Saturday, October 2, 2010

Season 3 Episode 11 of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory!

I've been hoping to catch up on my re-caps this week. Unfortunately, the "Hawaiian Manventure" episode is not working on and my DVR doesn't really like to pause when I need it to. I have been waiting for the episode to work online, but now it is Saturday and it is still unavailable, so I've decided to skip that re-cap for now and write one about this past episode, "WWII 1972." As soon as the Hawaiian episode is up and running again, I will get that re-cap done.

This episode was another one of my favorites this season. It was so hilarious and so well done. The episode started out with Rob peeking out from his office, dressed in an all black ninja outfit. He sneaks over to Drama's office, and Drama has no idea Rob is there. He slides the door open and starts hurling ninja stars at Drama's wall. Then he pulls out his nunchucks and starts whipping them around, terrorizing Drama. Rob says that Drama needs to be ready..if someone runs up on him in the streets, he needs a full fledged ninja to watch his back.

The opening credits roll and when we get back, Rob and Drama are sitting in Rob's office and Rob is telling Drama how he feels really bad. He got in a fight with his mom the previous day and used some pretty bad words. He said he probably "F'd" at her at least 20+ times, haha. Because of this, he called his mom to apologize.

Rob - "Well, what do you say when you get super angry, when dad burnt some cookies. What do you say?"
Pat Dyrdek - "In 43 years of marriage, he's never made a cookie."

Rob decided to start the ACC - Anti-Cursing Coalition. His mission was to get curse words out of kids vocabularies and replace them with less offensive words. Rob said it must be destiny, because he was just about to release a new line for the DC Dyrdek Collection, and he thought within that, he could create a t-shirt line featuring alternative curse words. Rob wanted to take the style from old people, and modernize it to create a style for younger people.

Rob - "Imagine if I took their style and modernized it. Think how many great looks old people have. Old people have incredible plaids, they have great sweaters! They wear incredible vests!"

At this point Rob explained to Drama that they were going to go undercover to talk to old people. Then...he put poor Drama on blast. I felt bad for Drama..but it was SO FUNNY. Rob said they were going to talk to WWII people. Drama had a look of confusion on his face, then said "Oh." Rob asked if he knew what WWII was and Drama said World War II.

Rob - "Okay. Do you know when it happened?"

Now at this point, I knew Drama had no clue. History has never been my strong point in school. In fact, it was my least favorite subject. I hated it. Despite that, I still know what year WORLD WAR II happened, haha. I thought pretty much everyone in life had at least a ballpark idea of when WWII was. Not Drama Beats.

Drama - "Sure don't."
Rob - "Give me an idea of when you think it might have happened."
Drama - "Not even a clue."
Rob - "Give me an idea!"
Drama - "Umm....19....65."
Rob - "1965" (in between laughter)
Drama - "Maybe 75.."

At that point Rob continuted to ask Drama if he really had NO CLUE about when WWII was. He didn't, haha. Rob laughed and said "FUDGE ME! Fudge me and fudge all the baby brains in this world." haha. I was laughing so hard at this point. Rob explained that the 70s were when hippies were around. Not WWII.

In the next scene, Chanel called Rob over and explained that she had a really good idea for an invention. Chanel explained about how skateboarders wear shoelaces as belts when they skateboard, instead of regular belts, to help keep their pants up. They do that because the belt buckles hurt them while they are skating. Chanel came up with a belt made out of shoelace material, clasped together by a bra strap.

Rob - "Bras are for boobs."
Chanel - "Isn't this so much better than just a shoe lace?"
Rob - "Did you make this yourself?"
Chanel - "Uh huh!"
Rob - "This is a bra belt."

Rob then proceeds to put the belt on over his chest, similar to where a bra would be on a woman. The he sniffs it.

Rob - "Oh my God, it smells like SEX!"
Chanel - "No it doesn't! Okay, that's weird."

Rob puts the belt on.

Rob - "Oh my god, I feel like I'm in Jr. High right now. Here we go, boobies! The boobies are coming! The boobies are coming! Oh, no, it's just a belt!"

This scene was so funny. Rob tells Chanel it needs a little bit of work, it can't look like a bra.

Rob- "When you are just trying to keep your pants up, you don't want to touch something that makes you think about getting your pants off."

In the next scene, it is time for Rob and Drama to be transformed into old men. We saw the process that they had to go through to get their makeup done, and it turned out so awesome. I assume they used the same makeup artists that Jackass used back in the day. It turned out so realistic. After they were transformed, Rob was sitting at his desk, dancing, and Drama came in. They decided they needed better old person names, so they decided to use their middle names. Drama, being Russ (Russell) and Rob being Stan (Stanley).

Rob tells Drama they need to go do some research, and they are going to the senior center. Big Cat is sitting in his office and Rob and Drama walk up to Big Cat. Rob is walking with a cane, dressed in jeans and a DC hoodie, and Drama is wearing jeans and a Young and Reckless hoodie.

Big Cat - "Why are you guys 75 from the neck up and like 16 from the neck down?"

Haha, Big Cat was right, Rob and Drama did look kind of ridiculous in their young people's outfits. The next scene is one of my favorites. I think it is so funny seeing old people able to do young person activities. I don't know why, haha. Rob comes skateboarding out, dressed in old people clothes, looking like a complete old man. Drama follows, and they have a little skate session as old men. Every time they bailed, they yelled out alternative curse words. It was so hilarious.

They cut to a commercial and when they come back Rob and Drama are on their way to the senior center. They sit down with the old people and ask them about alternative curse words. "Frickin, Cotton Pickin, Chicken Pluckin, and Hot Diggity Dang," were the words that the real old people suggested. Rob and Drama then went to do some line dancing, and once again, i found it hilarious. They were moving a lot better than any normal old person, and it looked awesome, haha. They played a little ping pong and basketball, and it was time to leave. Right before they left, Rob mentioned how he wasn't only learning about alternative curse words, he was learning about fashion.

Rob - "An old person's closet is like a pot of gold!"

In the next scene Rob and Drama are in the DC Lounge playing ping pong. Rob noticed that Drama was wearing one of Chanel's Bra Belts. He asked Drama about it and Drama said Chanel told him to wear it, it would help him keep his pants up. Rob calls Chanel in and asks why she gave the new version of the Bra Belt to Drama to wear. Chanel said she worked on the design, so now it looks more like a shoelace. Drama had no idea Chanel invented it, he thought she bought it in a store. Chanel thought because of that, it meant it could probably sell in stores, and Rob said it actually had some potential. Drama tried to take it off, and realized it was like a bra. He said it was kind of difficult to take off, and Rob told him to do it with one hand, like he was taking off a bra. Drama said he couldn't do it.

Drama - "I can't do the one-hander"
Rob - "So when you go to release a bra, you use two hands?"
Drama - "Every time."

Rob told Drama maybe he should just keep the belt for practice, haha.

Rob - "That things got potential. I don't know if it has potential in my world, but if it helps Drama get to the boobies quicker, that's all that matters."

In the next scene, Rob calls Big Cat, Drama, Jeremy, Geoffrey and Chanel over and explains about how he designed an entire collection of clothes around old people style. He was having a fashion show at the DC Store, and he invited some of the older people he met last week to the show. That wasn't all. They were going to help model the old people clothing line. Jeremy and Geoffrey didn't look too amused. Rob asked Drama how good it is going to be. Drama responded with "It's very impressive."

Rob - "And that's coming from a guy that has an incredible button down v-neck with chest hair! Have I ever told you how ugly you make me feel?"
Drama - "That's the worst compliment I've ever gotten."
Rob - "You know when I feel pretty? When I'm with my dogs."

In the next scene we are at the DC Store, you might remember it from Rob's RD 1.5 shoe release party in season 1 of Fantasy Factory. The store is set up for a fashion show. Rob says hello to the old people from the senior center. They didn't recognize him because last time he was dressed as an old man, and Rob said he forgot that they didn't know what he looked like.

The fashion show gets started and Rob gets on stage and explains a little bit about what influenced his new line. Rob brings out the old people he met, then one of the models come out to show the outfit that was based on that person's style. We see Big Cat, Geoffrey, and Drama. One of the old men models was actually a WWII veteran. Rob makes a point to explain that Drama actually thought WWII took place in 1969. They cut to the old men laughing and Drama looking embarassed, haha.

The rest of Rob's line features t-shirts with old men on them, using alternative curse words. After that, Rob explains a piece that he added to the collection. Rob said HE invented something unique for a skateboarder. He explained how skateboarders use shoe strings as a belt to hold up their pants because the belt buckles hurt, and as he was explaining, Chanel was in the audience getting madder by the second. She looked genuinely pissed off. Rob saw Chanel getting mad and he decided to give her her shine. He explained that it was actually Chanel's idea. She looked really happy and proud of herself, and then Rob brought everyone out to walk the runway one last time. At the end, Rob introduced Drama to the WWII veteran and Drama looked pretty ashamed of himself, haha.

Drama - "I learned my lesson. It was 1939. 36? 35."
Rob - "Are you fucking with me right now?"

And the show ended on that note. It was such a hilarious episode. My whole family was cracking up the whole time. Definitely one worth watching again and again.

The time has come and next week (Monday) it is already time for the season 3 finale. Rob throws a fundraiser for the Rob Dyrdek Foundation and invites a bunch of celebrities to join in on the fun. He also records some pretty hilarious jingles. I am a little nervous about this one...I was there and I was front row for the performances so watch the episode and let me know if you see my face anywhere in there! haha.

Also, go to to get this week's exclusive limited edition Y&R shirt featuring Russel - Old and Reckless.

As soon as the Hawaiian Manventure episode is up on, I will try and get that blog done. Sorry again for the delay!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I'm Ben I love your show Chanel how did you make the shoelace and bra belt
