Sunday, May 22, 2011

Season 4 Episode 7 of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory

Monday's episode of Fantasy Factory was titled "Kid Lightning," and it featured Rob training to wrestle in the WWE for a Make-A-Wish foundation event. In my opinion, the wrestling scene in this episode was one of the best scenes in the entire series. You could tell those kids were so excited to meet Rob and it was very touching to see how he impacted those kids lives.

The episode opened with the crew inside the Fantasy Factory, and Big Cat and Drama were dragging this huge mat towards Rob's office. Chanel was standing there, and Rob said something to the effect of, "Watch out for Chelsea!" For those of you who don't know, Chelsea is Chanel's real first name. Chanel is actually her middle name, but she chooses to go by Chanel because she doesn't like Chelsea too much. Chanel told Rob she hated that name, and that fueled Rob to continue to call her that, and even sing a song about it. The entire crew started chiming in and singing "Chelsea Dudley." It was so funny, Rob started imitating things Chanel might say, and said he almost wants to create a "Chelsea Dudley Musical."

After that, the opening credits rolled and when we got back Rob was in the factory inside of a wrestling ring. Drama walked in and you could tell he was immediately nervous about what he saw. Rob told Drama to get over to the ring, and Drama was hesitant. The wrestler in Rob then took over, and he jumped out of the ring, ran over to Drama and pulled him in. He started pushing him around a little bit, and while Drama was on the ground, Rob got up onto the side of the ring and body slammed Drama. Drama kept repeating "Why are we doing this?!" and Rob just kept wrestling.

Rob - "You want to know what your defense could be as a wrestler?"
Drama - "huh?"

Rob - "Greasy face. I felt like I was holding on to a stick of butter."

Drama - "Can't catch me!"

Rob and Drama continued wrestling and then Big Black appeared. You could tell he was very excited about this because he jogged over to the wrestling ring and wanted to join in on the fun. This seemed like a flashback of the "Cancun" episode of Rob and Big, when Rob, Drama, Big Black and Bam Bam went to Cancun and took on the persona's of Flashito, Sexy Boy and Big Water.

Anyways, the guys continued to wrestle, and then Rob explained why he had the wrestling ring. Rob said that he got contacted by the Make-A-Wish foundation, and there were 14 kids whose wish was to meet Rob. Every year the WWE flies Make-A-Wish kids out to Wrestlemania, and they asked Rob if he would go out there to meet the kids. Rob said he would love to go out there, but he didn't want to just meet the kids. He wanted to wrestle as well. The WWE said that would be no problem. Rob immediately had an idea of him flying in on his skateboard on a ramp, into the wrestling ring, and slamming the other wrestler. Big Black and Drama wanted to be involved somehow, and Rob said he'd figure something out for them.

Drama - "I want to be in it."
Rob - "Okay, you're a greasy, slippery guy?"

Then Rob proceeded to fill Big Black in on how Drama's face was all greasy when they were wrestling earlier.

Drama - "That's from my hair product!"
Rob - "You got hair product on your beard? What is it? Beard honey? You got beard honey, beard butter to make your beard shine?"

Then Drama asked Rob if the WWE knew that Rob had no idea how to wrestle, and Rob assured Drama that by the time of the event, he would be a pro.

Drama - "You're already doing the wrestler point thing."
Rob (while pointing and getting closer to Drama) - "Well look, I'm gonna tell you one thing. You can keep DOUBTING me, acting like I CAN'T GET IN THE RING AND PUT IT DOWN LIKE A 6'10 400 POUND MONSTER, BUT I CAN TELL YOU RIGHT NOW, YOU WILL BE GRAVELY MISTAKEN!"

In the next scene, Rob appeared in Big Black's office, ran up on him and went up to hit him in the chest. Big Black didn't flinch at all and Rob questioned him on it.

Rob - "You didn't think I was going to kick you through the wall?"
Big Black - "I'm pretty big, it's going to be pretty tough to get me through that wall."

Rob explained to Big Black that the Make-A-Wish foundation is a pretty big deal, and he said that the kids have no idea that he is actually going to be wrestling. Rob wanted to make the experience unforgettable for the kids and he wanted them to be able to play a part in it. He said he needed to come up with a character or prop, something the kids could also do. Rob walked away for a minute, and came back into the office with a ponytail like thing hanging off the back of his head.

Big Black - "Let me guess. Pony Boy."
Rob - "Flying Rat."

Big Black started cracking up and Rob showed Big Black what the Flying Rat could do. He also got a rat tail for Big Black. He put it on the back of his head and Big Black looked pretty funny.

Big Black - "You got the back rat tail, your boy rollin the front rat tail."

Then Big Black put the rat tail on the top of his head, and flipped it up. Rob parted the hair a little bit and it looked hilarious!

Rob - "You look like Hulk Hogan! This is like Hulk Hogan-ified right here."

Rob started laughing - "Oh my god! You are the receding nightmare!"

Haha, this was a hilarious scene. The Flying Rat and The Receding Nightmare. It worked perfectly!

Big Black - "If a kid sees me like this, I'm gonna hurt a kid's soul."
Rob - "We don't want that. We need something more friendly to the kids."

Rob ended the scene by saying that he needed to get a true WWE superstar into the Fantasy Factory to figure something out. There was a commercial break, and when we got back, Rob was practicing rolling into the ring on his skateboard and body slamming Drama. Big Black was helping to spot Rob as he flew into the ring, and on one attempt, Big Black was ready to help, but while Rob was mid-air, he switched to a ninja-like kick and Big Black jumped out of the way. Luckily there was a mat there, because Rob slammed into it and fell to the bottom of the ring.

The scene cut to the front doors of the factory, where we see someone in black boots and a kilt walk in. The camera pans up and we realize it's superstar WWE Wrestling legend, Rowdy Roddy Piper. Chanel walked him into the Factory and he took in the surroundings. He watched as Rob flew into the ring on his board and then he introduced himself to Roddy Piper. Roddy asked Rob why he wants to wrestle, and Rob said he always had a dream of making an entrance like that, since he knows no one else can do it. He said the problem is, he has no idea what to do once he gets into the ring. Roddy told him that's what he is here for.

Roddy Piper- "You'll give them a great performance, but if you go out with the thought of giving them your heart, you can't make no mistakes."

Rob then started to brainstorm wrestling names with Roddy.

Rob - "What do you think of when a guy is flying through the air? Lightning...Kid Lightning?"

They decided that Kid Lightning is a good name, but if Rob chooses that name, he has to be fast. They decided that Big Black would provide the thunder, and Drama can be hail. Hail Boy to be exact. Rob and Roddy started working on what lightning will be when it strikes, and it was so fun to watch! Rob and Roddy got in the ring and started working on moves for Rob's match.


In the next scene, Rob was about to introduce Drama and Big Black to their costumes for the event. Drama and Big Black walked into Rob's office, and Rob was hiding in a corner wearing a huge black outfit and a blue wig. Big Black asked Rob what was going on, and Rob explained that the black outfit was Black Thunder's outfit. Drama asked what was up with the blue wig, and Rob replied that it was for Hail Boy. Rob removed the black jacket to reveal a bright blue suit for Hail Boy to wear. They started cracking up because it honestly looked SO ridiculous. At this point I could only imagine how hilarious Drama would look in the blue suit with the blue wig. After that, Rob took off the blue suit to reveal his Kid Lightning logo on a t-shirt. The logo looked great (obviously, because it was created by Tracy Tubera.)

Rob told Big Black and Drama that he was going to give each kid their own Kid Lightning shirt, and he also was going to give them a custom Kid Lightning board, just like the one he was going to fly in on. It was so generous of Rob, I could tell the kids were going to be so excited!

After that scene, it was time to fly to Atlanta. Rob, Big Black and Drama arrived at Wrestlemania, and they were greeted by David Williams, the President of the Make-A-Wish foundation. David told Rob that these 14 kids could have wished for anything in the world, and the one thing they wanted was to meet Rob. Rob explained how humbled he was, and he walked into the room and was greeted with cheering and applause.

Rob, Drama and Big Black went around to each of the tables and signed and took pictures with the kids. One of the boys asked Drama where Chanel was and it was SO CUTE!

Boy - "Where's Chanel?"
Drama - "She didn't make it. You wanted to meet her, huh? She's a cutie!"

Rob explained to the kids how he was going to be wrestling, and he said he got everyone front row seats for the event. The kids were super excited! Rob told the kids that if things start getting rough out there in the ring, he is going to need everyone to start chanting "Lightning! Lightning! Lightning!" They practiced the chant, all changed into their Kid Lightning shirts and then it was time for Rob to wrestle!

Rob went in the back and met up with Rowdy Roddy Piper and learned who he would be up against in the match. It was going to be Rob and Roddy Vs. Tyson Kidd and Zack Ryder, two professional WWE wrestlers. Right away Roddy told Rob that they didn't like him very much (typical wrestling talk) and they were not happy about some random skateboarder coming in trying to wrestle. They went to get changed and Hail Boy and Black Thunder looked AMAZING! Rob came out in his Kid Lightning t-shirt and some customized boots and it was awesome. Seeing him next to Roddy Piper was great! They got pumped up for the fight. Big Black made his thunder noise, and Drama attempted to make some sort of a hail noise but it just turned out awkward. Then, there was a commercial break.

After the commercial, it was time to head into the ring. Tyson and Zack were introduced first, and then Rowdy Roddy Piper came out.Roddy introduced Hail Boy and Black Thunder, and then came Kid Lightning with an incredible introduction! He nailed his entrance into the ring, and then it was time for the shit talk.

Other team - "Kid Lightning, you think because you come into the ring on a skateboard, that makes you entertaining?! These people came here to see Tyson Kidd and Zack Ryder!"

Boo's filled the arena and then it was Kid Lightning's turn to speak.

Kid Lightning - "Okay, okay, look. I don't care if you call me a skateboarder, alright? But I was taught by the greatest legend, the superstar of superstars, the strongest, realest iron man of wrestling! Hod Rod, Rowdy Roddy Piper! So you can whoop de woo all you want, but you never know when lightning is gonna strike! Let's GO!"

This was met by cheers from the crowd and the match started. For a minute there it kind of looked like Rob was getting his ass kicked, but you know he turned the match around. Everyone started chanting "Lightning! Lightning!" just like they practiced at the meet and greet. Hail Boy pulled Kid Lightning out of the ring and he disappeared for a second. He appeared at the top of the ramp, and he rode into the ring, and body slammed his opponent, winning the match.

This was so incredible to watch. Like I said, I think it was honestly one of the best scenes in the entire Fantasy Factory series. I don't even really care for WWE, but this was SO MUCH FUN to watch. I know wrestling is all fake, but it was amazing and so well done. The crowd was cheering and Black Thunder carried Kid Lightning out of the ring.

Backstage, Rob said his thank you's to Roddy Piper for helping him out with this. You could tell Rob had a blast. They went out and took a group photo with all the Make-A-Wish kids, and that ended the episode. I loved it, it was SO great. One of my favorites. I think right now it's a close match between "Dodging Devil Donkey's" and this episode.

Also, I want to take a second to thank the Fantasy Factory crew for sending me this INCREDIBLE gift in the mail. It was so great to come home to this large package from MTV. I will forever be grateful for how generous Rob, the Fantasy Factory staff and the staff at Dyrdek Enterprises always are. They are some of the nicest people in the world.

Next week, the crew heads to New Orleans for Mardi Gras and top open a new Safe Spot Skate Spot. Don't forget to watch, Monday, May 23rd 10:30/9:30pm Central on MTV!

If you are interested in any of the Young and Reckless gear you seen on Fantasy Factory, head over to!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. I want to meet Tob Dyrdek so bad! Hes my role model!
