Status design on it? Rob told Chanel he wanted her to feel the power and he let her get behind the wheel. That didn't go so well. She blew the engine out while trying to start it up, and when Rob told her to get out of the car, she couldn't find the lock!
Chanel - "I have a small head, obviously my brain is not going to be big!"
Classic Chanel moment! Anyways, Chanel gets into the T-Rex and the car starts rolling before Rob could even step away! Chanel was rolling around the factory and she could not figure out how to brake! Finally she halts to a stop and Drama and Big Cat come out of their offices to witness what could easily be a disastrous moment. Rob helps Chanel start it up again and she pulls away. Rob tells her to hammer it, but she is scared. She does it and screams, then stops again. Rob told her all she had to do was one perfect circle and then she has it.
Rob breaks in to one of his famous improvised songs - "If you are the rapper you think you are, and you think you're sexy, then let's see you do a spin, we call a 360!"
Chanel does the spin, climbs out of the T-Rex and high fives the crew. They cut away and the next scene shows Rob sitting in his office, playing with the iCore Cruncher. He calls Drama and asks him to come into his office, he wants to show him something. Drama answers "Alright," with a touch of an English accent. Rob, being the funny guy he is, starts repeating "Alright," and each time he says it, his English accent gets thicker. It was a funny moment. Rob explains the iCore Cruncher to Drama and he tells him he is going to create an infomercial for the product. He tells Drama that every infomercial needs a creepy salesman to sell the product, and then Rob tries to find that salesman within himself.
Rob and Drama go out to the lobby and attach the iCore Cruncher to the door. Rob starts doing different exercises with it and blurting out random infomercial comments while doing it. This was a great scene! If I was just listening and did not know what was on TV, I would assume that this was in fact, an infomercial on late night television. Rob continues doing the exercise, then the rope that is attached to the cruncher gets loose and whips Rob in the side. I busted out laughing at that moment. Just the noise of the rope whipping him, combined with Drama and Chanel laughing was hilarious. Rob comes up with the name Barry and asks Drama and Chanel what a good last name would be. They talk it out and Rob comes up with the last name Bright. Barry Bright.
Rob - "He's happy, he feels good, he feels strong, he feels right, its Barrrryyy! Barry Brighttttt!"
Rob and Drama head back into the factory and Rob breaks in to an amazing sales pitch. I am not going to type it out because I know it won't have the same effect without hearing it in Rob's infomercial voice. Once you see it, you'll know what I mean when I say it was HILARIOUS! Drama tells Rob he will be able to sell anything with that attitude and Rob says he is going to have an entire infomercial shoot in front of a live studio audience. They cut away to an exterior shot of the Factory with Rob singing once again, "I'm Barrrry! Barry Brighttttt!" and then there is a commercial break.
After the commercial, Rob, Drama and Chanel are in Drama's office. Rob tells Chanel he was able to get her a spread in Maxim Magazine. You could tell by Chanel's face that she was really excited about it. Rob explains that they will bring a bunch of outfits to the factory and the shoot will be held there. Then, there is one of the funniest lines in the episode.
Chanel - "So I am going to do a full spread?"
Rob - "yeah, no, well, your pose is your own business,"
Drama and Rob both start cracking up and Rob was talking through laughter, which reminded me of a deleted scene in season one where Rob was teasing Drama. Drama said "I just don't want that big ass piece of plastic in my office," and then Rob said "Woah, woah. I don't care about your big ass piece of plastic. All I want to know is, are you and Timmy in a fight right now?"
Oh man, I actually laughed out loud while typing that out! Anyways, Rob tells Chanel they need to do some practice shots, and he asks Drama to get out his expensive camera. Chanel does a few poses that are not quite up to professional standards, and when Drama shows her the pictures, she goes "Ew, I look like Britney Spears there...on her fat days." Chanel has some pretty funny lines sometimes, haha.
That scene ended and the next one began with Rob pulling up to the factory in his truck. He steps out and he is dressed in an all white outfit with short shorts, a wig with long black hair, and an orange headband. He looked hilarious, 100% different than the Rob we are all used to. He walks into the factory and introduces himself to Chanel as Barry Bright. Like I said before, this is really difficult for me to write about because if you didn't see it, you can't understand how funny it is. Barry Bright is a different person altogether. He is ridiculously energetic. So is Rob, but Barry is energetic in a creepy, touchy sort of way. He makes weird poses and yells everything he is saying. Barry hands Chanel a bag of clothes and asks her to be a part of his Core Crunchers.
Next, Barry pays a visit to Drama. He hops into Drama's office and lifts one leg onto his desk and stretches. Drama reaches for Rob's leg and pinches, revealing that Rob is wearing pantyhose. Drama asks Rob if it is pantyhose and Rob says "Indeed I am." SO FUNNY! Rob invites Drama to be a part of his Core Crunchers. He gives Big Cat his Core Crunchers outfit, and then they all meet up. Seeing the four of them dressed in their Core Crunchers gear was hilarious. They really looked so funny with their matching outfits. Rob explains the infomercial and then tells them he wants to get a Cruncher session in. They grab their boards and Rob skates the mini ramp while doing odd stretches at each end. It was funny. Big Cat and Drama skate the ramp and then Rob skates around the plaza as Barry Bright. It was pretty impressive. The camera cuts to Big Cat, striking a pose in the area between Rob and Drama's office. That was another laugh out loud moment for me. Anything with Big Cat is just so hilarious because it is so awkward. They continue skating for a little bit and then there is another commercial break.
After the commercial, we see that the infomercial stage is all set up. Alexandra Laws comes back in and Rob hands her the Core Crunchers outfit. The studio audience comes in and it really looked like a full on sound-stage. I don't know if you have ever been to a taping of a television show, but this setup looked pretty legit. They had the hype man who hypes up the crowd during filming breaks. They had the cue cards that tell everyone when to applaud. They really went all out for it. Rob gets the crew ready and they take the stage.
We see a montage of Barry (Rob) and the crew doing various exercises. Then, Big Cat gets behind the cruncher and starts working out. Barry tells the crowd to quiet down and says, "Big Cat has an awkward style and he loves silence and awkward moments." Big Cat finishes up and everyone applauds.
Barry begins to explain the product a little bit more and hype it up.
Barry - "...You can take it on trips, you can take it to the office, you can take it to a bathroom in a park. A BATHROOM in a PARK!"
Rob made himself laugh with that line and he started cracking up. I love when that happens, it makes the scene so much funnier. Barry calls the Crunchers and they all jog off stage. It was such a funny infomercial shoot. I'm sure there were a lot of funny moments that they weren't able to fit into the episode, but the editors chose some great ones to share with us.
After the infomercial shoot, it is time for Chanel's Maxim photo shoot. Rob, Chanel and Drama walk in to the DC Lounge, where the stylists have laid out a ton of bikini's for Chanel to choose from. Rob asked Chanel if this was the most exciting day of her life, and then he looked at the table and said in a girly voice "I am getting so excited right now, Oh my god, there's so many kini's in here! So many kini's in here!" It was really funny!
The stylist chooses a couple bikini's for Chanel. Chanel put one on and Rob and Drama walk into the lounge. They look really creeped out and they are both covering their face.
Drama - "I just feel like a sketchy brother. I am just looking..at the hair utensils.." haha
We start to see the shoot take place, Chanel lays out on top of the T-Rex, she skates in high heels, she jumps into the foam pit. I'm gonna straight out say it. Don't get me wrong, I am 100% into guys..but Chanel did look really hot for this shoot. She is such a pretty girl and she did a great job modeling for this photo shoot.
Rob tells the photographer that he wants to get a poster made of one of the pictures, and hang it out by Chanel's desk in the lobby.
There is another commercial and then the crew gathers in the DC Lounge to view the finished infomercial on the big screen. It was SO FUNNY, it came out so perfectly! Rob sang a funny song about "Crunchy, crunchy Abs," and then there was another hilarious line
Barry - "This young man right here, (camera is on Drama), 320 pounds in 2008. He is 135.5! This sweet little thing right here, (camera is on Chanel) This sweet little thing used to weigh almost 110 pounds! Now look at her! 95 strong!"
Barry ended the infomercial with singing once more, "It's Barrryyy, Barry Brightttttt!"
Rob brings out a mock up of the box that the iCore Cruncher will be sold in. On the box is a photo of Drama, photoshopped to be 350lbs, next to a recent picture! It looked so hilarious! Rob sounded like he was crying from laughing, haha. Rob looked to Jeremy and asked what he could do. Jeremy said the item was great, but Barry Bright had to go.
That scene was over and they come back in the lobby of Dyrdek Enterprises. Rob, Big Cat and Drama are leading Chanel in with her eyes closed. There is a curtain on the wall, covering presumably a photo from Chanel's Maxim shoot. They open the curtain, and there is a picture of Chanel with the T-Rex, with her ass hanging out. Chanel said "Wait, you aren't keeping this here, right?" and Rob said, "Yeah, because you can decide, (in a girly voice) you're not cute enough, you are definitely not going to see my booty." then he closed the curtain. "What? Pharrell's here? Zac Efron's here? Turn around, do you see what that is? That's my booty!" It was hilarious! Rob leaves Chanel with the remote for the curtain, and she tries to close it but can't figure out how. "Okay, I don't know how to close it, it won't close." - Chanel.
The credits start rolling and at that point I was highly anticipating the three second clip at the end. I love those clips, haha. When it finally came on, it was so funny! Definitely the funniest three second clip of the season, and that says a lot because it beats out Rob hugging Jeremy in a bear suit. Chanel was laughing at her desk, and all of a sudden she hit her head on her hard coffee cup. We hear the clack of her head against the cup and she stops laughing and says, "Ow." So funny! Maybe it's something you have to see to laugh at.
Once again, a great GREAT episode. Fantasy Factory just keeps getting funnier each week! Next week we will see the sketchiest moments in Fantasy Factory history. I am very much looking forward to that! There are a few moments I can think of off the top of my head that are sure to make it in, shark attack, big cat's catastrophic shit whip, maybe jockeying the horse. I'm sure it will be a great episode, I can't wait to watch!
If you are interested in purchasing a limited edition Young and Reckless shirt featuring Chanel, head over to www.youngandreckless.com. They are sure to go fast, I already ordered mine! And for more information on Alexandra Laws and her workout programs, visit icoresports.com!
I know I say it every week, but once again, The Fantasy Factory crew outdid itself. This was SUCH a funny episode. It had my entire family laughing hysterically. If you are a fan of the random songs Rob comes up with, you will love this episode, I guarantee it. Remember, don't use this re-cap as a substitute for actually watching the show! There are tons of scenes that you need to actually see and hear to appreciate!
The episode opened with Rob sitting at his computer, laughing. It wasn't Rob's normal laugh, it was a deep exaggerated belly laugh. We see Drama sitting at Rob's desk and Rob tells Drama that he could easily be an actor. Drama tells Rob that he was actually talking to someone the other day about how the hardest part of acting is probably mastering the fake laugh. Rob lets out a giggle which leads into a full on laugh, and honestly, it was hard to watch that scene without cracking up myself.
The credits roll and when we get back, the song "Shake It Up," by The Cars is playing while Rob is working out in a gym. This song was a perfect choice for this scene. The FF producers always manage to choose great music for the show. The gym, I've never seen it before, but it looks to me like it is set up next to where Big Cat's old office was. In this scene we get to meet Rob's personal trainer, Alexandra Laws. They are working together on various exercises. Rob eventually starts working on a piece of equipment and when he is finished, he asks Alex what it is. She tells him it is something she created, called the iCore Cruncher. It allows you to do 10 different exercises in 10 minutes. Rob tells her that this is a million dollar idea and he wants to think about some marketing strategies for the product. She tells him she would love that, and Rob goes off to shower.
In the next scene, Chanel walks in to Rob's office and tells him she would like to ask him for a favor. She tells Rob she wants to be in Maxim Magazine. She feels like Maxim always shows really girly girls and she wanted them to feature someone who fit the role of a tomboy; someone more like her. Rob told Chanel, no way is she a tomboy, she is a girly girl. He made her a deal, that if she could drive the T-Rex and do a full 360ยบ spin, he would see what he could do to help her out and get her in to Maxim. She agreed and they went over to the T-Rex.
I already knew this was going to be a hilarious scene. Remember back in season one, Rob had a 69' Camero? It was red and black with the Rogue Status design on it? Rob told Chanel he wanted her to feel the power and he let her get behind the wheel. That didn't go so well. She blew the engine out while trying to start it up, and when Rob told her to get out of the car, she couldn't find the lock!
Chanel - "I have a small head, obviously my brain is not going to be big!"
Classic Chanel moment! Anyways, Chanel gets into the T-Rex and the car starts rolling before Rob could even step away! Chanel was rolling around the factory and she could not figure out how to brake! Finally she halts to a stop and Drama and Big Cat come out of their offices to witness what could easily be a disastrous moment. Rob helps Chanel start it up again and she pulls away. Rob tells her to hammer it, but she is scared. She does it and screams, then stops again. Rob told her all she had to do was one perfect circle and then she has it.
Rob breaks in to one of his famous improvised songs - "If you are the rapper you think you are, and you think you're sexy, then let's see you do a spin, we call a 360!"
Chanel does the spin, climbs out of the T-Rex and high fives the crew. They cut away and the next scene shows Rob sitting in his office, playing with the iCore Cruncher. He calls Drama and asks him to come into his office, he wants to show him something. Drama answers "Alright," with a touch of an English accent. Rob, being the funny guy he is, starts repeating "Alright," and each time he says it, his English accent gets thicker. It was a funny moment. Rob explains the iCore Cruncher to Drama and he tells him he is going to create an infomercial for the product. He tells Drama that every infomercial needs a creepy salesman to sell the product, and then Rob tries to find that salesman within himself.
Rob and Drama go out to the lobby and attach the iCore Cruncher to the door. Rob starts doing different exercises with it and blurting out random infomercial comments while doing it. This was a great scene! If I was just listening and did not know what was on TV, I would assume that this was in fact, an infomercial on late night television. Rob continues doing the exercise, then the rope that is attached to the cruncher gets loose and whips Rob in the side. I busted out laughing at that moment. Just the noise of the rope whipping him, combined with Drama and Chanel laughing was hilarious. Rob comes up with the name Barry and asks Drama and Chanel what a good last name would be. They talk it out and Rob comes up with the last name Bright. Barry Bright.
Rob - "He's happy, he feels good, he feels strong, he feels right, its Barrrryyy! Barry Brighttttt!"
Rob and Drama head back into the factory and Rob breaks in to an amazing sales pitch. I am not going to type it out because I know it won't have the same effect without hearing it in Rob's infomercial voice. Once you see it, you'll know what I mean when I say it was HILARIOUS! Drama tells Rob he will be able to sell anything with that attitude and Rob says he is going to have an entire infomercial shoot in front of a live studio audience. They cut away to an exterior shot of the Factory with Rob singing once again, "I'm Barrrry! Barry Brighttttt!" and then there is a commercial break.
After the commercial, Rob, Drama and Chanel are in Drama's office. Rob tells Chanel he was able to get her a spread in Maxim Magazine. You could tell by Chanel's face that she was really excited about it. Rob explains that they will bring a bunch of outfits to the factory and the shoot will be held there. Then, there is one of the funniest lines in the episode.
Chanel - "So I am going to do a full spread?"
Rob - "yeah, no, well, your pose is your own business,"
Drama and Rob both start cracking up and Rob was talking through laughter, which reminded me of a deleted scene in season one where Rob was teasing Drama. Drama said "I just don't want that big ass piece of plastic in my office," and then Rob said "Woah, woah. I don't care about your big ass piece of plastic. All I want to know is, are you and Timmy in a fight right now?"
Oh man, I actually laughed out loud while typing that out! Anyways, Rob tells Chanel they need to do some practice shots, and he asks Drama to get out his expensive camera. Chanel does a few poses that are not quite up to professional standards, and when Drama shows her the pictures, she goes "Ew, I look like Britney Spears there...on her fat days." Chanel has some pretty funny lines sometimes, haha.
That scene ended and the next one began with Rob pulling up to the factory in his truck. He steps out and he is dressed in an all white outfit with short shorts, a wig with long black hair, and an orange headband. He looked hilarious, 100% different than the Rob we are all used to. He walks into the factory and introduces himself to Chanel as Barry Bright. Like I said before, this is really difficult for me to write about because if you didn't see it, you can't understand how funny it is. Barry Bright is a different person altogether. He is ridiculously energetic. So is Rob, but Barry is energetic in a creepy, touchy sort of way. He makes weird poses and yells everything he is saying. Barry hands Chanel a bag of clothes and asks her to be a part of his Core Crunchers.
Next, Barry pays a visit to Drama. He hops into Drama's office and lifts one leg onto his desk and stretches. Drama reaches for Rob's leg and pinches, revealing that Rob is wearing pantyhose. Drama asks Rob if it is pantyhose and Rob says "Indeed I am." SO FUNNY! Rob invites Drama to be a part of his Core Crunchers. He gives Big Cat his Core Crunchers outfit, and then they all meet up. Seeing the four of them dressed in their Core Crunchers gear was hilarious. They really looked so funny with their matching outfits. Rob explains the infomercial and then tells them he wants to get a Cruncher session in. They grab their boards and Rob skates the mini ramp while doing odd stretches at each end. It was funny. Big Cat and Drama skate the ramp and then Rob skates around the plaza as Barry Bright. It was pretty impressive. The camera cuts to Big Cat, striking a pose in the area between Rob and Drama's office. That was another laugh out loud moment for me. Anything with Big Cat is just so hilarious because it is so awkward. They continue skating for a little bit and then there is another commercial break.
After the commercial, we see that the infomercial stage is all set up. Alexandra Laws comes back in and Rob hands her the Core Crunchers outfit. The studio audience comes in and it really looked like a full on sound-stage. I don't know if you have ever been to a taping of a television show, but this setup looked pretty legit. They had the hype man who hypes up the crowd during filming breaks. They had the cue cards that tell everyone when to applaud. They really went all out for it. Rob gets the crew ready and they take the stage.
We see a montage of Barry (Rob) and the crew doing various exercises. Then, Big Cat gets behind the cruncher and starts working out. Barry tells the crowd to quiet down and says, "Big Cat has an awkward style and he loves silence and awkward moments." Big Cat finishes up and everyone applauds.
Barry begins to explain the product a little bit more and hype it up.
Barry - "...You can take it on trips, you can take it to the office, you can take it to a bathroom in a park. A BATHROOM in a PARK!"
Rob made himself laugh with that line and he started cracking up. I love when that happens, it makes the scene so much funnier. Barry calls the Crunchers and they all jog off stage. It was such a funny infomercial shoot. I'm sure there were a lot of funny moments that they weren't able to fit into the episode, but the editors chose some great ones to share with us.
After the infomercial shoot, it is time for Chanel's Maxim photo shoot. Rob, Chanel and Drama walk in to the DC Lounge, where the stylists have laid out a ton of bikini's for Chanel to choose from. Rob asked Chanel if this was the most exciting day of her life, and then he looked at the table and said in a girly voice "I am getting so excited right now, Oh my god, there's so many kini's in here! So many kini's in here!" It was really funny!
The stylist chooses a couple bikini's for Chanel. Chanel put one on and Rob and Drama walk into the lounge. They look really creeped out and they are both covering their face.
Drama - "I just feel like a sketchy brother. I am just looking..at the hair utensils.." haha
We start to see the shoot take place, Chanel lays out on top of the T-Rex, she skates in high heels, she jumps into the foam pit. I'm gonna straight out say it. Don't get me wrong, I am 100% into guys..but Chanel did look really hot for this shoot. She is such a pretty girl and she did a great job modeling for this photo shoot.
Rob tells the photographer that he wants to get a poster made of one of the pictures, and hang it out by Chanel's desk in the lobby.
There is another commercial and then the crew gathers in the DC Lounge to view the finished infomercial on the big screen. It was SO FUNNY, it came out so perfectly! Rob sang a funny song about "Crunchy, crunchy Abs," and then there was another hilarious line
Barry - "This young man right here, (camera is on Drama), 320 pounds in 2008. He is 135.5! This sweet little thing right here, (camera is on Chanel) This sweet little thing used to weigh almost 110 pounds! Now look at her! 95 strong!"
Barry ended the infomercial with singing once more, "It's Barrryyy, Barry Brightttttt!"
Rob brings out a mock up of the box that the iCore Cruncher will be sold in. On the box is a photo of Drama, photoshopped to be 350lbs, next to a recent picture! It looked so hilarious! Rob sounded like he was crying from laughing, haha. Rob looked to Jeremy and asked what he could do. Jeremy said the item was great, but Barry Bright had to go.
That scene was over and they come back in the lobby of Dyrdek Enterprises. Rob, Big Cat and Drama are leading Chanel in with her eyes closed. There is a curtain on the wall, covering presumably a photo from Chanel's Maxim shoot. They open the curtain, and there is a picture of Chanel with the T-Rex, with her ass hanging out. Chanel said "Wait, you aren't keeping this here, right?" and Rob said, "Yeah, because you can decide, (in a girly voice) you're not cute enough, you are definitely not going to see my booty." then he closed the curtain. "What? Pharrell's here? Zac Efron's here? Turn around, do you see what that is? That's my booty!" It was hilarious! Rob leaves Chanel with the remote for the curtain, and she tries to close it but can't figure out how. "Okay, I don't know how to close it, it won't close." - Chanel.
The credits start rolling and at that point I was highly anticipating the three second clip at the end. I love those clips, haha. When it finally came on, it was so funny! Definitely the funniest three second clip of the season, and that says a lot because it beats out Rob hugging Jeremy in a bear suit. Chanel was laughing at her desk, and all of a sudden she hit her head on her hard coffee cup. We hear the clack of her head against the cup and she stops laughing and says, "Ow." So funny! Maybe it's something you have to see to laugh at.
Once again, a great GREAT episode. Fantasy Factory just keeps getting funnier each week! Next week we will see the sketchiest moments in Fantasy Factory history. I am very much looking forward to that! There are a few moments I can think of off the top of my head that are sure to make it in, shark attack, big cat's catastrophic shit whip, maybe jockeying the horse. I'm sure it will be a great episode, I can't wait to watch!
If you are interested in purchasing a limited edition Young and Reckless shirt featuring Chanel, head over to www.youngandreckless.com. They are sure to go fast, I already ordered mine! And for more information on Alexandra Laws and her workout programs, visit icoresports.com!
Alexandra Laws,
Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory
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