Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Season 4 Episode 8 of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory

This episode of Fantasy Factory was titled "Joe C. and the Magic Goatee." If you are a long time Rob and Big/Fantasy Factory viewer, or you follow skateboarding closely, you know that Joe Ciaglia is a big deal. Joe owns California Skateparks and California Skateparks is the company that builds all of the incredible skate spots you see on Fantasy Factory. They build ALL of Rob Dyrdek's Safe Spot Skate Spots, all of the courses for Street League, the world's biggest skateboard and the Fantasy Factory. They've also built skateparks all over the country. Rob decided to dedicate this episode to Joe C, since he has done so much for him.

I was shocked to see that MTV was promoting this episode as the season finale of Fantasy Factory. I knew that more footage was shot. A few of the pros from Street League went over to the factory to film footage for the season finale, so it didn't make sense that this was it. Also, there was a clip in the Best of, Bonus and Behind the scenes that featured a "hug horn," and we never got to see that footage.

After a little bit of research (me tweeting Shane Nickerson) I learned that there ARE two more episodes left in season 4 of Fantasy Factory. MTV might decide to air them before Ridiculousness starts up in August. I don't know why MTV decided to cut the season short, but I do know that TONS of fans are not happy about it. I got tons of tweets on both my personal account and on @TeamDCFantasy from fans who were just as surprised as I was to learn this was the finale. Later on, Rob Dyrdek tweeted what Shane had already told me, there are two more episodes, and MTV hasn't decided when they want to air them.

While this is disappointing news, all we can do at this point is hope that those episodes do air sometime in the future, and we can look forward to Ridiculousness in a few months. I personally can't wait to see Ridiculousness on TV. I know the fans will love it!

edit - After I started writing this re-cap, the Fantasy Factory page on Facebook said something along the lines of "Oops, I guess there are two more episodes left this season! Don't forget to watch Monday's at 10:30/9:30 central on MTV!" I am still a little bit confused as to what they mean. I checked the guide on comcast and Fantasy Factory isn't scheduled to be on this Monday. I am actually hoping it isn't on this week because the fans now think that the season is over, so I'm afraid no one will be watching. Hopefully MTV does a ton of promoting before they decide to air the last two episodes. I will do all I can to inform everyone as soon as I know for sure when the episodes will air. If you don't already, follow me on twitter at @shygirl364 or on the fan account I share with Natasha, @TeamDCFantasy.

Alright, now on to the re-cap. The episode opened with Rob entering his office with Big Cat, Drama and Big Black already in there. Rob told Drama that if man-thongs were ever made popular, he knows Drama would be on it first. Then Rob proceeded to drop his pants, pull his boxers up and show the crew what a man-thong would really look like. Rob started rubbing his ass on Drama and Drama didn't want any part of it. It was a hilarious scene and after that, the opening credits started to roll.

When we got back, Rob had various garbage cans set up on the conference table in his office. There were also tennis balls, and Rob, Drama and Big Black were betting on who could make the hardest shot bouncing the balls into the garbage cans. $300 was on the line and Rob ended up winning. While Rob was cheering, celebrating his victory, Chanel brought Joe C. into the office.

The reason Rob brought Joe C. in was to tell him about an unclaimed plaza that Rob owns in Shreveport, LA. Rob said that the park has been around for 5 years, but it's so horribly built, he has been ashamed to claim it as his own. Rob projected photos of the skate park onto his big screen TV in the office, and it wasn't pretty. The Mayor of Shreveport gave Rob Dyrdek the key to the city and Rob felt it was only right to go in there and re-design that skate park so kids have a better place to skate. Rob was talking to Joe about the skate park, and he was clearly distracted by Joe C.'s goatee.

Rob - "We can make it beautiful man. I can't..I, I'm just so focused on his goatee right now. I'm trying to look him in the eyes and get passion out, and all I see is goatee right now."
Big Black - "You are the GOAT. Greatest Of All Time."
Rob - "I've said it a million times, you're goatee is half your power!"

Rob ran out of his office and came back with a little statue of Joe C.'s head.

Rob - "I'm going to tell the people of Shreveport that you can thank this (pointing to the goatee on the statue) for this (the key to the city.)
Drama - "Just the goatee?"
Rob - "Just the goatee because it's got magical powers. I bet if we shaved that and all drank it, we could build anything in the world."

In the next scene, the world's biggest skateboard was getting tied onto a truck. Rob grabbed the Joe C. statue and called Big Cat over. He told Big Cat to grab the rest of the crew and gather everyone by the world's biggest skateboard. Once everyone was there, Rob hopped onto the skateboard and explained to everyone how Joe C. has changed everyone's life. Rob said Joe C. isn't being honored the way he should be. All they had was that little bronze statue, but Rob wanted to do something bigger. Rob told everyone that the weekend of the opening of the new skate plaza, Mardi Gras was also happening in New Orleans. Everyone got super excited, and Rob said that he wanted to take the world's biggest skateboard and turn it into a float during the Mardi Gras parade.

Rob - "Go get some beads out there! Chanel could flash her boobs all over the place, you know what I mean?"
Chanel - "I'm not gonna flash my boobs."
Rob - "Put your boobs out there! It's for beads, it's like part of culture down there. It's like saying 'Oh, I don't want to breathe or drink your water.'"

Rob said he wants to honor Joe C. by making a Joe C. float. Rob took the small bronze Joe C. statue and smashed it.

Rob - "Forget that crappy little bronze, peeping tom, weird little sculpture face. We are going to honor him with this float, in a way that he never even thought possible."

Rob attempted to get off the top of the world's biggest skateboard by grabbing onto the zip line rope that was right above his head. Not a very well thought out idea, because he couldn't jump from there to the ground. Big Black came over and Rob dropped perfectly onto his shoulders, haha.

There was a commercial break, and then the crew arrived in Shreveport, LA. They were on their way to the skatepark and Rob said he didn't know if he even wanted to see it. He said he has blocked it out of his mind all this time. They pulled up and it was awful. Chanel called it a dump. Joe C. was already there figuring out his plans for the park. The crew met up with him and Joe said it was going to take some work to fix it up. We saw all the horrible rails and ramps. There was even a broken electrical box in the middle of the park. It was in pretty bad shape.

Drama - "It's almost like you're just teasing these kids. 'Hey, this is almost a skate park..'"

Rob was talking to Joe C. about the timing and how there really isn't too much time to get this park built. While they were talking, Chanel was visibly freezing. When you are from Southern California, cold weather can be somewhat of a shock. The group decided to try and warm her up by creating a circle around her and jumping up and down. It was so funny because Chanel is so tiny, we could only see the top of her head while they were jumping!

Rob told Joe that he absolutely needed to be at the Mardi Gras parade, so this park needed to be finished ASAP. Joe built the world's biggest skateboard, and it's been in parades, but nothing like Mardi Gras. He needed to be there to see it. Also, Joe C. didn't realize that the entire float would be dedicated to him and his goatee. Rob and the crew huddled around Joe C. for a group hug.

Rob - "Oh, I just got really rubbed down by that great goatee right there. I've never been touched by another man's goatee before."
Drama - "I think that's a good thing."
Rob - "I felt a tingle!"
Drama - "Like a Brillo pad?"
Rob - "No! It felt like..magic!"

They left Joe C. to work on the skatepark and the crew headed to New Orleans. Their first top was the place where all the Mardi Gras floats were made. They needed a professional to help perfect their Joe C. float. While they were there, they saw some amazing floats.

Rob - "Look at this place of giant magic things! This is a giant magical land!"

They met with JxPx, a professional float builder, and he was going to help them turn their idea into an amazing float. Rob noticed how every float in the warehouse had a giant head on the front. Rob wanted to get a giant Joe C. head for the front of their float. JP said they could make that happen.

Drama - "It'll be amazing. Everyone else lined on the street will be like, 'This is awesome, but I don't know who this man is.'"
Big Black - "How about we all dress up as Joe C.?"

They discussed all getting goatees and Chanel was a little hesitant, but she went for it. Rob told Big Black that he already kind of had one built in.

Big Black - "Oh yeah, I'm ready!"
Rob - "We'd have to flair it up a little bit."
Big Black - "I'll blond it out."
JP - "Like the reverse!"

Rob hopped up onto the skateboard and explained how everyone will be a Joe C. in a different form. Warlock Joe C., Tiger Joe C....

Rob - "One could be a Princess Joe C.! Who wants to be the princess Joe C.?!"
Chanel (raising her hand) - "Me!"

They decided to call the float "Joe C. and the Magic Goatee." Rob and the crew decided they were going to go get their goatee's and outfits so they could be ready for the parade. They left the float in JP's hands, and went off for their costumes. There was a commercial break, and when we got back, we saw a little bit of California Skateparks demolishing the old park and building the new one.

The crew was heading out to the wig shop.

Chanel - "I'm excited to get into the princess outfit, but I feel like the goatee is going to kill my whole steez."
Rob - "How could it kill your steez when you've got Joe C's magic Goatee?"

They went into the wig shop and right away found some beards and mustaches. Rob put his on first and it looked perfect! Next, Big Black got his blond wig on.

Rob - "Reverse Joe C. is going to be SO INCREDIBLE!"

Drama got his wig on and they were all cracking up!

Chanel - "He looks like that one Beatle!"

Haha, Chanel was totally right, it was super creepy how much Drama resembled George Harrison! Big Cat got his on, and then they tied Chanel's blond hair up and put a Joe C. wig on her. Rob put her beard and mustache on.

Rob - "This is such a pretty little Joe C.!"
Drama - "Joe She!"

Haha, for some reason that line made me crack up pretty badly. They all started dancing in the store in their Joe C. costumes. (Most of them dancing, Big Cat kind of just swaying side to side.) Next stop was the costume shop. Drama put on a colorful prince outfit, and then Chanel came out as Princess Joe She.

Rob - "Oh my god, such a pretty Joe C.!"

Rob came out in an Indian outfit.

Big Black - "Warrior Chief Joe C.!"

All of a sudden we hear Big Cat's voice. "I think this is a little too much..." Then Big Cat comes around the corner in this SPANDEX cat suit. All I could think of is poor Big Cat. This outfit was HILARIOUS! The guy has been through so many ridiculous outfits this season, but I think this one takes the cake as far as craziest.

Rob - "This man is about to commit to a 3.5 hour parade in a Tiger Onesie!"
Big Cat - "It's that long?!"
Drama - "He's like the most fragile little tiger you've ever seen!"

Rob found some wings that matched Big Cat's outfit and decided to turn him into a Tiger Fairy. Rob called him the Joe C. Tiger Fairy, it was honestly so hilarious!

After that, there was a commercial break and then it was time for the parade. It was raining outside, but that didn't stop the Mardi Gras fun! They headed out to the parade and they saw their float for the first time. It looked SO GOOD! Rob said that it was a perfect looking Joe C. head, and then Joe C. showed up to see it. It looked like Joe loved it, and then Rob introduced him to the crew.

Rob - "Joe D (Rob), Joe DB (Drama), Joe BB (Big Black), Joe BC (Big Cat), and Joe She (Chanel)."

Rob showed Joe C. how the float was named "Joe C. and the Magic Goatee." Rob thanked Joe C. for everything he's done, and Joe C. gave hugs to everyone. He even gave Joe She a little peck on the cheek.

Rob - "Things got weird, things got weird! You wanna make love to your fairy self?! Go make love to your fairy self! (pointing to Big Cat)"

Joe C. gave Tiger Fairy Joe BC a slap on the ass, hahaha. You could tell Big Cat was not expecting that one! Too funny! The parade got started and the crew was having a blast throwing beads and goatee packs out to everyone in the crowd. Joe C was sitting on the big purple chair on the float and the rest of the crew were dancing around and entertaining. The camera panned the crowd and tons of people were wearing Joe C. goatees. It was so hilarious! The parade ended and then it was time for the opening of the new skatepark. Tons of people showed up and it was pretty incredbile.

Rob (to Joe C.) - "I think you did an incredible job but I can't see it right now because it's covered with people."

We saw a few before and after pictures of the skatepark, and Joe C. did great like always. Rob got on the microphone and explained about how when he got the key to the city, he felt he didn't deserve it, and he had to come back to Shreveport, LA and make the skate park right. Rob explained how Joe C. (with the help of his magic goatee) was able to transform the park and make it incredible. They cut the red ribbon on the skatepark and let the kids try it out. The crew signed autographs and then headed home.

Rob - "We got to honor the great Joe C., we got to build another park. Got to make a lot of people happy on this trip. Now let's get home!"

That ended the episode. It was another great episode. I really enjoyed it.

As always, if you are interested in the Young and Reckless clothing you saw during this episode, head over to

Don't forget, follow me on twitter @shygirl364 for the latest updates as to when the final two episodes of season 4 will air on MTV! Also, I am heading out to Kansas City, MO for Street League in a couple weeks, so expect a full review of my trip when I get back!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. i love you for posting this you just made my day :)
