The focus of the episode was Drama's clothing line, Young and Reckless. Rob felt that Drama hadn't done too many reckless things in his life, and he needed to prove himself before he could be in charge of the brand. There were so many hilarious and outrageous was just a great episode all around.
The two things in life I love most right now are Dogs and Fantasy Factory. The episode opened with Beefy attacking Rob with kisses. To me, this was amazing. Most people will never ever let their dogs kiss them on their face. Personally, I love getting kisses from puppies. Apparently so does Rob Dyrdek. There was a solid 20 or 30 seconds of straight licks to the face. Watching Beefy kiss Rob on the looked really familiar to me. After I watched the episode, I went back on my computer and I realized why.
When I was at the Factory, I was in Rob's office and Chris Cole from Rob's Streetleague came in to talk to Rob for a second. I took that opportunity to sit on the floor and play with Meaty and Beefy. Meaty loved getting scratches, but Beefy was a straight kisser. All she wanted to do was kiss! Luckily, my sister snapped a couple of pictures.

This is one of the best side by side comparisons I've ever seen! I am SO HAPPY my sister took that photo. Incredible.
Anyways, the second thing that came to mind watching Rob kiss Beefy...this isn't the first time they opened the show like this. Think back to season one, specifically season 1 episode 6. Beefy was just a little baby and she would not stop licking Rob's ear.
"I don't know what I got on, but it sure is tasty."
Not the first time they put this in the show, and hopefully not the last. I love the puppy footage.
The opening credits start rolling, and then they come back in Drama's office. Drama was getting ready for his Diamond Company/Young and Reckless t-shirt release party. Rob asked Drama, "Why is it called Young and Reckless?" and Drama responded "Because I am young, and I am reckless." Then Rob called Drama out and said really, he doesn't see how he is reckless. In fact, he hasn't seen Drama ever do anything reckless in his whole life! That was the setup for the episode. He told Drama he wants to see him get reckless and start doing some sketchy stuff. He had a couple four-wheelers and he told Drama to jump on one and start acting reckless. Drama couldn't get it to start, haha. Once it was started, Rob told him to ride it up the step.
Awesome quotes from this scene -
Rob - "You gotta live it! You can't just talk about it, you are like a studio rapper right now!"
Rob - "Sometimes, you just go for it."
Drama - "I hear you man, but sometimes, you calculate."
Drama got the courage and rode up the ramp, but he caught a tiny bit of air and smashed the back wheels on the landing, haha. I have never seen anyone who has trouble with every single crazy thing they try to do. It really is hilarious.
After that, Rob asked Drama to ride it up onto the bank ramp and Drama was hesitant. Rob took it into his own hands and rode up the ramp. It pretty much launched him into the wall, haha. He could have gotten hurt, but it was pretty cool to watch. Rob told Drama he needs to live the brand and find his inner young and reckless.
They cut away and came back in the Hands of God studio. Drama is getting ready and they are about to leave for the party. They walk outside and Big Cat is in his car pulling away, but the car is on the verge of breaking down. As soon as Rob and Drama walk up to it, it shuts down and Drama makes a comment about how the same car shut down on him when he was 16. Drama should have thought a little bit before saying that, because then Rob told Drama to be honest with his brother and tell him what else happened in that car when he was 16. Drama said he lost his virginity in the backseat, then Rob attempted to re-create that moment by dry humping the back seat. It was pretty hilarious to watch, though I did feel a little bad for Drama. It can not feel great to have all of America learning about how and when you lost your virginity, haha.
Rob told Big Cat he needed a new car and asked what kind he would like to represent him. Big Cat said he wanted a cop car. So random, haha. Then Rob said he was taking the whole Big Cat thing too far, "Oh, I'm in a cop car, rawr, rawr," haha. You kind of have to see that part to laugh at it...typed our roars don't do justice to hearing Rob say it.
After the commercial break, they come back and Rob and Drama are on their way to the party. Drama told Rob he appreciates Rob coming out to support him, because usually it's the other way around. Then Rob starts fake crying and making a big deal out of Drama growing up. It was pretty funny. Then Drama says, "alright, I shouldn't have said it. It was just a quick manly thank you and you have a really ugly cry face," haha.
They get to the party and the camera scans the crowd. Chanel is in there, Big Cat is there, then Chad Ochocinco comes over to them and Rob tells him that they are from Ohio and says that he is a huge Bengals fan but Drama is a Browns fan. Then Ochocinco says "Everyone in their life has flaws," haha. Poor Drama always getting put on blast. Rob invites Ochocinco to the factory and asks him to help bring out Drama's reckless side.
They cut away and when they come back Rob gets Drama out of his office and tells him he wants to show him how to be reckless. He has a sledge hammer in his hand, and he walks by Big Cat's den with the sledge hammer and says, "I am going to use your car to show your brother how to be reckless" Then Big Cat says, "Wait, what?" and follows him outside.
Rob took the sledgehammer to the car and just started beating the crap out of it. If you've ever driven a crappy car, busting it up, breaking the windows and denting it with a sledgehammer is something that has definitely crossed your mind. It is something you've always wanted to do, but never let yourself. It was awesome watching Rob get to do it. Then he handed the hammer to Drama and they both went to work on it. It kinda reminded me of the second to last episode of Rob and Big when Rob was convinced that there were mice in his bathroom walls and he completely annihilated the bathroom with a sledgehammer. That was a little different though. That time it was out of frustration. This time it was all for fun and recklessness.
While Rob and Drama were demolishing the car, Big Cat was standing by with a look of slight horror and sadness on his face. Drama finished it off by taking off the side mirror with the hammer. Rob told Big Cat that he would buy him a new car and as Rob and Drama walked away, the camera cut to Big Cat staring sadly at his car.
After the car scene, it cuts to Rob in his office, dressed as a Bengal. I assumed that it was time for Chad Ochocinco to visit the factory. Ochocinco sees Rob all dressed up and starts laughing and as Rob was talking to him, Meaty was trying to chew apart the costume, haha. Rob jumped a bike into the foam pit and OchoCinco wanted to give it a shot. It looked to me like he barely cleared it into the pit. Good thing too...As Rob said with Lamar Odom...we don't want any season enders.
After that Ochocinco got on a skateboard and he was doing pretty good. He did way better than I could, that's for sure. Then they wheeled in this weird contraption. I honestly had no idea what it was. I've never seen it before and I've never heard of it. It's called a trebuchet and I guess its purpose is to launch things pretty far. It was created back in the middle ages to launch things over walls. (thanks wikipedia)
Ochocinco was nice enough to bring it to Rob as a gift. They were thinking about what to launch and Rob suggested they launch the girly Drama mannequin. Drama replied with "yes, please."
Ever since the "Extreme Timmy" episode, I just can't help but laugh at the drama/mannequin relationship. I think a large part of it is the montage of Drama and Timmy at the end of that episode. Whenever the words "Drama" and "Mannequin" are used together, Love Bites by Def Leppard immediately streams in my brain and the montage plays. The first time I saw it, I was literally crying from laughing so hard. That is just something that will never get old to me, so I love whenever it is referenced in the show.
When Rob launched Lady Drama, she flew really hard. She hit the ceiling and when she hit the ground her feet fell off and she was smashed in a few places. Rob does the craziest stuff on this show...I mean, who would ever think to get a trebuchet and launch a mannequin that is dressed to look like a female version of Drama? It is completely random but at the same time perfect and hilarious.
They cut to a commercial and when they came back it was time to reveal Big Cat's new car. I already knew what it looked like from the trailer and twitter pictures, but I was still excited to see the reveal. Rob ran outside and told Drama that when he honks the horn, to pull the door up. Rob disappears and all we can hear is a faint meow. It gets louder and it turns out to be the horn noise. Rob replaced the horn with a meow. Genius. Drama pulls the door up and Rob drives in a furry orange car with a nose, eyes, ears, and even whiskers. It was pretty amazing. They show Rob, Drama and Big Cat rolling down the street in the cat car and getting all kinds of stares and honks. If i saw that car driving down the street here in Chicago...I'd be pretty surprised. In LA...I think it might be a little more accepted. I've seen some pretty weird things on my trips out there. Nonetheless, I'd whip out my cell phone and take a picture. It's not every day you see a large orange cat rolling down the street.
Rob knew that it would be a little much for Big Cat to drive the furry car around all the time, so when they get back to the factory, he slips off the furry cover to reveal a cop car painted with tiger stripes. It looked really awesome. It's the perfect car for Big Cat. Big Cat looked pretty excited about it. He even let out a meow. Big Cat meowing and roaring is something that will also never get old to me. So hilarious.
They cut to commercial once more and when they come back Rob walks in to Drama's office and yells, "What are you?! What are you man?!" Drama replied with "I'm reckless man!" Then Rob told Drama that he had a way for Drama to test his recklessness. He asked Drama if he trusted him and told him he doesn't want him to die or break a bone, but getting a few teeth knocked would be fine. Rob tells Drama that everyone is coming along and they pile into the Cat Car. While driving, Rob tells Drama he got it set up for Drama to test his recklessness by jumping off of a building. Drama freaks out a little bit and then they pull up to a building with three open holes in it. The lowest one says Young and Regular. The one above that says Young and Risky. Then the one at the top of the building says Young and Reckless. Rob told Drama that if he can't jump out of Young and Reckless, the company should be turned over to him and he will give a piece to Chanel and Big Cat too. They shook on it and went into the building.
On the elevator ride up, Drama looks genuinely scared. The camera inched to the edge and even though I wasn't there, my legs felt a little wobbly for some reason. It was pretty terrifying. I am scared of heights though, so this really would freak me the hell out. Rob started counting Drama down and he was so terrified, he couldn't do it. He finally got up the courage and launched out the building. He landed pretty perfectly on the target. He wasn't hurt at all and once he got down, Rob was left upstairs by himself. Rob looked scared, but he took the leap and he also landed smack in the middle. It was really insane.
Awesome quote from this scene -
Rob - "I'm so glad I have brands like Wild Grinders and DC, cause living Young and Reckless is a little scary."
The episode ended with the four of them getting back into the Cat Car and heading back to the Factory.
Overall, I thought this episode was great. They packed so many fun and exciting things into one episode, and it made it feel like it was longer than a half hour. Also, it was all about Young and Reckless, and I am pretty sure because of it, sales will go up a little bit for Drama. I know after the show I went on and bought a hoodie and a couple of t-shirts. A few other people I know did the same thing.
One other thing I noticed in this episode...Rob didn't really call Drama "Drama." He referred to him as Chris on three separate occasions. The only times I've noticed him doing that in previous episodes were when The Dyrdek's were in town or when they visited them in Myrtle Beach. It really isn't crucial to the show, just a small detail I noticed.
You can always count on Rob Dyrdek and the Fantasy Factory crew to deliver funny moments. If you haven't watched the episode, do it! It was really funny and there are quite a few moments in the show that are impossible to describe in words.
Next week is the Grilled Cheese competition! I can't wait to see what The Cheese Ballers have in store for us!
aww i like your blog love ;) xo
ReplyDeleteWow, again!
ReplyDeleteThanks :)
ReplyDeletedoes anybody have a clue what the song is called at the 15:02 mark of this episode i would love you if anybody knows??? :):)
ReplyDeleteI started my DVR early, so my time will be different from yours. What is going on in the episode when the song is playing? I will try and figure it out for you :)
ReplyDeletethey come back from driving the cat car then at the end robs says big cat did big cat did then it goes to commercial then the beat plays right when it comes back and i cant find out where its from lol but if u can find it that would be great :):):):)!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I am not TOTALLY sure, but I think it might be a beat by drama. If not, then it is just a stock song from MTV..I don't think it is part of a song that was ever released. Sorry!