If you are a fan of Fantasy Factory, you already know that the show features a lot of ridiculously outrageous basketball shots. In the series premiere, Rob installed basketball hoops in the factory to prepare for a visit from Lamar Odom. Some of the hoops are regulation height, and others are a lot taller. In the first scene of the show, we see Rob - dressed in an all white outfit - making one handed shots from both the half court line AND the 3 quarter line. It's pretty safe to say if Rob wasn't a professional skateboarder and he was a tiny bit taller...he might have made a career playing for the NBA. The entire crew was around and it was nice to finally see Jeremy and Tracy make an appearance!
The show cuts to the opening credits and when we come back, Rob has a grill set up on the desk in his office and he is making grilled cheese sandwiches. Drama comes in, looking confused as always, and asks Rob what he was doing. Rob explains that he was trying to make the best tasting grilled cheese sandwich of all time. He said that he was making a grilled cheese sandwich the other day, and he wondered if there was a place he could actually get his grilled cheese sandwich judged. He looked it up, and luckily for him there WAS such a competition! Even luckier, It was held annually in Los Angeles! Rob goes over the rules with Drama and explains what the sandwiches are judged on. There were four different categories. Presentation, Taste, Style, and Spaz (weirdness of the sandwich.)
Just looking at those categories, I knew that Rob would come up with something outrageous. He always does. I knew for a fact that no one would be able to beat Rob in style and spaz. He brings style and spaz to everything he does! The Los Angeles Grilled Cheese Competition was coming up and Rob needed to prepare. Rob and Drama get into Rob's car and drive off.
During the commentary on the season one DVD, Rob mentions something about how the best ideas stem from conversations that Drama and him have while driving in the car. This episode proves that. They are on their way to the Artisan Cheese Gallery, discussing how Rob wants to make the most expensive grilled cheese sandwich known to man, when Drama says it.
Drama - "I am just so intrigued by a cheese store and cheese balling..."
Rob - "You are Cheese Balling! OH MY GOD, That's what it's gonna be! We are Cheese Balling!...We are going to be the Cheese Ballers!"
That's when Rob starts laughing and gets the idea to get everyone together and create outfits and dancers and make a Cheese Ballers crew. They pull up to the Artisan Cheese Gallery and ask which cheese is the most expensive one they carry. They had cow cheese, goat cheese, sheep cheese, and water buffalo cheese. I didn't even know water buffalo could produce cheese. Drama gets the idea to make a necklace out of cheese, and Rob turns that idea into making gold grilled cheese sandwich necklaces. Rob combines the most expensive cheese with the most expensive bread and spends $511.37 before leaving the store. While leaving the store, Rob tells Drama he needs to get back to the warehouse...he is having a super session with a super skater.
We get back to the factory and Rob greets Torey Pudwill in the lobby. Now, if you don't follow skateboarding, you might not know who Torey Pudwill is. I promise, you will after this episode. Torey Pudwill is so talented..it really is incredible to watch him skate. Before I was a fan of Rob Dyrdek, I was a fan of skateboarding in general. I can't skate well myself, but that doesn't mean I don't love and respect the sport. In fact, I frequent theskateclick.blogspot.com just because I love seeing the clips and pictures of some of the best street skaters in the world. Torey Pudwill is a skateboarder from California. He rides pro for Plan B and he just recently won Best Trick at the 2010 Maloof Money Cup. I had the pleasure of seeing Torey skate when I went to the Sk84life party, and I am kicking myself in the ass now for not introducing myself and getting a picture with him. I think I was in such shock that day, I really couldn't think straight or do much.
Anyways, back to Torey. He really is super talented and if you are lucky enough to live on the west coast, I recommend getting tickets to see Rob Dyrdek's Streetleague, not only to see Torey skate live in person, but to see a bunch of other amazing skateboarders as well. I really wish I could attend at least one of the events, but I don't think I will be able to make it because of financial reasons. Hopefully Rob decides to bring the Streetleague somewhere around the Midwest in the near future.
Rob brings Torey into the factory and they play a montage of Rob, Torey and Big Cat skating. Rob tells Torey that he wants to film him doing some of the best tricks that have ever been done in the Factory and Torey is up for the challenge. Torey does not disappoint and he does some incredible tricks for the viewers at home.
Afterward, Torey and Rob sit in his office and discuss Grizzly Grip Tape. Grizzly Grip is a collaboration with Diamond Supply Co. (The same company that Young and Reckless collaborated with in the last episode) started by Torey Pudwill. It specializes in grip tape. Grip tape is a sandpaper-type layer that is placed on top of the board to help shoes grip the board. Torey brought the idea to Rob and asked him if he would ride for the team. Rob tells Torey he would be more than happy to ride for his team, all he wants Torey to do is create an ad filmed at one of Rob's Safe Spot Skate Spots featuring Grizzly Grip. Rob wanted to think of a crazy way to be in the ad with Torey to make sure it would blow up and help promote the company. Torey agrees and they cut to a commercial.
Back at the Factory, Rob is in the DC Lounge preparing some grilled cheese sandwiches. Rob started singing a song about grilled cheese to the melody of Dirty Girl part 1. I loved it! When I am alone in my car, there is a very high chance that I have Dirty Girl part 1, Light's Out, Rob's Mom, or Makin' Moves playing on my iPod. I know each of those songs word for word, and quite often I get odd looks from people when I am at a stoplight because of my enthusiastic belting out of the lyrics. I was so excited to hear Rob sing, it pretty much made my night, haha.
If you aren't familiar with the original Dirty Girl song, there is a part that goes like this -
"What's your man got to do with me? Cause you can come over any night..I got what ya nee-ed"
This time, Rob changed it to -
"What's your expensive bread got to do with me? Cause I could cook up anything, especially a grilled chee-eeese"
Nothing makes me happier than hearing Rob come up with one of his impromptu songs that are so insane yet so catchy.
Rob starts grilling different types of grilled cheese sandwiches to share with the Fantasy Factory employees and get their opinion on the taste. Rob brings samples to Chanel, Geoff, Jeremy and a few other factory employees. They all loved it. Then Rob and Drama head back to the DC Lounge and keep snacking on the sandwiches. Rob tells Drama that these sandwiches are making him fall asleep and he tilts his head back and asks Drama to pour some Nitrous Monster Energy Drink in his mouth. Now..I didn't notice this the first time..I actually got hit up on facebook by one of my friends and he pointed it out to me...Look who makes an appearance in the background of this episode!

The NIPPLE SCULPTURE! I was looking for her up in corpo when Rob was taste testing the sandwiches because she was living in the conference room when he gave it to me. I didn't even THINK to look in the DC Lounge! It was a nice surprise :)
Anyways, Drama tries to pour the Nitrous in Rob's mouth but he keeps laughing. He finally does it and Rob spits it up everywhere. Drama is laughing hard at this point. It is pretty funny. The show cuts and when it comes back we see Rob skateboarding around the factory in a bear suit. I've come to the conclusion that Rob likes to skate while wearing obscure outfits. We had Rob skating in the Lil' Rob Wild Grinders outfit, in the chain shark suit, in the purple shark of giving outfit and now in the bear suit. He is on to something because it does look pretty hilarious when he does it.
Torey Pudwill shows up and goes on in to meet Rob. Rob is waiting at the top of the ramp when Torey walks in, and as soon as he comes in he slides down the ramp and lands right in front of him. The bear suit rob is in...it is official, down to the claws. When Rob does something, he makes sure to do it 100%. He tells Torey he is going to be in the background of his shots while Torey does his trick. They gather up the gang and head to Rob's Safe Spot Skate Spot in Lafayette Park.
They meet up with Yoon Sul, a professional skateboard photographer. They discuss what they want to get for the shot and then Torey goes for it. They show him taking a couple falls and then he nails it! Rob gives him a giant bear hug and they cut to commercial.
They come back and Chanel is practicing a cheer leading routine with a few dancers. Drama asks what is going on and Rob explains that Chanel was a varsity cheerleader in high school and she is making a cheer leading routine to support the Cheese Ballers.
Rob tells Drama that there is a lot to get done.
Rob - "They want outfits, you know what I mean? They asked for spaz factor and flair..."
They cut to one of the dancers doing a move and then we hear Drama say "Oh, they are spazzing out there."
That was definitely a laugh out loud moment.
Rob tells Drama to open his mouth and he shakes a can. Drama asks if it is spray paint and Rob doesn't answer, he just tells him to open his mouth. Drama listens and Rob shoots a gold spray into his mouth. Drama is grossed out and asks what it is and Rob tells him it is gold food coloring. Rob tells Drama he plans on coating the grilled cheese sandwiches with this food coloring so they look like gold pieces. Then Rob proceeds to sit Drama down and spray paint a gold beard on his face. Drama looked hilarious! It really isn't something I can describe, it needs to be seen. After that, Rob sprays the food coloring onto his mouth and teeth. "Ballin!"
In the next scene, Rob brings Torey Pudwill in to meet Jeremy. Rob talks about how Jeremy always looks out for Rob's best interest and likes him to own percentages of companies that he is a part of. Rob told him he isn't going to do that this time, he just wanted to be there for Torey and help with the ad. Jeremy mentions how he has heard Torey's name around the factory and Rob says he is one of the greatest skateboarders alive. Jeremy makes a joke about how Rob is getting old and he is looking for a Plan B. It was funny. He gives Torey his card and they shake hands.
There is a commercial break and when we come back it is time to see the Cheese Ballers in action! Rob calls Drama into his office and he is wearing a basketball jersey with the Cheese Ballers logo on it, designed by Rob's very talented graphic designer, Tracy Tubera. He also is wearing a diamond grilled cheese chain. He had ones made for Drama and Big Cat as well. Rob calls out the "cheese-ettes" aka the Cheese Ballers cheer leaders. They grab their ingredients and head out to the Grilled Cheese Invitational.
I was amazed at the amount of people who actually showed up for a grilled cheese competition. The competition starts and the Cheese Ballers are doing great! Rob was giving tastes out to the crowd and everyone was loving it. The competition ended and they were waiting for the results. 3rd place was announced and it wasn't the Cheese Ballers. 2nd place was announced and they didn't get that either. It was time for 1st place and you could see the anticipation on the Cheese Baller's faces. They were so bummed out when 1st place went to some guy with a blue mohawk. They were convinced everyone was just hating on them because they went harder than anyone else. I am going to have to agree...there was no one at that competition that put forth the money and effort like Rob did.
They climb into Rob's car and on the drive back to the factory they discuss how next year they are going to come back with ex-lax grilled cheese sandwiches just to get back at the judges! haha. The credits start rolling and they come back with the three second clip of Rob in his bear suit trying to kiss Jeremy. I loved it! I am always excited to see which three second clip the editors decide to use at the end of the show.
This was another GREAT episode! Like I said before, each episode is getting better and better, so I can only imagine what is in store for the rest of the season! Next week Rob introduces us to Barry Bright, a new alter ego who writes jingles! And for all the guys out there, we finally get to see the footage from Chanel's Maxim photoshoot! I can't wait for next week!
Also, if you are interested in owning a Cheese Ballers jersey tank top, head over to youngandreckless.com. They are available for purchase! I can't wait until my next paycheck to order mine!
This nice episode