There is not one thing going right in my life right now. Not ONE fucking thing. Tomorrow is my birthday. I don't want it to come. I wish today would last forever. Actually, it's not just ANY birthday, its my golden birthday. That only happens once in my whole life. And it's going to be the worst birthday ever.
First off, I'm sick. It's not a big deal, but its not making me happy. I've had a cold/flu for at least 50% of this year so far. Its miserable. When I am sick, I can't sleep. When I can't sleep I get headaches. When I cry I get headaches, and I've been crying a shit ton these past few days.
Second...two of my ferrets are sick. I don't have the money to help them out...they have the beginning stages of Adrenal disease and even thinking that the end might be near for them makes me so sad. I've had Coda forever. He was part of the first three. He is such a good boy too...not a mean bone in his body. With boys, when they get adrenal disease, their hormones skyrocket. Coda has been humping the girls. And it's not just regular humping. It's rape. He PULLS them out of the hammock if the are sleeping, pins them down and bites their neck or ear hard to make them squeal. He doesn't do it to Emmy because she is also one of the original three, but he does it to the other two girls, including Kal who is the other one with adrenal disease. Kal has already had such a hard life...she was a stray ferret. When I got her she was walking the streets of chicago, her feet were all red and she was bone skinny. Then I took her home and she became a part of my ferret family. She was doing great...and you know, she is still doing alright (knock on wood). The vet said its a matter of months once they are diagnosed, but she is alright for now.
Yesterday, I made the decision to separate them. I had to, it was my only option because I can't keep having Coda attacking the girls. Now the girls are upstairs and the boys are downstairs. It's just sad to me because they've lived together for so long and now they can't. I know this probably isn't a big deal to you...but animals are so important to me. I can't seem them hurt physically or emotionally. It was heartbreaking watching Emmy and Coda dig between the two levels trying to get to each other.
Third, there is something wrong with my computer. It freezes upon startup. Now I am afraid to shut it down. I CAN'T afford a new computer. I just can't. And my computer is pretty much my life, haha. I just..don't need this right now.
Fourth, my ps3 has been freezing. That's not the biggest deal in the world either, but I need my ps3. I watch movies and play games pretty much every day. I know its the old version and it might be time to upgrade to the slim, but once again, I can't afford it. I couldn't if I wanted to. There are so many other things I need money for right now. Mikey and Katie..i'd like to get them a beach pass for the summer. That's easily $150. Ferret food and cleaning supplies cost money. Bills. I just can't afford a new toy right now.
Fifth..I'm turning fucking 24. 24! And the more I look back the more I realize I've accomplished NOTHING. I'm moving to LA...i've pretty much already decided that. I just can't do it for awhile. Probably not for a year or two. I need money..once again its all about money. Yes, it will be terrifying to go out there alone, but I have to give it a shot. I just have to. I can't look back in another 10 years and think about what would have happened if i went. I HATE it here. I don't hate the city of Chicago. I actually think it's a gorgeous city and it really is the happy medium between LA and NYC. I'm just sick of it. I have nothing here. I have Jackie, but honestly, she doesn't have time for me anymore anyways. She has three things that come first and that's her job, her school and her boyfriend. Between her making time for all those things..i get to see her maybe once every 8-10 weeks if I'm lucky.
That's the sixth thing I suppose. Jackie is my only friend. She is my best friend. I'm trying to be as understanding as I possibly can..and I do understand that school and work come first. But...she has time to talk to her boyfriend every single day and see him more often than she sees me and he has treated her like complete shit for the past four years. Why does someone who has been so terrible to her take precedence over me? I don't get it, I won't get it. I know boyfriend > best friend. But really..if you were to even know everything he has ever done to her...its ridiculous. I don't think I have ever really done anything to hurt her feelings. Maybe I have, but if I did it wasn't anything comparable to him. I'd literally have to become the biggest bitch in the world to come close to what he has done. The other thing that bugs me, is even when we used to hang out...he would call her every 3o min or so. He doesn't trust her hanging out with me. With ME! I am the most chill non partier in the world. He accuses me of taking her to meet other guys. Come on. We go to lunch or a movie, have 3 hours maybe and thats it. And that was the past, that doesn't even happen now. But she did come over a couple weeks ago, and it was great, but guess what? He called. BIG surprise. And it wasn't just hey, love you, bye, he proceeded to tell her about an ear issue. I mean...the first time I see my best friend in like 10 weeks...and he's gotta take some of it. I guess I sound kind of selfish...but really, I don't think I am. If it was just school and work that was the issue..fine. But the BF...i just can't take it forever. I don't see how its fair that I am number two to someone who has done terrible things to her. If he was an amazing guy and did no wrong...fine..maybe I'm number two. But really...shouldn't friends ALWAYS come before guys no matter what? Especially asshole guys? And the kicker is...she saw him last week..shes going out with him this week..and its my birthday. She doesn't have time for me. Not even on my birthday week. You know this guy hasn't done a damn thing for her on ANY birthday or holiday in the past 4 years? I've been there for her during those times. ME. You know, its not Jackie at all. She is the sweetest best person in the world. She deserves to focus on her career and I'm glad she is doing it. Also, Jackie has stood by me and helped me get through some really rough situations in life. I will ALWAYS be grateful for that. Like I said, she will ALWAYS be my best friend, I just...I can't understand why she has time to talk to him EVERY day and see him when now months go by between us hanging out and weeks go by without phone calls. And I don't understand why during the rare times when we do get to hang out...he has to get in the middle of it. I don't think I've ever hung out with her without them having a full on phone conversation. I don't get it. She will always be my best friend...but while things go on like this...can't you see why I feel there's nothing left in Chicago? I would probably see Jackie and talk to her just as much if I lived across the country.
So where am I? That was the sixth thing, right? Like I said before, Jackie is my best friend..but really, I don't have ANY other friends I can count on. No one. I have Jackie, and my family. That's it. Actually, Lindsey at work is kinda cool. We don't hang out, but when we work together on Sunday's we talk and stuff. I wouldn't mind hanging out with her sometime, it might be fun. I don't make friends easily anymore and I just think it's kind of pathetic that I don't have anyone to spend tomorrow with.
Eight...I didn't graduate college. I'm still living at home. Facebook really is the devil because all it does is make me look and see that 80% of the people I graduated high school with are more successful than me. Some MARRIED and have BABIES. I still feel like a child. I know I'm not a child, but I feel really stupid when I hear about people I used to know doing so many amazing things. I honestly don't even want to go back to school. Maybe that will change eventually, but not now.
That brings me to nine. I am 24 and still don't know where my life is going. I don't even have an idea. I guess, LA is the start. That at least points me in the right direction of where I want to go. But what do I do once I get there? Who knows? I'd like to work on a television show of some kind doing anything really. That won't be easy. We'll see.
I dunno, I'm sure there are more things. You know...Sunday was just the worst day ever. Between me being sick, the computer breaking, the ps freezing and coda attacking the girl ferrets, it just sucked. Sunday was also the 10th anniversary of No Strings Attached. Not a big deal to most people..but a big deal to me. It's been 10 fucking years? Damn. I brought out my NSA concert DVD and just cried. I miss *Nsync. I wasn't crying because I love them and want them to get back together. I was crying because obviously everything that day already sucked, and then once the concert started on tv, it just reminded me of how happy I felt when *Nsync was around. It was a horrible time in my life as well..but whenever *Nsync was on TV, or their CD was on, and especially when I was at one of their shows, it felt like my problems didn't matter. *Nsync had some sort of magical power that made everything okay. Now...they aren't together. I was lucky enough to see their last performance ever live. We (we being all the fans) knew it was gonna be the last one. And I cried the whole time. It was one simple rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, but the way they were able to was magical. And before they sang it, they hadn't performed together in two years. First time singing together in two years and they nailed it. It was perfect. NO boy band sounded nearly as good as they did. The only one I would compare them to was Boyz II Men. Anyways, *Nsync...they will always be special to me. Always. Like I said..they made me feel better when everything in life sucked.
Now..the only thing that really makes me laugh when I am down is Fantasy Factory and Rob and Big. I guess it's my little outlet. I can't wait until the third season. Is it sad that its really the only thing I am looking forward to? It is sad. It's actually really pathetic. That pretty much sums up this whole entry. Seriously...the ONLY thing I am looking forward to is the season premiere of a television show. Now..that explains why everything in my life sucks.
I DO have the best dog in the world though. I love him so much, and no matter what I know he always loves me. He makes me happy too. He really does. I can't move out to LA if I can't bring him. It just wouldn't work.
Alright, I'm starting to feel nauseous. Maybe from being sick, maybe from working myself up crying while writing this. Who knows?
Anyways, I'll write again soon..probably Sunday. I'll tell you how AWESOME AND AMAZING MY BIRTHDAY WAS! right..
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I'm sick...again...
This sucks so bad. I feel like I've been sick every other week. My sister has a cold, started with a sore throat, now she is stuffy and coughing and sneezing. Now, guess what? I have a sore throat. It's not even a little sore, its A LOT sore. I have trouble sleeping when I am not feeling good, whether it is a sore throat, stuffy nose, or doesn't matter, I can't fall asleep. Well last night I didn't sleep much. I contemplated just staying awake until it was time for work this morning, but I ended up getting a few hours of sleep. I know this is just the beginning too, the stuffiness and headaches and such are still to come. AND ITS MY BIRTHDAY WEEK. I'm also scheduled to work extra hours this week. I'm really pissed. I can't be pissed at my sister, it's not like she got me sick on purpose. It's a small house and I was bound to catch it. It's just bad timing. This is really like the 5th time I've been sick this year and its only March.
Anyways, to change the subject, I think I am going to make it out to LA. To live. I've been doubting it a lot. When I was in high school I told myself that all I wanted to do was move out to LA and work in the entertainment business. I don't care what I am doing, I just want to work in it somehow. My DREAM would be to be a writer or maybe even producer. As I got older, I kind of lost hope and thought it would never happen. I have a lot of things working against me. For one, money. I have no money. I actually have negative money. I owe A LOT. Student loans, car payments, etc. And I never even graduated college, which is something else working against me. Third, I am kind of scared. I get lonely very easily and I don't know too many people out there. I know a few, but I am not close friends with them or anything. This is something I would have to do on my own. No one is going with me. I recently got motivated again. I received an email from someone who works out there and he basically told me if I don't try it, I will regret it. I don't want to grow up and think about what could have been if I tried. It's worth a shot, I owe it to myself to try. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out, but I gotta give it a shot. I can't go right now. I need to start saving up. Ideally I would like to be out there by this time two years from now. I think I can make it happen. I am scared, but excited at the same time.
Alright, I'm gonna get going, I have some kids here who don't want to go to class and it's my responsibility to make sure they go. This should be fun...
Anyways, to change the subject, I think I am going to make it out to LA. To live. I've been doubting it a lot. When I was in high school I told myself that all I wanted to do was move out to LA and work in the entertainment business. I don't care what I am doing, I just want to work in it somehow. My DREAM would be to be a writer or maybe even producer. As I got older, I kind of lost hope and thought it would never happen. I have a lot of things working against me. For one, money. I have no money. I actually have negative money. I owe A LOT. Student loans, car payments, etc. And I never even graduated college, which is something else working against me. Third, I am kind of scared. I get lonely very easily and I don't know too many people out there. I know a few, but I am not close friends with them or anything. This is something I would have to do on my own. No one is going with me. I recently got motivated again. I received an email from someone who works out there and he basically told me if I don't try it, I will regret it. I don't want to grow up and think about what could have been if I tried. It's worth a shot, I owe it to myself to try. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out, but I gotta give it a shot. I can't go right now. I need to start saving up. Ideally I would like to be out there by this time two years from now. I think I can make it happen. I am scared, but excited at the same time.
Alright, I'm gonna get going, I have some kids here who don't want to go to class and it's my responsibility to make sure they go. This should be fun...
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Another Sunday..
I seem to only write blogs on sunday mornings. I guess because that is when I am at work and have a computer in front of me with few distractions. 10 days til my birthday! I don't know if I should be excited or not. 24...that kinda sucks. I was ok with being 23, but now being 24, that means I am close to 25 and 25 is close to 30. When I look back and think about what I have accomplished, I feel like a loser. I haven't done much. I mean...i've done quite a few cool things in my life, but nothing that has impacted what I am going to do with my future. Shouldn't a 24-year-old know what they want to be when they grow up? They ARE grown up, so yeah, they should have an idea. I don't. I mean...I know what I would be happy doing. But those are just fantasies. I would LOVE to move to LA and be a PA on a show and maybe eventually a television writer. I don't have the required education. I also don't have the money. You need to have money to live in LA. PA jobs don't pay a lot at all. Plus, I'd need to be able to afford a place to live before going out there and I can't. I HATE going out there and seeing girls that are dumb as doorknobs getting awesome jobs because they have a "connection." That really blows. I could do it, I know I could. I could handle a job like that easily, I could probably do it a lot better than them and I would love it. I just..i'm 2000 miles away. It's not possible. Fuck, I would even be a receptionist out there. Anything in the entertainment business. TV preferably. It's not gonna happen. I have my entire family here and they would be devestated if I moved that far away. When I went to school in Iowa my mom could barely handle it and that was just a 3.5 hour drive. I am close with my family, it would be difficult. I guess if I had someone to go out there with, maybe I could try. But i'd be all alone. That scares the crap out of me.
So yeah, 24. I'll be 24 on the 24th. Golden birthday..only happens once in your life. I am doing nothing to celebrate it. This year is actually really pathetic. I have ZERO dollars so I can't do anything. My family has no money, so they can't get me anything great. Jackie is really the only person I hang out with and she is busy all the time. It's going to be a shitty, lonely birthday. I DID order myself a birthday present. My mom paid for half of it and she is going to pay me back for the rest when she gets paid again. It's my gift from the family. A brand new DC Rob Dyrdek hoodie. Haha. And I'm totally excited about it! How sad is it that all I get for my birthday is a brand new hoodie. Don't get me wrong, I don't need extravagant gifts. It's just weird...I don't think the money situation has EVER been this bad. Where I have to get my own present and my mom will pay me back. I didn't even have the money to do it, I just got it anyways so I would be happy. On the 19th Tmobile is taking my phone bill out and that will leave me completely fucked.
Past birthdays have been pretty cool. I had friends, haha. Not quality friends, but at least I had people who would use my birthday as an excuse to party. There would be cake and the occasional gift card. And for my 18th birthday, my mom took me to LA. That was pretty awesome. I love LA. If I could be anywhere on my birthday, that's where I'd want to be. Well..if I could be ANYWHERE I would probably choose somewhere tropical and expensive, but I mean realistically it would be LA. I really can't see myself ever affording a lavish tropical vacation.
So yeah, Happy Birthday to me. :/
I DO have the Rob and Big season 3 DVD due to arrive at my house any day now. The only reason I was able to afford it was because I used swagbucks so much I was able to get $15 in amazon gift cards and it was only like $10 more. I'm excited about that. I wonder when Fantasy Factory season 2 is coming out on DVD? THAT will make me happy.
Alright, I don't think I have much more to talk about...nothing that I can get into and still be able to finish by the time I have to leave work, haha.
So yeah, 24. I'll be 24 on the 24th. Golden birthday..only happens once in your life. I am doing nothing to celebrate it. This year is actually really pathetic. I have ZERO dollars so I can't do anything. My family has no money, so they can't get me anything great. Jackie is really the only person I hang out with and she is busy all the time. It's going to be a shitty, lonely birthday. I DID order myself a birthday present. My mom paid for half of it and she is going to pay me back for the rest when she gets paid again. It's my gift from the family. A brand new DC Rob Dyrdek hoodie. Haha. And I'm totally excited about it! How sad is it that all I get for my birthday is a brand new hoodie. Don't get me wrong, I don't need extravagant gifts. It's just weird...I don't think the money situation has EVER been this bad. Where I have to get my own present and my mom will pay me back. I didn't even have the money to do it, I just got it anyways so I would be happy. On the 19th Tmobile is taking my phone bill out and that will leave me completely fucked.
Past birthdays have been pretty cool. I had friends, haha. Not quality friends, but at least I had people who would use my birthday as an excuse to party. There would be cake and the occasional gift card. And for my 18th birthday, my mom took me to LA. That was pretty awesome. I love LA. If I could be anywhere on my birthday, that's where I'd want to be. Well..if I could be ANYWHERE I would probably choose somewhere tropical and expensive, but I mean realistically it would be LA. I really can't see myself ever affording a lavish tropical vacation.
So yeah, Happy Birthday to me. :/
I DO have the Rob and Big season 3 DVD due to arrive at my house any day now. The only reason I was able to afford it was because I used swagbucks so much I was able to get $15 in amazon gift cards and it was only like $10 more. I'm excited about that. I wonder when Fantasy Factory season 2 is coming out on DVD? THAT will make me happy.
Alright, I don't think I have much more to talk about...nothing that I can get into and still be able to finish by the time I have to leave work, haha.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Back to Normal...
Everything is back to normal now. No more exciting adventures planned :( It's alright though, I really need to start saving up some money. I am completely broke right now. It's always good to have some money put away in case something like the Rob Dyrdek Road Trip comes up. Right now..I think have maybe $3 in my checking account. Kinda sucks. I'll get paid sometime next week, then I REALLY need to start saving up.
There is not really too much exciting going on with me. OH! One exciting thing, haha. So my last blog post about Rob...I mentioned the executive producer of the fantasy factory's name in it, Shane Nickerson, and I guess he gets emails or texts sent to him when his name is published somewhere online. Anyways, HE READ MY BLOG! I seriously thought no one read it. I never really go back and check after I write it because there are never any comments or anything, but I thought about writing an entry on Thursday night and I checked and there was a comment. I thought maybe it was Jackie or something...but it was him! It's always the little things that make me so happy, haha. He said that Jeff Tremaine actually wasn't there, it was Christian Duguay, (dunno if I spelled that right), the other EP of the show. He is the guy that was walking backwards in an episode and tripped over the stairs, haha. That kind of makes me feel better, because I was bummed about not getting a picture with Jeff. I could have sworn I heard the people at panera say that Jeff's food was ready. Maybe it was another jeff. Or maybe I just wasn't really paying attention. Now it has come to my attention that they are filming a Jackass 3, so I'm sure that's where Jeff Tremaine was. Jackass 3...thats so awesome, I'm excited, haha. I think a few blogs back I wrote a good amount about Jackass or Viva La Bam or something. I'm not sure, I tend to ramble when I write these things.
Anyways, back to Shane after he commented on here, I twittered him and he responded and that made me even happier, lol. Then I checked out his blog. That guy can write! It is seriously like reading a novel. He doesn't write too much about Rob or the fantasy factory, but I like it better that way. I only got a few entries in, and I skimmed a little bit because I was falling asleep, but I will definitely have to check it out again. He seems like a normal guy who has an awesome life. He seems like he has not let Hollywood, or his job get to his head. He writes a lot about his wife and kids, he seems to love them more than anything, which I like a lot.
That also brings me to something else. I've read in a few places that the Rob and Big show ended on a bad note. People on the internet have said that Rob had/has a bad cocaine addiction and Big tried to get him help, and Rob said some shitty things and that was it. I don't want to believe it. I am not just saying that because I am a huge fan of Rob's, I honestly don't believe it. First off, it's just a rumor. He IS super hyper on the show, but the guy drinks monster like it is water. AND when I saw him in Ohio, he wasn't high on coke. He was really mellow. He also ordered a coffee with like 4 espresso shots. Rob isn't excessively skinny and he is a pro athlete. Most pro athletes know better than to fuck themselves up with that stuff. Also, Rob makes his money by endorsements. DC and Monster and all those other companies could easily pull him if he was doing that shit. They wouldn't want a coke head representing their companies, and Rob is way smarter than to throw all of that away for cocaine. ALSO...Rob seems close with his parents. Granted, I don't know him personally or his family, but from what we see on TV, his mom would be completely heartbroken if rob was on that stuff and I don't think he would do that to her. I was still kind of on the fence about believing it, but then when I read Shane Nickerson's blog and saw that he is a complete family man and really cares about his kids, I don't think he would have continued to work around/support Rob if this was true. He wouldn't have gone on to do the Fantasy Factory. Unless he was in it for the money, which I don't believe is the case based on what I've read on his blog. Maybe I'm naive? I dunno..If he does it, he does it. If he doesn't, good. I'm still a fan of him regardless. He is still hilarious and it doesn't change the fact that if I am in a shitty mood, I can turn on TV and any episode of Rob and Big and Fantasy Factory will make me chuckle. Especially Extreme Timmy. It's so ridiculous, but I can't help but laugh EVERY time I see the montage of timmy and drama at the end.
Big has also mentioned that Rob is controlling and that MTV kind of screwed him out of some money. THAT I might believe. I don't think Rob is controlling on purpose, but I think someone in his position, who has worked hard since childhood to get where he is, probably does want complete control of the situations he is in. I mean..its Dyrdek Enterprises. He SHOULD be in charge. I can also see MTV screwing big out of money. If that's the case, it was kind of shitty. While Rob (and meaty) were obviously stars of the show, It wouldn't have been the same if Big wasn't there. The chemistry they had was incredible. Big said that he had a lot of fun seasons 1 and 2, and when it got to season 3, it was more work than fun. When I go back and watch season 3, I can see that Big seems over it. The second to last episode where they deal with a rat infestation, Rob demolishes his bathroom and Big just looks like he wants no part of it. He actually looks like he thinks Rob is insane. But then you can argue that a few episodes earlier where they try and get themselves on a cereal box..I think it's Meaty Goes to Hollywood, they still had great chemistry. Maybe they are just really good actors? And in the last episode, if it is true that Rob didn't even know big was having a baby until a few weeks prior, that is fucked up. It's probably not true though, I'm sure that was scripted for the show. As it winded down, the chemistry kind of fizzled. It's too bad. I can't wait until I have a little more money because I don't have the season 3 DVD and I'm really anxious to watch the episodes with commentary. They shoot the commentary after the season is done filming, so I want to see what it sounds like between Rob and Big. I especially want to hear commentary on the series finale, and there are a few others I am looking forward to. Dating Game is one. Vegas, where they take Drama to vegas for his 21st. I hope they have Drama on that commentary because that is the first time we actually saw him get pissed at Rob. it was great. Those will be fun to listen to. I'm sure MTV knows better than to put out a dvd where it has the two of them arguing, so if they weren't getting along, they will probably be civil to each other during the commentary. They just won't laugh as much. We'll see. Maybe next paycheck..haha.
Wow, I rambled on and on again. This is what happens when I am bored at work. Now..its almost time to leave so I do have to pack up. Re-reading this, I think i think way too much about the Rob and Big show and Fantasy Factory. Most people who read this would probably think I am crazy. They are just TV shows. And that is true, they ARE just tv shows. But...they are some of my favorite TV shows and it really bummed me out to read those rumors about Rob. When you look up to somebody, you don't want to hear that they do bad things, haha. And it's not just me, there are tons of little skater kids who look up to Rob like he is a god. If he is doing these things, he is being real careful about it...which is good. But hopefully he is not. That would kinda suck.
Alright, now I really gotta go. Sorry for rambling..again..
There is not really too much exciting going on with me. OH! One exciting thing, haha. So my last blog post about Rob...I mentioned the executive producer of the fantasy factory's name in it, Shane Nickerson, and I guess he gets emails or texts sent to him when his name is published somewhere online. Anyways, HE READ MY BLOG! I seriously thought no one read it. I never really go back and check after I write it because there are never any comments or anything, but I thought about writing an entry on Thursday night and I checked and there was a comment. I thought maybe it was Jackie or something...but it was him! It's always the little things that make me so happy, haha. He said that Jeff Tremaine actually wasn't there, it was Christian Duguay, (dunno if I spelled that right), the other EP of the show. He is the guy that was walking backwards in an episode and tripped over the stairs, haha. That kind of makes me feel better, because I was bummed about not getting a picture with Jeff. I could have sworn I heard the people at panera say that Jeff's food was ready. Maybe it was another jeff. Or maybe I just wasn't really paying attention. Now it has come to my attention that they are filming a Jackass 3, so I'm sure that's where Jeff Tremaine was. Jackass 3...thats so awesome, I'm excited, haha. I think a few blogs back I wrote a good amount about Jackass or Viva La Bam or something. I'm not sure, I tend to ramble when I write these things.
Anyways, back to Shane after he commented on here, I twittered him and he responded and that made me even happier, lol. Then I checked out his blog. That guy can write! It is seriously like reading a novel. He doesn't write too much about Rob or the fantasy factory, but I like it better that way. I only got a few entries in, and I skimmed a little bit because I was falling asleep, but I will definitely have to check it out again. He seems like a normal guy who has an awesome life. He seems like he has not let Hollywood, or his job get to his head. He writes a lot about his wife and kids, he seems to love them more than anything, which I like a lot.
That also brings me to something else. I've read in a few places that the Rob and Big show ended on a bad note. People on the internet have said that Rob had/has a bad cocaine addiction and Big tried to get him help, and Rob said some shitty things and that was it. I don't want to believe it. I am not just saying that because I am a huge fan of Rob's, I honestly don't believe it. First off, it's just a rumor. He IS super hyper on the show, but the guy drinks monster like it is water. AND when I saw him in Ohio, he wasn't high on coke. He was really mellow. He also ordered a coffee with like 4 espresso shots. Rob isn't excessively skinny and he is a pro athlete. Most pro athletes know better than to fuck themselves up with that stuff. Also, Rob makes his money by endorsements. DC and Monster and all those other companies could easily pull him if he was doing that shit. They wouldn't want a coke head representing their companies, and Rob is way smarter than to throw all of that away for cocaine. ALSO...Rob seems close with his parents. Granted, I don't know him personally or his family, but from what we see on TV, his mom would be completely heartbroken if rob was on that stuff and I don't think he would do that to her. I was still kind of on the fence about believing it, but then when I read Shane Nickerson's blog and saw that he is a complete family man and really cares about his kids, I don't think he would have continued to work around/support Rob if this was true. He wouldn't have gone on to do the Fantasy Factory. Unless he was in it for the money, which I don't believe is the case based on what I've read on his blog. Maybe I'm naive? I dunno..If he does it, he does it. If he doesn't, good. I'm still a fan of him regardless. He is still hilarious and it doesn't change the fact that if I am in a shitty mood, I can turn on TV and any episode of Rob and Big and Fantasy Factory will make me chuckle. Especially Extreme Timmy. It's so ridiculous, but I can't help but laugh EVERY time I see the montage of timmy and drama at the end.
Big has also mentioned that Rob is controlling and that MTV kind of screwed him out of some money. THAT I might believe. I don't think Rob is controlling on purpose, but I think someone in his position, who has worked hard since childhood to get where he is, probably does want complete control of the situations he is in. I mean..its Dyrdek Enterprises. He SHOULD be in charge. I can also see MTV screwing big out of money. If that's the case, it was kind of shitty. While Rob (and meaty) were obviously stars of the show, It wouldn't have been the same if Big wasn't there. The chemistry they had was incredible. Big said that he had a lot of fun seasons 1 and 2, and when it got to season 3, it was more work than fun. When I go back and watch season 3, I can see that Big seems over it. The second to last episode where they deal with a rat infestation, Rob demolishes his bathroom and Big just looks like he wants no part of it. He actually looks like he thinks Rob is insane. But then you can argue that a few episodes earlier where they try and get themselves on a cereal box..I think it's Meaty Goes to Hollywood, they still had great chemistry. Maybe they are just really good actors? And in the last episode, if it is true that Rob didn't even know big was having a baby until a few weeks prior, that is fucked up. It's probably not true though, I'm sure that was scripted for the show. As it winded down, the chemistry kind of fizzled. It's too bad. I can't wait until I have a little more money because I don't have the season 3 DVD and I'm really anxious to watch the episodes with commentary. They shoot the commentary after the season is done filming, so I want to see what it sounds like between Rob and Big. I especially want to hear commentary on the series finale, and there are a few others I am looking forward to. Dating Game is one. Vegas, where they take Drama to vegas for his 21st. I hope they have Drama on that commentary because that is the first time we actually saw him get pissed at Rob. it was great. Those will be fun to listen to. I'm sure MTV knows better than to put out a dvd where it has the two of them arguing, so if they weren't getting along, they will probably be civil to each other during the commentary. They just won't laugh as much. We'll see. Maybe next paycheck..haha.
Wow, I rambled on and on again. This is what happens when I am bored at work. Now..its almost time to leave so I do have to pack up. Re-reading this, I think i think way too much about the Rob and Big show and Fantasy Factory. Most people who read this would probably think I am crazy. They are just TV shows. And that is true, they ARE just tv shows. But...they are some of my favorite TV shows and it really bummed me out to read those rumors about Rob. When you look up to somebody, you don't want to hear that they do bad things, haha. And it's not just me, there are tons of little skater kids who look up to Rob like he is a god. If he is doing these things, he is being real careful about it...which is good. But hopefully he is not. That would kinda suck.
Alright, now I really gotta go. Sorry for rambling..again..
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I'm still so freakin pumped and I met him a week ago. If you've been following my blog at all, you know how obsessed I am with Rob and Big and Fantasy Factory right now. I LOVE it. I watch it all the time. Annndd..I think Rob Dyrdek is amazing, haha. A week ago, I was just sitting at work like a normal day. I talked to Jackie earlier and we were talking about Rob Dyrdek and how if I could meet any celebrity right now, who would I want it to be. Obviously I said Rob. I was so bummed out that I didn't see him in LA. We drove by the Rob and Big house and I got so excited, and he doesn't even live there anymore, haha.
Anyways, Rob is from Kettering, Ohio which is about a 5.5 hour drive from Chicago. I already knew this because he has gone home during a few episodes of his show and filmed there with his family. I told Jackie...if Rob ever goes back to Ohio, I HAVE to go. I have to try and meet him. It's way closer than LA and I probably won't be going back to LA for another year.
I was sitting at work on Monday and my phone vibrated. I get Drama's (Rob's cousin), Rob's, and the Fantasy Factory Crew's tweets sent directly to my phone via text because they always tweet cool pictures and stuff about what they are filming. I picked up the phone to check the text and it was Drama saying he is on his way to Ohio. That was insane to me. I JUST said I would have to go if he ever came back there. Now he is going there right now?! first I thought, okay, maybe just Drama is going back to see his family or something. I like Drama, but I won't drive 300 miles for him. Sorry Drama. I didn't get too excited at this point. I started poking around on twitter and found Shane Nickerson's twitter (the executive producer of Fantasy Factory.) He tweeted something about sitting behind Rob Dyrdek on an airplane and watching people recognize him. Ok...that was it. Obviously Rob was going too. THEN the Fantasy Factory crew tweeted about being in Ohio. So..that told me that they were going to be filming there.
At this point, I knew I had to try. That night I asked my mom and she was pretty hesitant. It would be somewhat expensive, I would have gas money, food money and a hotel room for a night. Also, I couldn't go myself. Jackie was working and had class. I decided to take my sister. She has never met a celebrity before. She would have to miss two days of school, but she is getting straight A's so my parents said that would be fine. I was literally bouncing off the walls. I haven't been this excited in a long time. We decided we would drive out there early Wednesday morning and come home Thursday. I had the address for the Rob Dyrdek Skate Plaza in Kettering and I knew he lived a few blocks from there. That info was posted on the internet. This was actually going to happen! I didn't want to be TOO excited because I knew it wasn't a guarantee that I would be able to meet him. I was PRETTY sure it would happen because Kettering isn't a huge town, it couldn't be that hard to find production trucks.
Anyways, we woke up at 5am the next morning and got going. As we were approaching Kettering, I started getting nervous which is really odd for me. I never get weird about meeting celebrities. I've met hundreds. I've only been star struck twice in my life. The first time I met Justin Timberlake, and when I met Matthew Perry. This was a weird feeling. I was also worried he might be mean. I couldn't picture him being mean in my head, and all the experiences I've read about fans meeting him have been positive, but still, I was worried. What if I drove all the way out there and he was a dick? I would be heartbroken. He is my FAVORITE celebrity right now. I tried to push it out of my head. I mean, he is Rob Dyrdek, not Brad Pitt. Most people don't even know who he is.

At this point we were freezing and we got back in the car and circled the neighborhood in hopes to find his house. I knew he would probably be

I wasn't about to bother him at his house. I don't believe its right to go up to someone on their property. We sat at the end of the block and waited for him to go somewhere. I knew he wasn't going to film all day in there. We waited for a few hours and finally a white van pulled out of his driveway. From experience, I knew that when people film scenes in cars, there is usually a production car in front of it and behind it. The van that pulled out of the driveway was headed our way. It turned right in front of us and I saw that Drama was driving and Rob was in the passenger seat. It pulled to the end of the block and waited. Then, just as predicted, two more cars followed. Drama let one get in front of him, then he pulled out, then the other car followed. I'm pretty sure it was Jeff Tremaine and Shane Nickerson in the second car. I turned the car on and followed. I was so excited at this point, but I was hoping he was going somewhere public so I would be able to go up to him. He ended up leading us to a cute mall in Beavercreek, OH. The van stopped in front of a Panera, and Rob hopped out. That's when my heart kind of jumped. This was it. Then, Drama got out, and they went into Panera.
I sped around that lot looking for a parking spot, which wasn't easy. We found one and grabbed my Fantasy Factory DVD and ran to Panera. We got inside and were standing by the front. We saw this guy in a white hoodie, the hood up, bright blue shoes, and a shiny blackberry ordering food. He obviously didn't look like he lived in Kettering, he stood out like crazy, haha. He was about the height I assumed Rob would be, and he was standing all by himself. My heart was beating like crazy. I waited until he was done ordering, and when he turned around, it was him. I asked him if we could get a picture and he was totally cool about it.This is what I remember from the conversation..there was more, but its all kind of a blur.
Me - "Hey, Rob, do you think we could get a picture with you?"
Rob - "Sure, no problem."
Me - "Yeah, we drove out here from chicago because I saw Drama's tweet about you guys filming in Ohio."
Rob - "You came all the way out from Chicago to see me? That's crazy!"
Me- "I'm so sorry to bother you with this"
Rob - "No, its cool, you aren't bothering me at all. Did you guys see Drama over there?"
Me - "Yeah,"
Rob - "Do you wanna go get a picture with him?"
Me - "Sure!"
Rob - "Ok, follow me."
Rob - "Hey Drama, these young ladies saw your tweet about filming and they drove all the way out here from Chicago, can they get a picture with you?"
Drama - "yeah, sure"
Rob - "Here, I can take the picture"
Me - "Actually, can I get one with both of you guys?"
Rob - "Yeah, absolutley"
Drama - "I can't believe you came this far for us"
Rob "Well, see, you gotta work for what you want, and it pays off. Hard work always pays!"
Me - "Yeah, Ohio is a lot closer than LA. Sorry if this is kind of creepy."
Drama - "No, hey, sometimes its good to be a little creepy to get what you want,"
Me - "Can you guys maybe sign my Fantasy Factory DVD?"
Rob - "Yeah, sure, no problem. What's your name?"
Me - "Carli"
Rob - "Carli..Hard Work Pays!" Then he blew on it for a second for it to dry. "Christopher, can you sign this young ladies DVD please?"
Drama - "sure" and he signed it as well.
Me - "Thanks so much, I really appreciate it!"
Rob - "No problem, thanks for coming all the way out here to meet me"
Then...i was able to breathe again, haha. I was so relieved that he was so cool about it. He wasn't as hyper as he is on TV, but I think he was just tired. Also, Drama was really REALLY quiet. I know he seems shy and stuff on TV, but in person he is really shy. Probably the shyest celebrity I've ever met. About 3 hours later, he tweeted that he really wanted to take a nap and couldn't, so he was probably super tired also.

After that we drove by the skate park again, went and checked into the hotel, went to dinner, then went back to the hotel and crashed. I was SO exhausted. Then the next morning we drove home. Overall, PERFECT experience. It couldn't have gone any better. The only thing I would have liked that didn't happen, was I would have liked to see him skate. It turns out, the next day they tweeted that they were at the skate park snowboarding, just like i thought. I was kinda bummed we missed it, but it would have been REALLY creepy for us to show up there too. I didn't want to freak him out or anything. I just wanted to meet him and then I left him alone, lol.
Looking back on it, I realize I must have apologized for bothering him thousands of times. I think I was rambling on and on, haha. Also, I kind of wish I would have gotten a picture with Jeff Tremaine too because that guy is awesome, but he was eating and I didn't want to bother him.
Overall, no regrets. I am so happy and it was so much fun. :)
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