The episode starts off with Rob, Drama, and Big Black sitting in the Fantasy Factory, and Rob was explaining how he "farted himself awake" in the middle of the night. Drama didn't understand how you could wake yourself up from a fart, but Big Black understood completely, haha.
The opening credits roll and when we get back, Tracy, Rob, Drama, Big Black, Chanel and Big Cat are playing a friendly game of dodge ball. It was all fun and games until Big Cat pelted a dodge ball across the factory towards Tracy, but somehow Chanel got in between Tracy and the ball and she took it hard, right to the face.
Rob - "We should maybe get her a face mask."
Chanel - "My face is like NUMB!" Chanel - "Is my makeup really fucked up?"
Rob - "No, your makeup is fine. It looks like you got a sun tan!"
After that, Rob goes up to Tracy and asks if he, Tracy and Chanel have been on a team yet. Tracy says no, and Rob tells Chanel to come over and be on their team. Chanel walks over, and at the exact perfect time tha
Big Black - "You David Beckham'd her right in her grill! This is not a game for blond haired girls."
Chanel walked over and everyone welcomed her back.
Chanel - "Yeah, you almost blew my fucking head off!"
Rob huddles everyone together and says that he brought everyone to play dodge ball to see if they had any skills. He explains that one of his friends has a full dodge ball league and tournament, and he wants to create a team to participate in one of the tournaments. Chanel says that they will need a few more people to form the team and Rob says they will get some.
Rob - "I believe that we are going to put together one of the greatest dodge ball teams in the history of man kind, because we are a bunch of strong guys, and one girl, who we gotta do something to protect that face because that thing is straight up and down a magnet for balls."
In the next scene, the crew is in the DC Lounge, about to watch something on the projector. Rob says that they are about to world premiere the 1st cartoon that Tracy and himself have put together for the Wild Grinders. It's called "The Lost Skate Spot." We see a small clip of the cartoon, and it's amazing and adorable. I might be a little bit bias because I am a HUGE Wild Grinders fan, but I believe that the cartoon will be extremely successful. Wild Grinders are going to go far.
Rob went around the room and asked everyone what they thought of the episode. Big Black said he thought there should be a little fat kid who can’t skate. Chanel said that she thinks the cartoon could use a girl. Rob didn’t think that was a bad idea. He said the network executives have actually already approached Rob and Tracy about a girl skater, and Chanel said it should be someone like her.
Rob - “The real life Chanel is a little too wimpy. I mean we just had you shed tears over a little game of dodge ball!”
Chanel - “You wacked me in the face from two feet away, with a ball!”
Rob - “You put your face down there!”
Rob proceeded to tell Chanel that the only way she could be a Wild Grinder is if she proved her toughness. Chanel agreed to that, and she seemed really excited about it.
There is a commercial break, and when we get back Rob brought the entire dodge ball team in to a huddle. We were introduced to three new dodge ball t
Anyways, Rob huddled everyone up and said that he had the official rules of dodge ball, and in the official rules it calls for eight teammates, and that was why Paul, Sterling and Geoffrey were now on the team. Rob explained the rest of the rules of Dodge Ball to the team. (I won't go over them because I'm sure you remember them from either gym class or the hilarious Ben Stiller movie, Dodgeball.) Rob said he set up some drills to test everyone's skills, and he said before that happens, they needed to get a helmet on Chanel's "pretty face." Rob comes back with an awesome black and pink helmet/face mask for Chanel.
They started with the first drill, which was a speed test. Big Black had the stop watch, and he timed as Big Cat, Sterling and Chanel did their runs. They got pretty good times. Then it was Drama's turn. For Drama's run, they added some hilarious music, and it went perfectly with how slow Drama was.
Rob - "Young! Reckless! And I don't care if you run like a wounded donkey!"
Drama attempted to run fast and normal, but he ended up looking ridiculous and he fell at the end. Everyone was cracking up and Drama asked Big Black what his final time was. Big Black told Drama that he forgot to hit the button and poor Drama was never able to see his final time.
Next were accuracy drills. They were all to hurl the dodge ball at the UFC punching machine that Dana White gave Rob as a gift. Like last time, everyone did great...except for Drama. He missed the machine completely and hit the garage door.
The next drill was measuring how well they could catch the ball, and Rob ran off and came back with a professional Dodge Ball launcher. This machine launches the balls super fast, and you have to try and catch it. I don't think anyone knew that Rob actually had this machine, because when he turned the corner with it, everyone groaned and was a little freaked out.
Chanel - "That is going WAY too fast, like that can knock my head off!"
That was followed by random shrieks from Chanel as the balls kept flying towards the team. Chanel went to catch a ball, and her hand hit it while the ball kept flying backwards.
Chanel - "I'm gonna break a nail! I don't want to do this!"
Rob switched places with Chanel, and she loaded the balls into the machine while Rob went to try and catch some. Rob said that everyone had to catch a ball and then they can stand down. Sterling, Big Cat, Paul, Chanel, and Big Black caught one.
Soon, the only person that was left was Drama.
After the drills, the team was in a circle, and Rob said they needed to think of a team name. Rob thought it should be something with donkey, since Drama looked like a wounded donkey while running. They started brainstorming ideas, and soon "Dodging Devil Donkeys" was born.
Rob - (To Big Black) You've got double B's, we've got triple D's."
In the next scene, Chanel is sitting at her desk and Rob calls her in to his office. Rob explains that he came up with the perfect way for Chanel to prove her toughness before she can become a Wild Grinder. Rob says that in an episode, the new girl Wild Grinder character will get tested by the other Wild Grinders so she can prove that she can be part of their crew. Rob pulls up a picture on his screen of the LA Dodger hill and tells Chanel that he wants her to "bomb" that hill to prove that she is tough. Chanel said that she can do it, but she definitely needs to cover her face. She says she wants some practice, so she gets her helmet, elbow pads and knee pads on and starts rolling down some ramps in the Fantasy Factory. She is doing great, and Rob tells Drama the plan to test Chanel's toughness.
Drama - "You might as well just drive a car at 30mph and have her jump out of it."
Next, Chanel decides she needs to practice with a little more speed, so Big Cat gets into the go-kart and pulls Chanel on the skateboard into the foam pit.
Chanel - "I don't wanna break anything!"
Rob - "Well it's not the end of the world if you do."
Chanel makes it most of the way up the ramp and kind of steps off it at the top. To me, it was a success. She made it up the ramp and kind of into the foam pit. Chanel banged her shin on the top of the ramp, but she was a trooper about it.
Rob - "You almost went in the foam pit!"
Chanel - "Almost! I got scared!"
Then Chanel explained how bad her shin hurt after slamming it into the ramp. It left a huge bump.
Chanel - "Now I can't wear a skirt tonight!"
Rob - "I refuse to believe this is happening right now! We are not talking about skirts right now after we almost went in the foam pit."
In the next scene, Rob's truck pulls up to the top of LA Dodger hill. There is a huge mat set up at the bottom, and Rob mentioned how much steeper it looks when you are actually standing at the top.
Chanel said she was nervous, and didn't even want to think about how much speed she would be getting. Rob told her she would be going really fast. Chanel went off and came back dressed in a full suit. She looked like she would be able to take a fall no problem, it was similar to the suit Danny Way wore in season one, when Rob pulled him on the T-Rex to break the land speed world record. Before Chanel took off down the hill, Tracy showed her the sketch of what her Wild Grinde
Big Cat went to the starting point with her and gave her some advice, while everyone else was waiting at the bottom. Chanel took off and she did awesome! She stayed on the board the whole time and made it to the bottom of the hill, where she slammed into the mats!
Rob - "You are officially a Wild Grinder and I think more than anything, you are officially tough!"
Chanel - "That character looks so dope! A girly girl when she goes out at night, but then when she's kicking it with the boys she's like tough and rugged."
Rob - "She's...12. She's not poppin bottles in like a mini dress."
Chanel - "Well..she goes out to like I'm sure birthday parties on a Friday night..."
Haha, that was a great scene, and I was so proud of Chanel for facing her fear and proving her toughness!
In the next scene, we
Rob - "Right now, as a group of dead serious Dodging Devil Donkeys, this team looks like an athletic group that not only is gonna SHINE on this dodge ball championship tournament, but we're gonna look good doin it!"
Then, Rob said he
The team left for the dodge ball tournament, and when they walked in with the donkey, and everyone was staring at them. The MC went over the rules and basically said anything and everything counts. If someone gets injured, there are no substitutions. The first round was the Dodging Devil Donkeys VS. What Would Jesus Dodge. Yes, that was seriously the name of the other team, haha. They were all pumped and when the round started, it got serious.
The Jesus team was anihilating Rob's team. They hurled the balls at them SO HARD and all of a sudden someone launched the ball directly into Chanel's face with such force, that it knocked her helmet off. They took a short break and Chanel was visibly upset, crying. They actually chipped her tooth. Chanel quickly got over the pain and was just really pissed off.
Chanel - "My teeth are already fucked up man! I'm gonna fucking kill somebody!"
Everyone was unsure whether Chanel would continue, but she didn't let the team down! Chanel is tough as hell, and she got right back in the game, this time, without a helmet. The Dodging Devil Donkey's started "HeeHaw-ing" at the other team to try and throw them off, but it didn't work. Right then, Rob jumped up, and took what l

Chanel - "Are you okay? Are your nuts okay?"
Rob - "I think we learned a lesson right now. Just because you dress fancy, and you got a cool name and you bring in your very own mascot of a devil donkey, doesn't mean you can avoid getting hit in the nuts super hard."
Rob - "We gave it all we got. We got a chipped tooth, a blown out set of nuts, and a broken spirit."
In the next scene, the crew is in the DC Lounge, ready to watch Chanel's Wild Grinder make her first appearance. It was an adorable short, and at the end of this blog, I will provide the link to the entire short. Chanel did great, she has an awesome cartoon voice. At the end of the cartoon, Chanel's character was greeted by each member of the Fantasy Factory, all animated int

Rob - "Everybody got Wild Grinder-ized here today, and we watched a dainty little flower go from being a full fledged wimp to being a tough girl. And the #1 thing that says tough? That chipped tooth."
After that, they all chanted "Girl Power!" but then Drama brought it to their attention that it was a little awkward with all men chanting it along with Chanel, haha.
That was the end of the Dodging Devil Donkeys episode of Fantasy Factory! I absolutely loved it! Like I said, I am a huge Wild Grinders fan, so it was so much fun to see so much of the Wild Grinders featured in this episode. It was nice to see Tracy Tubera get a little bit of screen time, since we only usually see him in the background. I also liked that Chanel got her chance to shine, and of course, it was hilarious watching everyone train and compete in the dodge ball tournament.
On Monday, May 2nd, it is the Best of, Bonus, and Behind the Scenes episode, which I LOVE every single season. I love seeing all the behind the scenes clips and some other scenes that didn't make it into the show. Don't forget to tune in! 10:30/9:30pm Central on MTV!
Click HERE to check out the full version of Chanel's Wild Grinders Short, and there is also a video about the origin of the Wild Grinders, and a clip where Tracy Tubera talks toys!
Also, as always, if you liked Big Black's clothing, visit to pick up a tshirt, and also all the Young and Reckless you could ever want is at!
Great recap of that episode. This one was by far my favorite of the season. I was cracking up when Rob hit Chanel in the face. I was working when this aired but thanks to the DISH Remote Access app and my Sling Adapter, I was able to watch it on the way home. I work at DISH Network and with DISH Remote Access and the Sling Adapter you are able to watch live streaming content anywhere you have a 3g or wifi signal. Check out for more information.
ReplyDeleteMan, that is not cool what so ever i wouldn't laugh at that it could have broken her nose. that hurts, i got hit in the face with a football when i was off guard.
ReplyDeleteThem Devil Donkeys Go Hard And ANd Congrats On the New Edition To The Wold Grinders :D
ReplyDeleteaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i love rob
ReplyDeleteme too and i love his shows
ReplyDeletedo all the people that work at the fantasy factory that got wild grinder-ized really get to be on wild grinders? That would be AWESOME!!! Ha ha but please answer very curious! . :-O