Thursday, September 23, 2010

Season 3 Episode 9 of of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory!

I’m really sorry I’ve been so behind on my episode re-caps. After I got back from California, I had three huge blogs to write about Street League and I wanted to make sure I finished those while the details were fresh in my mind. After this blog, I will only be behind one episode, and hopefully I can get that done before the new one airs on Monday. This episode was the Best of, Bonus and Behind the Scenes episode. This episode is one I look forward to every season! I love behind the scenes stuff in general, so I especially love watching it when it has to do with my favorite television show.

The show opens with the cast and crew in Rob Dyrdek’s parents house in Kettering, OH. There is a loud crash and you hear someone say “I’m sorry you guys.” It was Pat Metcalfe, the Director of Photography. He accidentally knocked into one of the heirlooms on the shelves in Rob’s house and sent it crashing to the ground. Rob takes the camera and begins to film as Pat and Rob’s dad Gene pick up the glass. You hear Patty in the background yelling so Gene doesn’t let Pat touch the glass. Then Rob welcomes us to the Best of, Bonus and Behind the scenes episode of Rob Dyrdek’s Fantasy Factory. Rob starts singing the opening notes to the theme song and then the opening credits start rolling.

In the first scene, Rob is sitting in his go kart, wearing the outfit he wore during the season premiere when he drove the skateboarding car. Drama is standing next to him and Rob welcomes us to the show. He messes up the delivery of his opening and screams “FUCCCCCKK!” loud at the camera. Rob says sometimes you mess up and you just need to curse. The camera cuts to the executive producer, Shane Nickerson, who is sitting on the steps by Rob’s office, laughing as Rob tries to get his lines out. After that, Rob dives into it and introduces the first clip which he says is one of his favorites - the skateboarding car. After they show the skateboarding car clip, they show another clip from the season premiere where Rob was trying to get Drama to have a little more fun and take the go kart for a spin. He was telling drama to “hammer it,” and Drama went extra hard and hammered it right into the concrete. I’m sure you all remember the clip from the season premiere.

After that clip, Rob, Drama and Big Cat are standing in front of the camera wearing their grilled cheese necklaces. Rob explains a little bit about the Cheeseballers episode, and to help set it up, he pulls out his can of edible grilled cheese and sprays Big Cat’s mouth gold, haha. Big Cat did not look to happy about it. Rob got into the Cheeseballers cheer “I say cheese, you say baller, Cheese! Ballers! Cheese! Ballers!” and he was dancing while Drama and Big Cat just looked at him like he was crazy. They show us the clip from the episode when Rob was spray painting Drama’s face gold. They also showed us a little bit of behind the scenes stuff at this point. Rob went out to show the crew what his face looked like with the gold mouth and everyone was cracking up.

Rob and Drama begin to intro to the commercial break while Rob was playing tug of war with Meaty. They were using a long rope of some sort and Rob pulled Meaty up to the point of him being off the ground.

Rob - “…Ohh it’s the deadliest catch! It’s a live big BULLDOG!”

After the commercial break they showed one of my favorite scenes from the episode. They were at the warehouse where Rob was driving the skateboarding car, and Drama and Big Cat were off by themselves sliding down the concrete ramps. They were sliding in different ways, sometimes on one foot. Rob decided to give commentary on their sliding to the camera and it was hilarious!

Rob - “We’re the Pfaff’s! Hey we’re the Pfaffs, hey! We are just hanging here and we are gonna do our little shoe slides, we’re the Pfaffs! Pfaff’s! Yeah, we’re like super psyched with each other cause we get around each other and do crazy games together cause we’re super silly!”

At that point Drama and Big Cat realized what Rob was doing and the camera panned to them standing next to each other, looking alike, both staring at Rob. It was SO funny. I was seriously laughing so hard when this aired.

In the next scene, Rob and Drama are in the Fantasy Factory and Rob is sitting on an outdoor toilet. Basically it is a seat with a hole in it. He was sitting on it because they were about to show us a preview from the next brand new episode which took place in Hawaii. Rob and Drama traveled to Hawaii to test their “Man Level’s” and taking an outdoor dump is a huge part of how high your man level is. They cut to a hilarious scene where Rob and Drama are in Hawaii and Rob is sitting on the outdoor toilet while Drama gives him an odd look. Rob explains that even if he wasn’t about to go camping, he still might use the outdoor toilet just so he could see what it feels like to take a free dump in paradise. They set up their tents and as soon as they both get comfortable, Rob releases a loud fart which makes both him and Drama start cracking up.

Drama - “No Fucking Way! NO WAY”
Rob - “Dude, I’m telling you man, that bucket was teasing my butt! You know what I‘m saying?”
Drama - “You just hot-boxed yourself man! And that sounded like you might have shit a little..”

After the Hawaii preview, they cut back to Rob and Drama in the factory and Rob sets up a scene featuring His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. He explains how he wanted Sri Sri to experience something that he never thought was humanly possible, so Rob decided to go out and get a car that drives on water. Yes, it is exactly how it sounds. They show a deleted scene from the “He’s Just A Little Mini Pig” episode, and in the scene Rob, Sri Sri, Jeremy and Drama are driving down the road and Rob drives the car right into a lake. The boat/car was fine and they were able to drive through the water. It looked really cool. After the scene, Rob, Drama and Jeremy are in Jeremy’s office and Rob sets up the commercial break by talking about happiness. He has a picture of Sri Sri in his hand and he says while we watch commercials, he is going to go into that port-a-potty and get a little bit more happy, haha.

After the commercial, Rob, Drama and Big Cat are at the top of the foam pit with the go-kart, presumably filming a scene for the first episode of the season when all of a sudden Gentle Neill skates up and the sound of the skateboard kills the scene. I feel bad because I know exactly how it feels to be shy and awkward, but I can’t help but laugh every time they tease him. It is SO FUNNY.

Rob - “Gentle Neill man, he is just trying to do anything for that behind the scenes look. Cause he knows he gets chicks off it’ Yea, I work on that show! That behind the scenes show.’ Welcome back from the commercial!”

Then Rob goes on to explain Neill’s awkward presence and as Neill walks away, Rob continues to comment on how awkward it looks when Neill walks away. Neill darts into the DC Lounge and that brings us to the next scene - Rob dressed in his Bengal outfit, sitting on the Cat Car with Big Cat and Drama. Rob intros us to the scene where he demolished Big Cat’s car in the “Live Your Brand,” episode. Rob goes crazy smashing the car in with the sledge hammer and then he passes off the hammer to Drama. My favorite part of this scene is when Rob is on top of the car and Drama is in the process of smashing it. Rob turns to Drama and says “What are you?” Drama was supposed to answer “Young and Reckless!” but before he could, Big Cat answers - “A Dick.”

The next part of the episode is another part I always look forward to - Unseen Puppy Footage! It starts off with Beefy licking the camera and we see all sorts of adorable footage from Meaty and Beefy sleeping, to homemade diapers, to Rob having a stare-down with Meaty while wearing the Drama mask.

After the puppy clips, Rob is about to set up a new scene while holding Meaty on his lap at his desk. Drama is also sitting at his desk and it is pretty clear that Meaty has a Red Rocket issue going on. The Fantasy Factory editors decided to blur it, which turned out hysterical!

Rob - “Oh boy,” (as he uses his hand to cover it)
Drama - “Censor that thing.”
Rob (in a puppy/baby voice) - “Is that your little defense mechanism?”
Drama - “Ughhh, I’m gonna puke. looks like a clown nose!”
Rob - “Why you got such a little cherry top?”
Drama - “Dude, I think your dog has herpes.”

Haha, it was so funny. Little meaty had no idea what he was doing would be shown on national television in front of 1.7 million viewers.

They cut to a commercial and then we see some more behind the scenes footage with the crew. We get to see how much fun the entire cast and crew has while making the show. There are a lot of jokes, laughing and random dancing done while filming. I remember a few months back, Rob tweeted something and asked everyone if they knew what “Twerking” was. At the time I had no idea what he was talking about, so I googled it. I have to say, this scene had to be the funniest scene in the entire episode. After this scene, I was laughing for the rest of the show. Byron, one of the camera operators starts shaking his ass and Rob just gives him an odd look. “We were just talking about twerking man!”

Rob - “It wouldn’t surprise me if you were part of some weird dance crew on the weekends!” Then Rob started dancing.
Byron - “Go to youtube. “Twerk team.”
Rob - “Is that your crew? You wanna know what would get me really psyched? Is if I googled it and you popped up.”

Rob pulls up the twerk team video on Youtube and basically it is just girls with huge asses shaking them. It is almost impossible to explain in words, I think to get the full effect you should search it yourself. The video starts and Rob’s face was priceless. He started pointing at Reno (one of the sound mixers) and saying “Stop it! STOP IT! This dude is getting so fired up right now! Get him out of the room! Before he starts humping the screen!” It was SO FUNNY!

In the next scene, Rob brings out the iCore Cruncher and explains a little bit about what it does. They show a clip from the episode, “It’s Barry! Barry Bright!” We get to see a little bit of the hilarious infomercial that they shot that day and a little bit of the preparation for filming.

After that, Rob was holding a glass frame with a picture of Drama and two Young and Reckless models (the same picture that is on the wall in Drama’s office) and he talks about the “Live Your Brand” episode. He explained how there was really nothing reckless about Drama and he told Drama that he needs to go hard! With that, Rob smashes the glass frame on the desk and glass goes flying everywhere.

Rob - “That’s reckless. That‘s how you do it.”
Drama - “Really?”
Rob - “Look, hey, I just get caught up trying to live your brand…Let’s take a look at Drama living reckless.”

We see the clip where Rob and Drama jump out of a window from the “Live Your Brand,” episode.

That wraps up the Best of, Bonus and Behind the Scenes episode. I honestly think this was one of my favorite behind the scenes episodes ever. Being a hardcore Fantasy Factory fan, I wish I was able to see EVERY ounce of footage that hits the cutting room floor. I know that is not possible, so seeing these behind the scenes episodes is the next best thing. I know the Hawaii episode has already aired, so I will do my best to get that re-cap done before the new episode on Monday!

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