Friday, May 13, 2011

My Thoughts on Rob Dyrdek's "Make Your Own Luck"

The words “Make Your Own Luck,” mean a lot to me. Even before Rob Dyrdek’s brand came out, I knew that you need to push for what you want. If you want your dreams to come true, you need to commit to making it happen. Then, Rob Dyrdek, someone I look up to most in the world, came out with the “Make Your Own Luck,” brand. It really hit home for me. Those four words make so much sense; they are words that I choose to live by for the rest of my life.

I’ll be honest. Sometimes, it’s not easy to be so positive. I do have a lot of circumstances in my life right now that make it difficult to think things could ever get better. I do get discouraged. I get bummed out and think that my dreams will never come true. I don’t let myself sulk for long though, because I always remember that I *can* make things happen for myself. I CAN “Make My Own Luck.”

I’ve “made my own luck” so much already and when I look back on my experiences, it still amazes me how things turned out the way they did. I am so fortunate to have experienced what I have experienced, but I’m not ready to slow down. I want to beat the odds, and I want to make something of myself. I want to make my ultimate dream come true.

Street League is coming up, and I’ll be honest..realistically, it is REALLY REALLY tough for me to come up with the money for these trips. In short..I don’t have it. That said, I do everything I can to make it work. I didn’t have money to go to the Fantasy Factory for Sk84Life last May, but I made it happen. I didn’t have money for Street League in Ontario last September, but I made it happen. And I SURE AS HELL did NOT have the money to live in LA for a month in December to work on Ridiculousness, but I made it happen. Do you know why? Because I was determined.

When life throws opportunities at you, you have to take them. There was no way I was going to miss any of these opportunities. They were all so important to me, and if I had to drive to LA and live out of my car, I would have done so, just to be able to get a chance to work on that show. I had my mind set on a specific goal and I wasn’t going to accept anything less than me succeeding. No one knows the future, but I can only hope that more exciting opportunities will be thrown my way, and just like the past, I will get there and make it happen.

I haven’t reached the top yet. I still have that ultimate goal in life, and I plan on doing everything I can to get there. I know it won’t be a fast and easy journey, but I won’t give up. I am determined to “Make My Own Luck,” for the rest of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shygirl, wanted to drop a line and say keep at it - your attitude is spot on and inspiring. I'm a skater from Toronto Canada, and we're rooting for you out here. Ciao, Caz
