Sunday, March 27, 2011
Season 4 of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory!
Aside from Big Black appearing this season, Rob has made some changes to the factory, as he usually does at the beginning of a new season. He has re-opened his office into the large space that it was in during seasons one and two. Rob has that whole area to himself again, and he has decorated with the “Make Your Own Luck” theme. He also decided to display all of his pro model decks again which I am excited about. I missed seeing that in his office last season. He has a conference table to the left, and a couch area with a TV to the right, with his desk in the center. It is the perfect office for a mogul like Rob Dyrdek.
Drama also has a new office which has been built right next to the DC Lounge. It has a very cool looking interior. The walls look shattered with brick showing and the Young and Reckless logo plastered up. He also has a mannequin in the window wearing the Alpine Stars/Young and Reckless collaboration. Like last season, a few of his t-shirt designs are framed and hung up on the walls. His desk also doubles as a DJ booth. It’s pretty neat.
Big Cat still has the cage as his office and the main difference upstairs in Corpo is Big Black’s new office. Big Black’s office is a standard office overlooking the factory with a huge bear chair for Black to sit in. He also has the jungle wallpaper from his old bedroom placed in a spot in the office and there is a fantastic oil painting of “Black Lavender.”
In the indoor skate plaza area of the Fantasy Factory, the only noticeable changes that I’ve seen are a huge DC Flag hanging from the ceiling above the foam pit, and a UFC Punching Machine which was a gift to Rob from Dana White. Rob also redecorated the DC Lounge with a “Make Your Own Luck” theme.
I know these changes are hard to picture from just my description, so if you want to take a look for yourself, head over to iTunes and download the FREE tour of the 2011 Fantasy Factory. It’s a 10 minute video that is sure to get you even more excited than you already are for season 4. Tracy, Tux, and the top of Talisha's head also make an appearance in the video!
Now..a few things we can look forward to seeing this season. Apparently being attacked by a shark in season 1 wasn’t crazy enough, so Rob decided to get attacked by a deadly land creature. A Tiger. I’m not sure if Big Cat has any role in this, but if I had to guess, I’d say he did.
Also, the group heads out to Louisiana for Mardi Gras and the opening of a Safe Spot Skate Spot. I can only imagine what kind of fun and crazy scenarios the crew got into there.
The crew decides to participate in a real dodge ball tournament, and creates a team called the “Dodging Devil Donkeys.” Rob gets a real live donkey as the mascot and brings it to boost morale at the tournament.
For all of the Beliebers out there, Justin Bieber makes an appearance this season and I can tell from the previews that things get pretty reckless.
There are tons of other exciting things happening this season, not limited to -
- An appearance by Fabio and The Dyrdek’s
- Drama becomes a super model
- Rowdy Roddy Piper teaches Rob to wrestle
- The crew records a song with Devo
- Chanel skateboards down a huge hill
- The group forms “The Bleeding Frogs,” a heavy metal rock band
Like I said, I’m positive there are other amazing things that Rob and the crew take on during season 4 of Fantasy Factory. I guess you will just have to tune in and find out for yourself! Don’t forget to watch the season premiere of Rob Dyrdek’s Fantasy Factory on Monday, April 4th at 10:30pm/9:30pm Central time on MTV! Follow up with a visit to my blog. I will try and get a re-cap written of each and every episode this season within a few days of each episode airing.
Also, if you haven't seen it, check out the trailer for Season 4 of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory -
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Happy Birthday Mom! It's for the ladies...
To understand the story you need to know a couple facts.
1. I am Rob Dyrdek’s #1 fan. Because of that, my mother has clocked endless hours watching Rob and Big and Fantasy Factory with me. She loves it…almost as much as I do.
2. I have a dog named Mikey. He happens to have a small tuft of fur on his chest that always sticks out and makes kind of a circular pattern.
Anyways, one day about a year ago, my mom was petting Mikey and all of a sudden I heard her say “It’s for the ladies.”
I turned around and said “What?”
She replied “It’s FOR THE LADIES,” while she rubbed the tuft of fur on his chest.
It took me a minute to realize what she meant.
Think back to the pilot episode of Rob and Big. Big asks Rob to shave his back. After Rob does that, he kind of grabs the hair on Big’s chest and asks if he should shave that too. Big Black goes “Nah, That’s for the ladies.”
Now it is a running joke that every time anyone pets Mikey’s tuft of fur, we have to tell him that it’s “for the ladies.”
Because of my mom’s hilarious comparison of Mikey’s chest hair to Big Black’s, she is awesome. Happy Birthday Mom!