Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's been awhile since I've written again...sorry. I have a lot going on right now, but at the same time it feels like I am not accomplishing anything. I miss LA. The last trip was too short, but it was amazing. My brother is still a little bummed that I took my sister instead of him. He has wanted to go to Hollywood forever. He must have the gene from me, haha. My sister, she's not as into that whole thing, but she does watch Fantasy Factory...that's why I had to take her. If I was going for any other reason, I would have taken him.

He desperately wants to go to the Teen Choice Awards in August. If we go for that, my sister is going to want to go too. We would probably stay in LA for a few more days this time, so I would have time to show them around a little bit. I've never done the Teen Choice Awards, but I have a feeling it will be a bunch of SCREAMING teen and pre-teen girls and it will be chaotic. I have really no desire to see The Jonas Brothers or Demi Lovato, and whatever else kids are into. I can't hate though, it wasn't THAT long ago when I was the core audience for the Teen Choice Awards and I would sit by the TV biting my nails, hoping *Nsync would win over the Backstreet Boys. I can see why my bro and sis want to go.

Tickets for the awards went on sale yesterday, but there is no way I can afford them, not right now at least. They are $350 each, for DECENT seats. I will not pay over $900 for me, my brother, and my sister. The nosebleeds are $60 each, which would be doable. I told him lets wait until the nominations are out, and if Fantasy Factory is nominated, I will consider maybe going. Though the TCAs are rigged and the winners know ahead of time, which means the FF cast probably wouldn't go anyways since the kids are more likely to vote for The Hills or American Idol as best reality show (what do they know?). I might try and take him anyways, he has never done anything super exciting. I will see where I stand with money...I would really like to attempt to save a little bit. It would be nice to have a stash of money put away for when things come up and I need it.

On a more serious note, my ex boyfriend's brother got into a really bad motorcycle accident a little over a week ago. I feel horrible...I was pretty close to him when I lived in Iowa. We would go over to his place every couple weeks. I dated my ex for like 3.5 years, I was close with his whole family. I am kind of in a weird position because I wish there was something I could do, but I don't want to overstep my boundaries. I am not with him anymore, he has a new girlfriend. Actually, a new fiancee. I don't want to piss her off or get him in trouble. I called him right after the accident. I had a lot to say to him, not only about his brother, but about the way things ended with us. Before that call, I hadn't talked to him in 3 years. It was really good to get things off my chest, and I feel a lot better about it. I got to say what I wanted and he got to say what he wanted , and now there is a better sense of closure. Right now I just feel horrible for him. He should not have to deal with this. I could tell by his voice that this whole car accident has him broken.

His brother was on his way to work on his motorcycle, and a 19 year old girl didn't see him and ran right into him. He is in critical condition and his brain is not responding well. He had bleeding on the brain, and as far as I know it doesn't look good. He has opened his eyes, but that is about it. This type of thing just shouldn't happen. Ben is a good guy. He doesn't deserve this. No one deserves this. It's just a horrible situation. He is engaged to be married soon, and I can't even imagine what his fiancee is going through. Also, he has a son....a 5 year old son. I was there for his birth. That poor little guy, he needs his dad.

I don't even want to think about it anymore right now, it makes me really upset. They have a website set up where I can keep checking on updates, so I check a few times a day. I made it clear to Brendan that I am here if he needs anything, though I don' really know what I could do. I guess that's all I can do, just make sure he knows.

In other news, THEY RELEASED THE TRAILER for SEASON 3 of FANTASY FACTORY! I was out when it was first tweeted, and my stupid mytouch wouldn't play the flash video. I took the ipod touch to a wifi area but the wifi wasn't working. I was so frustrated. Then a few minutes later it was put on youtube so I was able to watch a really grainy version of it on my phone. I AM SO EXCITED! It looks so good! They showed a little bit of "Operation Save Patty" which was filmed in Ohio when I was there. AND they showed Rob and Chanel wearing the Drama Masks! That was cool to see in action because I have one of them. I wonder whose mask I have. I know it is chipped in the corner. It really doesn't matter to me, haha, I am just so happy to have one. I know I am probably one of the only people in the world and quite possibly the only fan who owns one. So cool. It's also neat to see the factory set up the same way it was when I was there. He changes it every season, so on the past seasons it looked a little different. I am just so pumped for it.

I can't embed a youtube video on here, but here is the link. Check it out, I promise it won't disappoint!

Speaking of Fantasy Factory, I started working out again. I am determined this time to get back to a decent weight. I have a little bit of a better plan. I decided to try and put on an episode of Fantasy Factory while I was working out to pass the time, and it worked SO WELL. 21 minutes passed before I could blink. I didn't even feel tired, and I didn't look at the clock once. It was a perfect distraction. I always look at the clock when I am working out and it feels like the time is not passing by at all, then i start to get exhausted because I spend time thinking about how much time I have left...if that makes sense. This way, it'll be so easy. I figure i have 3 seasons of Rob and Big and 1 season of Fantasy Factory on DVD...that is roughly 50 episodes to watch, so I'm good for about 50 days. I'm not skipping days either, I am going to do this every single day. Maybe in 50 days or even before, I will be able to extend my workouts a little bit and move on to an hour long drama. They have True Blood on demand...I have never seen it, but I am considering it. I don't know much about it other than what Jackie has told me and she said it is basically vampire porn. Okay..maybe I shouldn't watch that while I work out. I don't know, I'm sure I can find a show to watch...I am way behind on CSI Miami, I've only watched like 2 this season. Maybe that will work. Plus, I will have all the skinny girls in bikini's to motivate me to work out harder. CSI Miami it is.

I guess that's where I am with my life right now. My job is good, my family is good, my puppies are good. That's all that matters. I think I might have slight obsession with Words With Friends on the ipod touch. Lindsey got me started at work a week or so ago. I didn't really know what it was, but I remember Shane Nickerson tweeting about it weeks ago. I looked back and found his username, shanenickerson, haha, and started a game. He accepted, so we have been playing back and forth and he has been kicking my ass. Though, I am determined to beat him sometime. I need a better strategy, I really need to think about my double and triple letter and word spaces. I have like 4 games going on right now, and practice makes perfect. Maybe this will help increase my brain power a little bit too, haha.

Alright, I gotta go, I need to go pick up sandwiches for work and there is a huge thunderstorm right now. Ugh.