The week or so leading up to the episode, Rob and the Fantasy Factory crew were posting clips from the premiere episode. They opened this show with my favorite one! Amazing first 20 seconds!
The show opened with a clip of Rob, Big Cat, Drama and Chanel driving on the expressway. They had the windows rolled down and apparently the guy next to Rob was a fan and he got a little too excited to see him. He yelled out "Hey, Rob, What up man?!" Then Rob, being the super nice guy that he is, responded "Hey, not much...how you doin man? Careful, careful!" then...crash. The guy rear-ended the car in front of him! Now...I can't hate on the guy. I would have a hard time concentrating if I was next to Rob Dyrdek in traffic too...but this scene was hilarious. It was funny on it's own, but then everyone in the car starts cracking up and I think Chanel's laughing voice made the scene. It was a contagious laughter and I can't imagine any fan seeing that clip and not laughing out loud. Perfect beginning.
The opening credits start rolling and obviously I am extremely pumped up at this point. The first scene was Rob in Drama's new office, hiding up by the ceiling in the corner, waiting for Drama to come in. Drama comes and Rob jumps down and scares him. Funny stuff. Then, Rob proceeds to introduce the viewers to Drama's new office by teasing Drama about the new wallpaper Drama put in that features Drama's face which is larger than life.
Then, Rob shows us Big Cat's new office, which is in the same location that Drama's mini mogul office used to be, you know, with his mini mogul ledge? Except Rob tore the walls down and built a giant cage with a jungle background and a desk. Kind of like...Big Cat's den. Then...Rob roars at Big Cat and Big Cat roars back. That was it for me...busted out laughing. Big Cat roaring was one of the funniest things I've seen in the whole series, and that says a lot because every episode in this series is hilarious. I think it is because Big Cat is so quiet and awkward. Hearing him roar was something so completely unexpected, you can't not laugh. It was amazing.
After that, Rob brings Drama into his office to show him a video of Vaughn Gittin Jr (the worlds best drift racer), and explains how Vaughn Gittin came to him about creating a skateboarding car. Now...I heard of the skateboarding car from the promos and from the sk84life party, but I really had no idea what to expect. Even when Rob was explaining the idea to Drama, it still was nothing like actually seeing what it can do. We will get to that later.
After that, Ryan Sheckler shows up and Rob shows him how he changed up the factory this season. I thought that was a good way to show the viewers the changes. There
After that, they cut into the next scene which is Rob teasing Drama about his huge face some more.
Awesome quote from this scene -
Rob - "I'm man enough to admit...you're gorgeous."
Drama - "It's like only you know how to complement somebody and still make them feel whack."
Rob keeps teasing Drama about his male model poses and then the setup for the main joke of the episode -
Rob - "If you found a girl that looked just like you, would you date her?"
At this point, I knew it was time to get ready for the masks. When I was at the factory on that amazing day, Rob gave me a Drama mask. I didn't really know what it was, but Rob said that I will love it. He told me that they use them in the season premiere to make fun of Drama, and Drama walks in and everyone is wearing one. I asked him if it was funnier than Extreme Timmy, and he told me it was. So I was very anxious to see the mask in action.

"Get IN THERE MAN!" - same voice as when Rob was telling Drama to clean Timmy...it was hilarious.
Then Drama started driving around and hurt himself on a turn, haha. Only Drama. Drama gained speed and was coming up a ramp while Rob was yelling at him to "Hammer it," and then, Drama...well he hammered it. He caught air and slammed the go-kart into the concrete. It seriously looked like he got whip-lash. Rob was laughing so hard and when Rob laughs, everybody laughs. Rob's laugh is also contagious. Such a funny scene. Drama said "I'm just not made for these kind of things," and it's so true. That's what made it so funny.
Then Rob wanted to grind the go-kart. Very sketchy. Rob had a hilarious comment about Rob, Drama and Big Cat all being scared and being in a "Fear-Bond." I don't know where Rob comes up with these phrases, but I am so glad he does. So funny. Rob does a line with the car, grinds and flies into the foam pit. Incredible. It was crazy in a go-kart, so imagine it in a full sized race car! Then Rob makes another comment about them all being scared and wrapping their arms around his man waist. Too funny.
After that segment...mask time. Rob shows up at Big Cat's den with three Drama masks and some Young and Reckless outfits. They looked so SO funny! I was already laughing, but then they stick the mask on Chanel and everyone in the room lost it. SO FUNNY. Drama comes in and sees three other drama's staring at him. Then, Chanel does her giggle while wearing Drama's face and it was so funny. Really, it is so hard to explain. If you haven't seen the episode, you need to, haha.
Then Rob makes another one of my favorite quotes from this episode. He brings Drama into his office and there is a mannequin there with a wig on wearing the drama mask and Rob says,
"I couldn't find a girl for you who looked just like you, and I know how much you like mannequins, so I just figured, hey, here's your own Drama sweetheart."
I was rolling at this point. THEN Rob starts rubbing his face on Drama's with the Drama mask...Oh man, I honestly am having a lot of trouble explaining this, haha. It was funny, trust me. After that, cut to commercial.
When it returns, Vaughn Gittin shows up and is checked into the factory by Chanel. He comes to see Rob and shows him the layouts and ideas of what makes up the skateboarding car. When hearing how its described, it sounds impossible. Vaughn brings the car into the factory and Rob stalls it on first try, haha.
Cut to commercial, come back, and they show up at the Skateboarding Car Park. Now..I could sit here and try to explain it, but I couldn't. You NEED to watch this to understand it. They boardslide, they 50-50 grind, they LIPSLIDE!. Incredible. Then, Rob gets behind the wheel and he gaps to 50-50! Ridiculous. The look on the Rob's face while he is driving is pure joy. You could tell he was having the time of his life. It was really something that everyone who enjoys skateboarding at all needs to see.
After that, Rob goes back into Drama's office with the mask, and shows him one last thing. Rob brings him into the bathroom and Drama's HUGE face is over the toilet with his tounge on the toilet seat. Really really funny stuff. It ends with Rob saying,
"Thank you man, for being so pretty. I mean that."
So yeah, incredible season opener. I did not find one flaw within this episode, the whole thing was perfect. Though, there was no Jeremy or Tracy in the episode! I know they will be around, there is a clip of Jeremy falling on roller skates which I know will be hilarious. My brother said he would have liked to see a little more Chanel, but I'm sure Chanel will get plenty of face time this season.
One thing I LOVED was all the screen time Big Cat had. He never really was a part of all the main action during the last couple seasons, but he was around for all the activities this time. I think it will be a good season for him. I know there can be a lot of funny moments when you mix Rob's outgoing personality and Big Cat's awkwardness.
Next week's episode features Chad OchoCinco and a lot of Young and Reckless, so that should be fun. I really have a good feeling about this season, everyone that is a part of the show did such a good job, from the main cast to the producers, camera men and editors. Very well done. A+
Wow. Great review!