Season 3 of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory is over! It went by so fast. It seriously seems like yesterday, I was super excited about seeing the season premiere with the Drama masks. In reality, it was July..3 months ago. Sorry once again, I know it's taken me awhile to get this blog finished. I've been working a lot lately, trying to save up some money for something really important that might be happening. The more hours I can work, the better. Unfortunately, that means that I have less time to just surf the internet. I'm actually at work right now, but tonight it is a little different. I am just working the lobby at a all I really have to do is sit here and make sure nothing goes wrong. I get to have my netbook with me, which means I get to work on my blog.
Before I get into the episode re-cap, I just want to say, all in all, season 3 of Fantasy Factory was fantastic. I am not just saying that because I love the show. It really was a phenomenal season. So many hilarious and crazy moments. I can not WAIT until season four. Yes, that's right. Season four was announced! Season four begins filming in January and I can't wait to see the cast and crew's tweets to see what is going on. Also..Rob mentioned in a few interviews, Big Black is supposed to be making an appearance this season! I am not sure if he will be a series regular, or just in an episode or two. Either way, it will be great! I know a lot of fans have been waiting for a Rob and Big reunion, and now it will finally happen!
Personally, I am excited about three things including Big Black. Obviously, number one, seeing the hilarious chemistry between him and Rob. Two, seeing Meaty reunited with BB. I don't know if it will be possible, but I hope the camera captures the moment Meaty sees his old buddy again. Three...I want to see what Big Black looks like standing next to Chanel. Chanel is so tiny and BB is so big. He could probably lift her up with one hand.
Okay, obviously I am getting side tracked talking about Fantasy Factory. That tends to happen with me. Time to write about the season 3 finale of Fantasy Factory.
This episode started out with Rob leading a handful of models in bikini's into Drama's office, with someone named JT. Rob mentioned that him and JT were thinking about getting into the bikini business, and then Rob thanked the girls and JT led them out of the office. On their way out, Drama said "Girls, be safe!" and with that he raised both of his hands and did a double wave. After the girls left the office, Rob called Drama out on it and told him that he believes he might have just done the "horn-dog double hand wave." Drama had no idea what Rob was talking about, so Rob showed him what he did and explained that it's pretty much a known thing in the streets that when a dude does the double hand wave, he is acting like a perv. I think Drama got a little embarassed. Rob did it again, and this time he really got into it, with tounge and everything. It was a pretty funny scene.
The opening credits rolled and when we get back, the crew is jumping off a diving board into the foam pit. Rob and Big Cat were both able to successfully dunk a basketball into the hoop before falling in to the pit, and when Drama attempted to do it, he slammed against the mat on the wall and landed in the foam pit face first, leaving just his shoes visible to everyone who was standing around. Chanel was cracking up and described Drama as looking like a rag doll. After that, Rob explained that the diving board was set up for a charity event he was holding at the factory. It would be a fundraiser to raise money for underprivileged children to get skateboards through the Rob Dyrdek Foundation. Rob said there will be celebrities around, Travis Barker on the drums, some of the Street League pros doing a skate demo, and Rob said he might even dance a little to get everyone hyped up. Rob told Drama that he expected him to get his checkbook out and donate some money.
Drama - "Ill give some t-shirts or something."
Rob - "Hey, here we are again, it's charity time, and one of the Pfaff brothers hates kids."
Drama - "I don't hate kids..."
In the next scene, Rob and Drama were sitting at Rob's desk and Rob was eating a cookie. He told Drama to try a piece, and he asked Drama what it tasted like. Drama replied, "Oatmeal?" Rob then proceeded to sing a jingle about how the cookie tasted like Heaven on Earth. While Rob was singing his jingle, Drama was looking at him like he usually Rob is insane. Rob asked Drama if he agrees, that Rob is the greatest Jingler of all time. Drama said he does agree. Rob was wondering why he never had a chance to do real jingles, so he called upstairs to Jeremy.
Rob told Jeremy he was frustrated. He was the Jay-Z of jingles and he didn't have any work. He just wanted someone to believe in him. He told Rob he didn't care what company, he just wanted to do a Jingle. Rob suggested Butterfinger, or Taco Bell. Drama suggested Olive Garden, and Rob broke out into a pretty catchy Olive Garden jingle. That jingle was funny, but I pretty much lost it when he made up a jingle about Wienerschnitzel.
Rob - "If you love a wiener like I love a wiener then come on downnnnn!"
Rob said he could make up a jingle about anything, first try, not writing anything down, just making it up as he goes. Jeremy said if Rob could put together a really good demo reel, he would get him a jingle deal. Because Rob called himself the Jay Z of jingles, Drama wanted to know if he could be the Pharrell of jingles. Rob said absolutley, Drama is with him all the way.
There was a commercial break, and after that Rob waddled into Drama's office, dressed up in a giant skateboard costume that we would later come to know as Skatey. Skatey was equipped with wheels and trucks. He was actually a functioning, human sized skateboard. Rob told Drama that he was going to have Skatey at the Sk84Life event, to represent the happiness of skateboarding. He also explained how it was very difficult to breathe and he felt like his neck was compeltely weighted down while wearing the costume. Rob said he feels incredibly sad inside, but then Drama came back and said luckily for him, he had a "perma smile" affixed on the front of the costume. Drama then pointed to two of the wheels, and explained how they kind of resembled boobs. Then Rob reached up and started playing with the wheel boobs. It looked hilarious.
Rob - "I don't need no implants, I got these wheel boobies!"
After that, Rob decided he wanted to have a skate session with Skatey. He ran out of Drama's office and landed on his belly on the concrete. Drama climbed up on top of him and rode him like a real skateboard. Rob took Drama down a ramp and Drama was pretty skeptical of it working. It did work, and then they showed a montage of Rob in the Skatey suit skating over the wild grinders area and down the large blue ramp. After that, Drama and Big Cat wanted to test the speed of Skatey going over a bump, so they took a running start and pushed Skatey over the orange bump in the Wild Grinders skate area. Rob hit the bump, flipped, and landed flat on his back, and then flipped back over to land on the wheels. I don't know why, but it was SO HILARIOUS to watch. My whole family was cracking up. Drama and Big Cat were laughing and then poor Rob was not moving, and he explained that he might have just knocked himself out. Drama and Big Cat unzipped the costume and Rob had a little gash on his head.
Rob - "I will tell you one thing. This will be an incredible benefit, but you will not find me inside this great costume."
Big Cat - "I feel kinda bad for whoever has to wear that after you."
Rob - "Well, let's hope it's not you."
After that scene, Rob goes into Drama's office, completely hyped up about making his jingle demo. He gave Drama a high five with the double J's and then Big Cat brought in a box of various items that Rob could sing about. In the box was hemorrhoid cream. Rob pulled the cream out and started singing on the spot about hemorrhoid cream. It was so funny. They all head into the studio and it was time to record the jingle demo. There is no way I could type out the jingles and it would have the same hilarious effect of you hearing them in Rob's voice, so I won't. I will just say that Rob sang about hand sanitizer, a pregnancy test, nicotine patches, jock itch relief cream, baby wipes, and butter. It was funnier than words can describe.
There was a commercial break and after that, Rob and Drama walk up to Big Cat's office, with the Skatey costume in hand. Big Cat already had a look on his face that showed how bummed he was. He knew what was coming. Rob asked Big Cat to put on the Skatey costume and come with them to a skate plaza, where they were going to hand out skateboards to kids.
Big Cat - "This is why I don't say anything, because when I do, it ends me up in shit like this."
Big Cat puts the costume on, and the front door to the factory opens up with Big Cat hobbling out. I was already laughing at this point. They got up to Rob's SUV and realized that there was no way Skatey was going to fit. Rob, Chanel and Drama were bending Big Cat in ways that a human should never bend, trying to fit him into the car. They finally got him in and drove off. Drama made a comment on how it was kind of like if someone were to kidnap Skatey, haha.
They arrive at the skate plaza and Rob introduced Skatey to a bunch of kids and handed out some boards. After Rob was finished handing out boards, he asked if anyone wanted to ollie Skatey. We hear Big Cat say "WHAT!?" in a voice much higher than Big Cat's usual tone.
Rob - "Skatey, you wanna skate for the kids? You wanna skate for the kids?!"
Big Cat - "No."
Of course, it wasn't really up to Big Cat, and before we know it, he is on his belly, ready for Skatey to skate. Chanel said she wanted to try and ride him. She climbed up on his back and she was having so much fun!
Chanel - "Woo, go faster! Yo, this is tight! Uh oh, there's stairs coming!"
Chanel hopped off Big Cat and he stopped rolling before reaching the stairs. Rob gave Skatey a big hug and thanked him for helping the kids.
In the next scene Rob met up with Jeremy in his office. Jeremy informed Rob that he got him a deal based off his jingle demo reel. The jingle was for Panasonic and Panasonic also wanted to sponsor the Sk84Life event. Rob decided that he would not only make the jingle, he would perform it at the event! The jingle was for a new product called the Jungle. It is a portable handheld gaming device. Rob starts singing a jingle and he leaves Jeremy's office and heads downstairs to Drama. He goes into Drama's office and starts making up a Panasonic jingle on the spot. Rob explained to Drama that Panasonic believed in him enough to have him create the Jungle jingle and sponsor the Sk84Life event. They head towards the Hands of God studio, and then there is a commercial break.
After the break, we see the Sk84Life party. This moment was one of the most exciting Fantasy Factory moments

for me because I was lucky enough to attend the Sk84Life event back in May. Seeing the footage brought back all the excitement of actually being there. We see Rob welcoming Pharrel, The Game, and Yelawolf. They walk the Red Carpet and we see the Mayor of Los Angeles, Dana White, and Mel B. Then we see a performance from The Cool Kids with Travis Barker on the drums. After the performance we see the live auction for the charity with Rob on stage. That was the first time I spotted myself, front and center, in the crowd. A bunch of people start donating, including Dana White and Jeremy. Then Rob looks for Drama in the crowd and kind of volunteered Drama to donate $10,000. The camera goes to Drama and he has a confused look on his face.
After that, Rob performs one of the jingles he made for the

Panasonic Jungle. He performed another one at the event, but that one got cut out

of the episode. It was REALLY catchy, I still get it stuck in my head sometimes. After the performance, we see the Mayor take a ride down the zip line, and then we see Rob enter the DC Lounge where he had a place for kids to design their own DC Shoe. Rob and Drama took a picture with Meaty and Beefy, and then Rob thanked Dana White for coming out to support Sk84life. We see a little bit of the Street League skate demo with Torey Pudwill, Sean Malto and Chris Cole. Then, Pharrell, The Game, and The Mayor of Los Angeless all jumped into the foam pit. That wrapped up the party footage.
In the next scene, Rob goes into Drama's office and tells him that the party was extremely successful. He raised over $600,000, of which Drama donated $10,000. Drama didn't recall actually saying he would do that, and Rob said he might've misread his signal a little bit. Rob decided to make a deal with Drama. If Drama could get Skatey into the foam pit, Rob would donate th $10,000.
Drama got into the Skatey outfit and Rob grabbed one hand, while Big Cat grabbed the other. They took a running start and pulled Drama until he got up to the ramp. He almost made it in...except for the fact that his wheels got hooked onto the edge of the ramp, getting Drama stuck at the top. It was SO FUNNY! Rob told Drama if he stays up there for awhile, that is worth 10 G's. That ended the episode and season 3.
It was a great episode. My dad said it was one of his favorites this season, haha. Lot's of great moments. All the episodes are up on if you need to catch up. I still have to write the re-cap on the Hawaiian Manventure episode. That episode is not working for some reason up on As soon as it is working, or if I happen to get the Season 3 DVD first, I will get that re-cap written.
Congratulations to the entire cast and crew of Fantasy Factory. It was a great season, and I hope we have many more to look forward to!