I had to put Coda down yesterday. I know I wrote awhile ago about him having adrenal disease and starting to get aggressive towards the girl ferrets. Well...the disease got worse. A LOT worse. He was straining to pee every 5 seconds. Every time I looked over to the cage he would be squeezing. He was missing the box and he just couldn't pee. I guess his glands down there were swollen. I picked him up and he actually cried, and that is when I knew he was in pain. My mom called the vet (I was too much of a mess) and the vet said she doesn't want to lie, he probably is in severe pain. That was all I had to hear. I had to take him in to be put down. I am still so upset about it, I loved him. I've had him since the beginning, he was one of my original three ferrets. I know it was the best thing to do for both him and me. Him because he was suffering and me because I was a mess watching him deteriorate more and more every day. It just came down to the fact that I don't have the money to get him weekly injections and the injections don't do anything except prolong his life. They don't get rid of the disease. The only thing that COULD get rid of it is surgery to remove the adrenal gland and that starts at around $3000. Also, there is no guarantee that the surgery will be successful and he could have lost his life under the knife. Surgery on such small animals is always risky.
I know I did the right thing, but it still hurts. I didn't get ANY sleep last night because of it, and I had to call into work today and ask to switch days. I couldn't work on 2 hours of sleep. They were really understanding about it, my bosses really are incredible when it comes to stuff like that.
It sucks, but it was for the best. I will miss him though. He was the sweetest ferret. He NEVER bit. Not once. Not until the disease when he started getting aggressive towards the girl ferrets. These past few months he wasn't himself any more. Yesterday I took all of the ferrets out, the boys and the girls, so they could play one last time. Coda didn't do too much playing, but I'd like to think they all said their goodbyes. Animals kind of have a sense of when things are wrong. I will never understand HOW they know. They just do.
Alright, I'm going to end this before I start tearing up again. My eyes hurt so bad last night, they were all puffy and swollen. I'd like today to be different if possible.
RIP Coda, we will miss you!