Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Season 4 Episode 8 of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory
I was shocked to see that MTV was promoting this episode as the season finale of Fantasy Factory. I knew that more footage was shot. A few of the pros from Street League went over to the factory to film footage for the season finale, so it didn't make sense that this was it. Also, there was a clip in the Best of, Bonus and Behind the scenes that featured a "hug horn," and we never got to see that footage.
After a little bit of research (me tweeting Shane Nickerson) I learned that there ARE two more episodes left in season 4 of Fantasy Factory. MTV might decide to air them before Ridiculousness starts up in August. I don't know why MTV decided to cut the season short, but I do know that TONS of fans are not happy about it. I got tons of tweets on both my personal account and on @TeamDCFantasy from fans who were just as surprised as I was to learn this was the finale. Later on, Rob Dyrdek tweeted what Shane had already told me, there are two more episodes, and MTV hasn't decided when they want to air them.
While this is disappointing news, all we can do at this point is hope that those episodes do air sometime in the future, and we can look forward to Ridiculousness in a few months. I personally can't wait to see Ridiculousness on TV. I know the fans will love it!
edit - After I started writing this re-cap, the Fantasy Factory page on Facebook said something along the lines of "Oops, I guess there are two more episodes left this season! Don't forget to watch Monday's at 10:30/9:30 central on MTV!" I am still a little bit confused as to what they mean. I checked the guide on comcast and Fantasy Factory isn't scheduled to be on this Monday. I am actually hoping it isn't on this week because the fans now think that the season is over, so I'm afraid no one will be watching. Hopefully MTV does a ton of promoting before they decide to air the last two episodes. I will do all I can to inform everyone as soon as I know for sure when the episodes will air. If you don't already, follow me on twitter at @shygirl364 or on the fan account I share with Natasha, @TeamDCFantasy.
Alright, now on to the re-cap. The episode opened with Rob entering his office with Big Cat, Drama and Big Black already in there. Rob told Drama that if man-thongs were ever made popular, he knows Drama would be on it first. Then Rob proceeded to drop his pants, pull his boxers up and show the crew what a man-thong would really look like. Rob started rubbing his ass on Drama and Drama didn't want any part of it. It was a hilarious scene and after that, the opening credits started to roll.
When we got back, Rob had various garbage cans set up on the conference table in his office. There were also tennis balls, and Rob, Drama and Big Black were betting on who could make the hardest shot bouncing the balls into the garbage cans. $300 was on the line and Rob ended up winning. While Rob was cheering, celebrating his victory, Chanel brought Joe C. into the office.
The reason Rob brought Joe C. in was to tell him about an unclaimed plaza that Rob owns in Shreveport, LA. Rob said that the park has been around for 5 years, but it's so horribly built, he has been ashamed to claim it as his own. Rob projected photos of the skate park onto his big screen TV in the office, and it wasn't pretty. The Mayor of Shreveport gave Rob Dyrdek the key to the city and Rob felt it was only right to go in there and re-design that skate park so kids have a better place to skate. Rob was talking to Joe about the skate park, and he was clearly distracted by Joe C.'s goatee.
Rob - "We can make it beautiful man. I can't..I, I'm just so focused on his goatee right now. I'm trying to look him in the eyes and get passion out, and all I see is goatee right now."
Big Black - "You are the GOAT. Greatest Of All Time."
Rob - "I've said it a million times, you're goatee is half your power!"
Rob ran out of his office and came back with a little statue of Joe C.'s head.
Rob - "I'm going to tell the people of Shreveport that you can thank this (pointing to the goatee on the statue) for this (the key to the city.)
Drama - "Just the goatee?"
Rob - "Just the goatee because it's got magical powers. I bet if we shaved that and all drank it, we could build anything in the world."
In the next scene, the world's biggest skateboard was getting tied onto a truck. Rob grabbed the Joe C. statue and called Big Cat over. He told Big Cat to grab the rest of the crew and gather everyone by the world's biggest skateboard. Once everyone was there, Rob hopped onto the skateboard and explained to everyone how Joe C. has changed everyone's life. Rob said Joe C. isn't being honored the way he should be. All they had was that little bronze statue, but Rob wanted to do something bigger. Rob told everyone that the weekend of the opening of the new skate plaza, Mardi Gras was also happening in New Orleans. Everyone got super excited, and Rob said that he wanted to take the world's biggest skateboard and turn it into a float during the Mardi Gras parade.
Rob - "Go get some beads out there! Chanel could flash her boobs all over the place, you know what I mean?"
Chanel - "I'm not gonna flash my boobs."
Rob - "Put your boobs out there! It's for beads, it's like part of culture down there. It's like saying 'Oh, I don't want to breathe or drink your water.'"
Rob said he wants to honor Joe C. by making a Joe C. float. Rob took the small bronze Joe C. statue and smashed it.
Rob - "Forget that crappy little bronze, peeping tom, weird little sculpture face. We are going to honor him with this float, in a way that he never even thought possible."
Rob attempted to get off the top of the world's biggest skateboard by grabbing onto the zip line rope that was right above his head. Not a very well thought out idea, because he couldn't jump from there to the ground. Big Black came over and Rob dropped perfectly onto his shoulders, haha.
There was a commercial break, and then the crew arrived in Shreveport, LA. They were on their way to the skatepark and Rob said he didn't know if he even wanted to see it. He said he has blocked it out of his mind all this time. They pulled up and it was awful. Chanel called it a dump. Joe C. was already there figuring out his plans for the park. The crew met up with him and Joe said it was going to take some work to fix it up. We saw all the horrible rails and ramps. There was even a broken electrical box in the middle of the park. It was in pretty bad shape.
Drama - "It's almost like you're just teasing these kids. 'Hey, this is almost a skate park..'"
Rob was talking to Joe C. about the timing and how there really isn't too much time to get this park built. While they were talking, Chanel was visibly freezing. When you are from Southern California, cold weather can be somewhat of a shock. The group decided to try and warm her up by creating a circle around her and jumping up and down. It was so funny because Chanel is so tiny, we could only see the top of her head while they were jumping!
Rob told Joe that he absolutely needed to be at the Mardi Gras parade, so this park needed to be finished ASAP. Joe built the world's biggest skateboard, and it's been in parades, but nothing like Mardi Gras. He needed to be there to see it. Also, Joe C. didn't realize that the entire float would be dedicated to him and his goatee. Rob and the crew huddled around Joe C. for a group hug.
Rob - "Oh, I just got really rubbed down by that great goatee right there. I've never been touched by another man's goatee before."
Drama - "I think that's a good thing."
Rob - "I felt a tingle!"
Drama - "Like a Brillo pad?"
Rob - "No! It felt like..magic!"
They left Joe C. to work on the skatepark and the crew headed to New Orleans. Their first top was the place where all the Mardi Gras floats were made. They needed a professional to help perfect their Joe C. float. While they were there, they saw some amazing floats.
Rob - "Look at this place of giant magic things! This is a giant magical land!"
They met with JxPx, a professional float builder, and he was going to help them turn their idea into an amazing float. Rob noticed how every float in the warehouse had a giant head on the front. Rob wanted to get a giant Joe C. head for the front of their float. JP said they could make that happen.
Drama - "It'll be amazing. Everyone else lined on the street will be like, 'This is awesome, but I don't know who this man is.'"
Big Black - "How about we all dress up as Joe C.?"
They discussed all getting goatees and Chanel was a little hesitant, but she went for it. Rob told Big Black that he already kind of had one built in.
Big Black - "Oh yeah, I'm ready!"
Rob - "We'd have to flair it up a little bit."
Big Black - "I'll blond it out."
JP - "Like the reverse!"
Rob hopped up onto the skateboard and explained how everyone will be a Joe C. in a different form. Warlock Joe C., Tiger Joe C....
Rob - "One could be a Princess Joe C.! Who wants to be the princess Joe C.?!"
Chanel (raising her hand) - "Me!"
They decided to call the float "Joe C. and the Magic Goatee." Rob and the crew decided they were going to go get their goatee's and outfits so they could be ready for the parade. They left the float in JP's hands, and went off for their costumes. There was a commercial break, and when we got back, we saw a little bit of California Skateparks demolishing the old park and building the new one.
The crew was heading out to the wig shop.
Chanel - "I'm excited to get into the princess outfit, but I feel like the goatee is going to kill my whole steez."
Rob - "How could it kill your steez when you've got Joe C's magic Goatee?"
They went into the wig shop and right away found some beards and mustaches. Rob put his on first and it looked perfect! Next, Big Black got his blond wig on.
Rob - "Reverse Joe C. is going to be SO INCREDIBLE!"
Drama got his wig on and they were all cracking up!
Chanel - "He looks like that one Beatle!"
Haha, Chanel was totally right, it was super creepy how much Drama resembled George Harrison! Big Cat got his on, and then they tied Chanel's blond hair up and put a Joe C. wig on her. Rob put her beard and mustache on.
Rob - "This is such a pretty little Joe C.!"
Drama - "Joe She!"
Haha, for some reason that line made me crack up pretty badly. They all started dancing in the store in their Joe C. costumes. (Most of them dancing, Big Cat kind of just swaying side to side.) Next stop was the costume shop. Drama put on a colorful prince outfit, and then Chanel came out as Princess Joe She.
Rob - "Oh my god, such a pretty Joe C.!"
Rob came out in an Indian outfit.
Big Black - "Warrior Chief Joe C.!"
All of a sudden we hear Big Cat's voice. "I think this is a little too much..." Then Big Cat comes around the corner in this SPANDEX cat suit. All I could think of is poor Big Cat. This outfit was HILARIOUS! The guy has been through so many ridiculous outfits this season, but I think this one takes the cake as far as craziest.
Rob - "This man is about to commit to a 3.5 hour parade in a Tiger Onesie!"
Big Cat - "It's that long?!"
Drama - "He's like the most fragile little tiger you've ever seen!"
Rob found some wings that matched Big Cat's outfit and decided to turn him into a Tiger Fairy. Rob called him the Joe C. Tiger Fairy, it was honestly so hilarious!
After that, there was a commercial break and then it was time for the parade. It was raining outside, but that didn't stop the Mardi Gras fun! They headed out to the parade and they saw their float for the first time. It looked SO GOOD! Rob said that it was a perfect looking Joe C. head, and then Joe C. showed up to see it. It looked like Joe loved it, and then Rob introduced him to the crew.
Rob - "Joe D (Rob), Joe DB (Drama), Joe BB (Big Black), Joe BC (Big Cat), and Joe She (Chanel)."
Rob showed Joe C. how the float was named "Joe C. and the Magic Goatee." Rob thanked Joe C. for everything he's done, and Joe C. gave hugs to everyone. He even gave Joe She a little peck on the cheek.
Rob - "Things got weird, things got weird! You wanna make love to your fairy self?! Go make love to your fairy self! (pointing to Big Cat)"
Joe C. gave Tiger Fairy Joe BC a slap on the ass, hahaha. You could tell Big Cat was not expecting that one! Too funny! The parade got started and the crew was having a blast throwing beads and goatee packs out to everyone in the crowd. Joe C was sitting on the big purple chair on the float and the rest of the crew were dancing around and entertaining. The camera panned the crowd and tons of people were wearing Joe C. goatees. It was so hilarious! The parade ended and then it was time for the opening of the new skatepark. Tons of people showed up and it was pretty incredbile.
Rob (to Joe C.) - "I think you did an incredible job but I can't see it right now because it's covered with people."
We saw a few before and after pictures of the skatepark, and Joe C. did great like always. Rob got on the microphone and explained about how when he got the key to the city, he felt he didn't deserve it, and he had to come back to Shreveport, LA and make the skate park right. Rob explained how Joe C. (with the help of his magic goatee) was able to transform the park and make it incredible. They cut the red ribbon on the skatepark and let the kids try it out. The crew signed autographs and then headed home.
Rob - "We got to honor the great Joe C., we got to build another park. Got to make a lot of people happy on this trip. Now let's get home!"
That ended the episode. It was another great episode. I really enjoyed it.
As always, if you are interested in the Young and Reckless clothing you saw during this episode, head over to
Don't forget, follow me on twitter @shygirl364 for the latest updates as to when the final two episodes of season 4 will air on MTV! Also, I am heading out to Kansas City, MO for Street League in a couple weeks, so expect a full review of my trip when I get back!
Until next time...
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Season 4 Episode 7 of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory
The episode opened with the crew inside the Fantasy Factory, and Big Cat and Drama were dragging this huge mat towards Rob's office. Chanel was standing there, and Rob said something to the effect of, "Watch out for Chelsea!" For those of you who don't know, Chelsea is Chanel's real first name. Chanel is actually her middle name, but she chooses to go by Chanel because she doesn't like Chelsea too much. Chanel told Rob she hated that name, and that fueled Rob to continue to call her that, and even sing a song about it. The entire crew started chiming in and singing "Chelsea Dudley." It was so funny, Rob started imitating things Chanel might say, and said he almost wants to create a "Chelsea Dudley Musical."
After that, the opening credits rolled and when we got back Rob was in the factory inside of a wrestling ring. Drama walked in and you could tell he was immediately nervous about what he saw. Rob told Drama to get over to the ring, and Drama was hesitant. The wrestler in Rob then took over, and he jumped out of the ring, ran over to Drama and pulled him in. He started pushing him around a little bit, and while Drama was on the ground, Rob got up onto the side of the ring and body slammed Drama. Drama kept repeating "Why are we doing this?!" and Rob just kept wrestling.
Rob - "You want to know what your defense could be as a wrestler?"
Drama - "huh?"
Rob - "Greasy face. I felt like I was holding on to a stick of butter."
Drama - "Can't catch me!"
Rob and Drama continued wrestling and then Big Black appeared. You could tell he was very excited about this because he jogged over to the wrestling ring and wanted to join in on the fun. This seemed like a flashback of the "Cancun" episode of Rob and Big, when Rob, Drama, Big Black and Bam Bam went to Cancun and took on the persona's of Flashito, Sexy Boy and Big Water.
Anyways, the guys continued to wrestle, and then Rob explained why he had the wrestling ring. Rob said that he got contacted by the Make-A-Wish foundation, and there were 14 kids whose wish was to meet Rob. Every year the WWE flies Make-A-Wish kids out to Wrestlemania, and they asked Rob if he would go out there to meet the kids. Rob said he would love to go out there, but he didn't want to just meet the kids. He wanted to wrestle as well. The WWE said that would be no problem. Rob immediately had an idea of him flying in on his skateboard on a ramp, into the wrestling ring, and slamming the other wrestler. Big Black and Drama wanted to be involved somehow, and Rob said he'd figure something out for them.
Drama - "I want to be in it."
Rob - "Okay, you're a greasy, slippery guy?"
Then Rob proceeded to fill Big Black in on how Drama's face was all greasy when they were wrestling earlier.
Drama - "That's from my hair product!"
Rob - "You got hair product on your beard? What is it? Beard honey? You got beard honey, beard butter to make your beard shine?"
Then Drama asked Rob if the WWE knew that Rob had no idea how to wrestle, and Rob assured Drama that by the time of the event, he would be a pro.
Drama - "You're already doing the wrestler point thing."
Rob (while pointing and getting closer to Drama) - "Well look, I'm gonna tell you one thing. You can keep DOUBTING me, acting like I CAN'T GET IN THE RING AND PUT IT DOWN LIKE A 6'10 400 POUND MONSTER, BUT I CAN TELL YOU RIGHT NOW, YOU WILL BE GRAVELY MISTAKEN!"
In the next scene, Rob appeared in Big Black's office, ran up on him and went up to hit him in the chest. Big Black didn't flinch at all and Rob questioned him on it.
Rob - "You didn't think I was going to kick you through the wall?"
Big Black - "I'm pretty big, it's going to be pretty tough to get me through that wall."
Rob explained to Big Black that the Make-A-Wish foundation is a pretty big deal, and he said that the kids have no idea that he is actually going to be wrestling. Rob wanted to make the experience unforgettable for the kids and he wanted them to be able to play a part in it. He said he needed to come up with a character or prop, something the kids could also do. Rob walked away for a minute, and came back into the office with a ponytail like thing hanging off the back of his head.
Big Black - "Let me guess. Pony Boy."
Rob - "Flying Rat."
Big Black started cracking up and Rob showed Big Black what the Flying Rat could do. He also got a rat tail for Big Black. He put it on the back of his head and Big Black looked pretty funny.
Big Black - "You got the back rat tail, your boy rollin the front rat tail."
Then Big Black put the rat tail on the top of his head, and flipped it up. Rob parted the hair a little bit and it looked hilarious!
Rob - "You look like Hulk Hogan! This is like Hulk Hogan-ified right here."
Rob started laughing - "Oh my god! You are the receding nightmare!"
Haha, this was a hilarious scene. The Flying Rat and The Receding Nightmare. It worked perfectly!
Big Black - "If a kid sees me like this, I'm gonna hurt a kid's soul."
Rob - "We don't want that. We need something more friendly to the kids."
Rob ended the scene by saying that he needed to get a true WWE superstar into the Fantasy Factory to figure something out. There was a commercial break, and when we got back, Rob was practicing rolling into the ring on his skateboard and body slamming Drama. Big Black was helping to spot Rob as he flew into the ring, and on one attempt, Big Black was ready to help, but while Rob was mid-air, he switched to a ninja-like kick and Big Black jumped out of the way. Luckily there was a mat there, because Rob slammed into it and fell to the bottom of the ring.
The scene cut to the front doors of the factory, where we see someone in black boots and a kilt walk in. The camera pans up and we realize it's superstar WWE Wrestling legend, Rowdy Roddy Piper. Chanel walked him into the Factory and he took in the surroundings. He watched as Rob flew into the ring on his board and then he introduced himself to Roddy Piper. Roddy asked Rob why he wants to wrestle, and Rob said he always had a dream of making an entrance like that, since he knows no one else can do it. He said the problem is, he has no idea what to do once he gets into the ring. Roddy told him that's what he is here for.
Roddy Piper- "You'll give them a great performance, but if you go out with the thought of giving them your heart, you can't make no mistakes."
Rob then started to brainstorm wrestling names with Roddy.
Rob - "What do you think of when a guy is flying through the air? Lightning...Kid Lightning?"
They decided that Kid Lightning is a good name, but if Rob chooses that name, he has to be fast. They decided that Big Black would provide the thunder, and Drama can be hail. Hail Boy to be exact. Rob and Roddy started working on what lightning will be when it strikes, and it was so fun to watch! Rob and Roddy got in the ring and started working on moves for Rob's match.
In the next scene, Rob was about to introduce Drama and Big Black to their costumes for the event. Drama and Big Black walked into Rob's office, and Rob was hiding in a corner wearing a huge black outfit and a blue wig. Big Black asked Rob what was going on, and Rob explained that the black outfit was Black Thunder's outfit. Drama asked what was up with the blue wig, and Rob replied that it was for Hail Boy. Rob removed the black jacket to reveal a bright blue suit for Hail Boy to wear. They started cracking up because it honestly looked SO ridiculous. At this point I could only imagine how hilarious Drama would look in the blue suit with the blue wig. After that, Rob took off the blue suit to reveal his Kid Lightning logo on a t-shirt. The logo looked great (obviously, because it was created by Tracy Tubera.)
Rob told Big Black and Drama that he was going to give each kid their own Kid Lightning shirt, and he also was going to give them a custom Kid Lightning board, just like the one he was going to fly in on. It was so generous of Rob, I could tell the kids were going to be so excited!
After that scene, it was time to fly to Atlanta. Rob, Big Black and Drama arrived at Wrestlemania, and they were greeted by David Williams, the President of the Make-A-Wish foundation. David told Rob that these 14 kids could have wished for anything in the world, and the one thing they wanted was to meet Rob. Rob explained how humbled he was, and he walked into the room and was greeted with cheering and applause.
Rob, Drama and Big Black went around to each of the tables and signed and took pictures with the kids. One of the boys asked Drama where Chanel was and it was SO CUTE!
Boy - "Where's Chanel?"
Drama - "She didn't make it. You wanted to meet her, huh? She's a cutie!"
Rob explained to the kids how he was going to be wrestling, and he said he got everyone front row seats for the event. The kids were super excited! Rob told the kids that if things start getting rough out there in the ring, he is going to need everyone to start chanting "Lightning! Lightning! Lightning!" They practiced the chant, all changed into their Kid Lightning shirts and then it was time for Rob to wrestle!
Rob went in the back and met up with Rowdy Roddy Piper and learned who he would be up against in the match. It was going to be Rob and Roddy Vs. Tyson Kidd and Zack Ryder, two professional WWE wrestlers. Right away Roddy told Rob that they didn't like him very much (typical wrestling talk) and they were not happy about some random skateboarder coming in trying to wrestle. They went to get changed and Hail Boy and Black Thunder looked AMAZING! Rob came out in his Kid Lightning t-shirt and some customized boots and it was awesome. Seeing him next to Roddy Piper was great! They got pumped up for the fight. Big Black made his thunder noise, and Drama attempted to make some sort of a hail noise but it just turned out awkward. Then, there was a commercial break.
After the commercial, it was time to head into the ring. Tyson and Zack were introduced first, and then Rowdy Roddy Piper came out.Roddy introduced Hail Boy and Black Thunder, and then came Kid Lightning with an incredible introduction! He nailed his entrance into the ring, and then it was time for the shit talk.
Other team - "Kid Lightning, you think because you come into the ring on a skateboard, that makes you entertaining?! These people came here to see Tyson Kidd and Zack Ryder!"
Boo's filled the arena and then it was Kid Lightning's turn to speak.
Kid Lightning - "Okay, okay, look. I don't care if you call me a skateboarder, alright? But I was taught by the greatest legend, the superstar of superstars, the strongest, realest iron man of wrestling! Hod Rod, Rowdy Roddy Piper! So you can whoop de woo all you want, but you never know when lightning is gonna strike! Let's GO!"
This was met by cheers from the crowd and the match started. For a minute there it kind of looked like Rob was getting his ass kicked, but you know he turned the match around. Everyone started chanting "Lightning! Lightning!" just like they practiced at the meet and greet. Hail Boy pulled Kid Lightning out of the ring and he disappeared for a second. He appeared at the top of the ramp, and he rode into the ring, and body slammed his opponent, winning the match.
This was so incredible to watch. Like I said, I think it was honestly one of the best scenes in the entire Fantasy Factory series. I don't even really care for WWE, but this was SO MUCH FUN to watch. I know wrestling is all fake, but it was amazing and so well done. The crowd was cheering and Black Thunder carried Kid Lightning out of the ring.
Backstage, Rob said his thank you's to Roddy Piper for helping him out with this. You could tell Rob had a blast. They went out and took a group photo with all the Make-A-Wish kids, and that ended the episode. I loved it, it was SO great. One of my favorites. I think right now it's a close match between "Dodging Devil Donkey's" and this episode.
Also, I want to take a second to thank the Fantasy Factory crew for sending me this INCREDIBLE gift in the mail. It was so great to come home to this large package from MTV. I will forever be grateful for how generous Rob, the Fantasy Factory staff and the staff at Dyrdek Enterprises always are. They are some of the nicest people in the world.

Next week, the crew heads to New Orleans for Mardi Gras and top open a new Safe Spot Skate Spot. Don't forget to watch, Monday, May 23rd 10:30/9:30pm Central on MTV!
If you are interested in any of the Young and Reckless gear you seen on Fantasy Factory, head over to!
Until next time...
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Season 4 Episode 6 of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory
The show opens with Rob, Big Black and Big Cat around the punching machine. Rob tells Big Black to pretend he is his girlfriend.
Rob - "What'd he do!?"
Big Black - "He touched my ass! And touched my boob!"
Rob - "WHAT'D HE DO!?"
Then Rob got all riled up and punched the machine as hard as he could. He got an even 800. Then BB made up a scenario about how some guy touched Big Cat's ass in the club. He had to "defend a man's booty hole," so he punched the machine and got an 815.
Big Black (while walking away) - "Night Night! Make your booty hole tight!"
Then the opening credits start to roll and when we get back Rob is sitting in his office. He is on the phone, calling his mom, and when she answers, he uses a hilarious voice and pretends he is Barbara, a women who lives around the corner.
Rob (as Barbara) - "Hey Pat, this is Barbara from around the corner, I just left the area and I think my dog might have done a little bit of a doo doo in your yard."
Pat - "Well, I don't know what to yell ya."
Rob (as Barbara) - "I mean, it just opened up it's butt hole.."
Pat - "ROB!"
Rob - "What?"
Pat - "Stop talking like that!"
Then Rob and Pat started to discuss how they could make Pat a superstar. Drama walked into the office and sat there as Rob continued to tell Pat how he has partnered with a company called Bill My Parents. The company is about parents controlling a pre-paid debit card for their teens to shop with. Parents set the limits, and the kid can spend it when they go out shopping. Pat said it sounds like a great idea, and then Rob asked her to be in a commercial for the company.
Rob - "Ill tell you what. You are going to help parents like yourself to not raise excessivley reckless kids like me."
Pat - "That sounds like a great idea!"
Then Rob explained that Drama will help somehow, though he doesn't know what he will do because he is not sure what Drama ever does.
Rob - "At this point, all he does is have really good teeth."
Then, Rob and his mom had an adorable exchange of "I Love You's", which I am going to type out, because I thought it was so cute, haha.
Rob - "Love you."
Pat - "I love you, Rob."
Rob - "And who else do I love?"
Pat - "Dad."
Rob - "And who else?"
Pat - "Denise."
Rob - "And who else?!"
Pat - "Meaty, Beefy.."
Rob - "Who else?"
Pat - "I don't know..."
Rob - "Who else do I love?!"
Pat - "I don't KNOW who else."
Rob - "Come on, who else would I love?"
Pat - "Chris?"
Rob - "There you go, I certainly do, mom."
Pat - "And Scott."
Rob - "Eh..I LIKE Scott."
Rob got off the phone with his mom, and in the next scene the crew is having a skateball home run derby. Skateball is a lot like baseball, but you use a skateboard as a bat. When Rob was up, Big Cat kept talking shit and told him he sucks. Rob said he can't get motivated unless there's a wager on the line. They decided that if Big Cat wins, Rob gives him $1000. If Rob wins, Big Cat has to dress up as a Man Cat for Patty's Bill My Parents commercial. Big Cat went first and hit 4 out of 10. Rob ended up hitting 5 out of 10 and won the bet. Rob was so excited, he lifted Big Cat over his shoulder and started spinning him in circles.
There was a commercial break, and then Rob walked into the Fantasy Factory with Patty. Chanel was sitting at the front desk and Rob asked Chanel if she had any advice for Patty who is starring in the Bill My Parents commercial.
Chanel - "It get's pretty crazy, but you gotta just roll with it."
The next scene, Rob, Patty, Big Black and Drama were sitting at a table and doing a table read for the commercial. Rob explained to Patty that a table read is when they sit around a table and go through the entire script. Rob told Patty that she will be able to get whatever she wants on set tomorrow. Water, snacks, even someone to read her book.
Rob - "You are not Patricia J. Dyrdek. She's Pattye."
Rob pronounced it "Pat-Tay. Rob explained that the commercial needs "The genuineness of a midwest mother who can actually act."
Patty - "Pattye cannot actually act."
They start to read through the script. The commercial takes place inside a "sketchy" taxidermy shop. Big Black plays the proprietor. Big Cat will be mounted with the other jungle cats. Patty plays the mom, and Rob plays her son who wants to buy a ridiculously expensive stuffed beaver.
After the table read, Rob asks Patty if she wants to go into the foam pit. She's never been in it before, and it looks like she doesn't really want to. They go over to the foam pit, and she says she will jump if Rob and her jump together. Rob looked so excited to jump in with Patty.
Rob - "Was it fun?"
Patty - "Yeah, I guess."
In the next scene, Rob and Big Black are walking towards Big Cat's office and Rob has some stuff in his hand, which is never a good sign for Big Cat. Drama comes out of his office and they all go over to Big Cat. Rob gives Big Cat his Man Cat costume for the commercial, and Rob tells him that Big Black will also be starring in the commercial.
Big Cat - "Does he (BB) have to dress up too?"
Rob - "He is a taxidermist. What he COULD do, is bend you over and stuff you."
Big Black - "I could do that."
Drama - "It could always get worse."
Big Cat puts the costume on and Rob gives him the head piece.
Rob - "This is what makes this so special. You are going to be the world's very first...Ginger Lion."
Big Cat - "This sucks."
Then Rob pulled out a bunch of red haired wigs and said they could all be gingers. Rob, Drama, and Big Black put the wigs on and they looked hilarious! Big Cat told Rob he looked like Shaun White, which was true and very scary, haha. Rob grabbed his skateboard and said if he is Shaun White, he could probably do some 540's right now. He tried and failed. They all started skating in a row in their ginger wigs, with Big Black running along side them. It was a great scene. We saw a montage of them all skating, and then they started playing basketball. Rob made one of his ridiculous basketball shots, this time from laying on the ground on his back. He made another shot, this time backwards, and he then he started running in circles shouting "I've got GINGER POWER!"
Rob - "Think of how incredible I'd be if I was a ginger!"
There was a commercial break and then it was time to load into the limo and head to the commercial shoot. Rob asked Patty who is on the top of the sexy scale for her, and she responded "Fabio," without even having to think about it.
Drama - "So Fabio is it. The top of the top."
Patty - "All women like him. Let's put it that way."
Rob - "I've seen him a couple times by my house, he lives up by my house."
Patty - "Can we go by?"
Haha, I thought that was hilarious. Patty has this super famous son, and she would still be excited to just drive by Fabio's house like a regular LA tourist.
Rob (laughing) - We could try to find him, I don't know.."
They pull up to the commercial shoot and Patty went straight to hair and makeup. In another trailer, Big Cat was getting his Ginger Lion makeup and Big Black was getting into his costume. Big Cat told Big Black that he looks like Chef. I think this went over a lot of the younger Fantasy Factory fans heads, but as a long time South Park fan, I thought it was hilarious! He DID look like Chef! Rob came in to see how everything was going and he started cracking up as soon as he saw Big Cat.
Big Cat - "This is twice in a month I've been dressed up like a 5 year old on Halloween."
Big Cat looked SO HILARIOUS! It's really hard to explain how perfect his costume came out. I promise if you see it, you will laugh just from the look of it. Patty made a comment about how it was kind of cold in there, but Rob took it way out of context and demanded that someone get Patty a sweatshirt. Patty said no, that wasn't necessary, but then someone got on his walkie and asked to find a blanket for Patty.
Rob - "That's all you gotta do! You just yell it out and they get it for you. Diet Coke! She wants a Diet Coke!"
Patty - "No I don't!"
Rob - "Somebody get Fabio!"
They begin to film the commercial and it looked like they had so much fun! Patty's scene wrapped and it was time to bring Big Cat in. Everyone was cracking up at how amazing and hilariously perfect Big Cat looked.
Rob - "Forget Fabio, that guy's got a real mane."
They posted Big Cat up on his rock, between a couple of lions and shot about 6 seconds of footage.
Drama - "6 hours of makeup & 6 seconds of footage.."
They all started laughing about how poor Big Cat has been in the trailer for six hours perfecting his makeup. They wrapped on the commercial and then it was time for a commercial break. In the next scene, it was time for the premiere of Patty's commercial. Gene was here and they were driving up to the Fantasy Factory. Rob pulls right up to the carpet and there are paparazzi waiting. The crowd (made up of Chanel, Talisha, Shannon, Charlie, Brian, Paul, Geoffrey, Tracy, Big Cat and Big Black) are all cheering. Rob tells Patty to just stay right there, he has a surprise to walk her down the red carpet. Rob brings Fabio out who is holding a bouquet of roses for Patty. Patty looked SO surprised and excited! Fabio gave Patty a hug.
Fabio - "Hi Patty! Welcome to your premiere!"
Fabio gave Patty the roses and walked her down the red carpet.
Patty - "Get our picture Gene! Oh, now this is exciting!"
Rob introduced Patty and Fabio.
Fabio - "Nice to meet you."
Patty - "It's nice to meet you!"
Rob - "Can you believe he's live in person?"
Patty - "I told my son you were the most gorgeous man!"
Fabio - "After your son of course!"
Patty - "Oh, no, no. NOBODY at my work is going to believe this!"
They all went into the DC Lounge and it was time to premiere the commercial. Rob introduced the commercial, and then we saw it. It was SO GREAT! They did an awesome job making this commercial, I thought it was hilarious! Patty was perfect and Big Cat looked so funny! If I was 10 years younger, I'd be begging my parents for this Bill My Parents card. Hell, I kind of want one anyways, just because you can get a card with Meaty and Beefy on it!
That ended the episode, and next week we see WWE Legend Rowdy Roddy Piper teach Rob how to wrestle, and Rob and the gang travel to Atlanta for Wrestlemania! Don't forget to watch, Monday, May 16th at 10:30pm/9:30pm Central on MTV!
As always, if you are interested in Big Black's clothing line, you can find it at It is also currently available at some Zumiez, Pacsun's and Tilly's stores.
Drama's brand is available at and also at PacSun, Zumiez and Tilly's.
For more information on the Bill My Parents card, visit
Until next time...
Friday, May 13, 2011
My Thoughts on Rob Dyrdek's "Make Your Own Luck"
The words “Make Your Own Luck,” mean a lot to me. Even before Rob Dyrdek’s brand came out, I knew that you need to push for what you want. If you want your dreams to come true, you need to commit to making it happen. Then, Rob Dyrdek, someone I look up to most in the world, came out with the “Make Your Own Luck,” brand. It really hit home for me. Those four words make so much sense; they are words that I choose to live by for the rest of my life.
I’ll be honest. Sometimes, it’s not easy to be so positive. I do have a lot of circumstances in my life right now that make it difficult to think things could ever get better. I do get discouraged. I get bummed out and think that my dreams will never come true. I don’t let myself sulk for long though, because I always remember that I *can* make things happen for myself. I CAN “Make My Own Luck.”
I’ve “made my own luck” so much already and when I look back on my experiences, it still amazes me how things turned out the way they did. I am so fortunate to have experienced what I have experienced, but I’m not ready to slow down. I want to beat the odds, and I want to make something of myself. I want to make my ultimate dream come true.
Street League is coming up, and I’ll be honest..realistically, it is REALLY REALLY tough for me to come up with the money for these trips. In short..I don’t have it. That said, I do everything I can to make it work. I didn’t have money to go to the Fantasy Factory for Sk84Life last May, but I made it happen. I didn’t have money for Street League in Ontario last September, but I made it happen. And I SURE AS HELL did NOT have the money to live in LA for a month in December to work on Ridiculousness, but I made it happen. Do you know why? Because I was determined.
When life throws opportunities at you, you have to take them. There was no way I was going to miss any of these opportunities. They were all so important to me, and if I had to drive to LA and live out of my car, I would have done so, just to be able to get a chance to work on that show. I had my mind set on a specific goal and I wasn’t going to accept anything less than me succeeding. No one knows the future, but I can only hope that more exciting opportunities will be thrown my way, and just like the past, I will get there and make it happen.
I haven’t reached the top yet. I still have that ultimate goal in life, and I plan on doing everything I can to get there. I know it won’t be a fast and easy journey, but I won’t give up. I am determined to “Make My Own Luck,” for the rest of my life.
Monday, May 9, 2011
The Dyrdek's
In almost every season of both Rob and Big and Fantasy Factory, there has been an episode that features The Dyrdek’s. Patty and Gene, and sometimes Rob’s sister Denise.
Rob and Big season 1 - Travel - Rob and Big visit Canada to take part in the “Skate” video game, and visit Kettering, OH to visit with Rob’s family on the way back.
Rob and Big season 2 - Rob’s parents didn’t play a part in season 2, but that’s okay because this was the season of “Black Lavender” which is arguably the funniest episode in Rob and Big history.
Rob and Big season 3 - Parents - Rob’s parents visit LA and Rob tries to re-create a poem from his past with the hope that his mom will cry when he reads it to her.
Fantasy Factory season 1 - This is Not Mom Certified - Rob’s parents come to visit the factory for the premiere of Rob’s movie “Street Dreams.”
Fantasy Factory season 2 - The Dyrdek Family Vacation - Rob travels to Myrtle Beach to spend time with his family on an annual vacation that he has missed out on the past few years.
Fantasy Factory season 3 - Operation Save Patty - Rob and Drama travel back to Kettering, OH to take care of Patty who has shattered an ankle.
And now..Fantasy Factory season 4 - Ginger Lion - Rob’s parents visit the factory and Rob makes Patty the spokesperson for Bill My Parents.
These episodes are some of my favorites. They are always so hilarious, mostly because Rob tends to revert back to his 16 year old self whenever he is around his parents. Rob’s mom is also PERFECT for TV. She says the funniest things without even trying. I anxiously await this episode each season, and I am so excited we finally get to see it tonight! Don’t forget to tune in - 10:30/9:30pm Central on MTV!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Season 4 Episode 5 of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory
The show opens with Executive Producer Shane Nickerson making one of those impossible basketball shots in the Fantasy Factory. After that, Rob intros us to the episode, explaining that we are about to see some of the behind the scenes footage of what goes on inside the Factory. The opening credits roll and when we get back, Rob and Drama are standing in the factory. Rob introduces himself and introduces Drama as "the insatiable, beautiful, Chris 'Drama' Pfaff," haha. Rob said that earlier in the season Justin Bieber stopped by the factory, and Rob tried to inspire him to be a little bit crazy.
Rob - "The reality of it is, you break the disappoint the earth!"
Drama - "Don't break the Bieber.."
We saw a little bit of unseen footage from the season premiere that included Justin Bieber punching the UFC punching machine, doing back flips off the side of the foam pit, and shooting some hoops. He also took the go-kart for a ride and at the end, we saw him drive the go-kart into the foam pit.
The next scene, we see another clip from the season premiere, this time it was Rob driving the forklift with the tiger death box into the factory. The death box fell off the fork lift, and then we got to see some unused footage of Jen O'Connor, one of the producers of Fantasy Factory, and we saw how unhappy she was with what just happened. After that, Rob explained how he had to go out and have someone create a steel frame for a new death box. That led us into the next clip, the tiger attack from the season premiere.
There was a commercial break, and when we got back we saw some behind the scenes footage of Drama getting his veneers. Drama and the veneers was by far one of the funniest scenes of the season. Looking at poor Drama's swollen face as his mouth is completely numb was hilarious! We see producer Mike Lang come in and ask Drama if he can get a picture of him smiling. Drama said yeah, but he can't really smile. He'd have to lift his entire lip up.
Drama went up to the camera guy and lifted up his upper lip, and then you hear the camera guy say -
"You just fuckin drooled on me!"
Haha, it was so hilarious! Rob then showed a picture of how Drama used to look before his surgery, while himself and Big Black kind of ripped on Drama a little bit. This led into one my favorite scenes - Drama at the dentist.
After that, we saw a deleted scene from that episode, where Rob brought in a modeling expert to evaluate Drama and see what changes needed to be made in order for him to reach "man dime" status.
Rob - "Walk by him in the mall, wouldn't even look at him. A little bit of tan, some waxing, a little bit of hair..."
Drama - "And you'd walk by me in the mall and punch me."
Rob - "No. Run up on you, and put a tongue in your mouth, male or female on the ASAP on your gorgeousness."
The model expert asked Drama to take off his t-shirt, so she could evaluate him, but Drama wasn't too comfortable taking it off. Big Black volunteered to take his off if it'd make Drama more comfortable. Soon, both Drama and Big Black were topless in Rob's office. Then the model expert asked Drama to walk, and Drama didn't really know what to do.
Rob - "DO NOT WALK like you're some scared turtle right now!"
Then Rob demonstrated his model walk, which was executed perfectly.
Rob - "Put your swag on!"
Drama then did a pretty decent model walk. He asked the model expert if this is what it's really like when a model goes in for casting. She replied that usually they also make you take your pants off. Drama said he is not doing that one. It was a pretty funny scene.
After the clip, Rob had the portfolio of Drama's man dime pictures.
Rob - "Hey gorgeous Chris! What are you going to do right now? Oh, you're going to take a commercial break gorgeous Chris?"
Then Rob threw to a commercial break. Rob put his face behind the Drama picture and said -
Rob - "Oh god, I'm so hot! I'm so hot as a man, I just want to rub around on things, I just want to rub around!"
Then, in the same voice Rob was using to imitate Man Dime Drama, Big Black said -
Big Black - "I gotta go throw up my mcdonalds I just ate"
After the commercial break it is time for the "Gentle Neill" scene from the Best of, Bonus and Behind the scenes episode. During each one of these episodes, Rob calls out Neill, one of the Fantasy Factory camera men. I guess Neill is a little bit on the shy and awkward side. He actually comes across more awkward than Big Cat, if that's even possible. The Neill scenes are some of my favorite in each of these episodes, so I was looking forward to this.
It's really hard to translate someone's awkwardness into words, so you really have to watch the episode to see why this is funny. Rob had Neill attempt to explain the next scene, but it didn't work out too well.
Rob - "Not too many people are afforded the opportunity to have a full fledged, full scale, gentle man. His name - The Gentile Neill."
Neill proceeded to try and tell us that we will now be seeing some behind the scenes footage with the cast and crew of Fantasy Factory. Neill didn't do to good, so Rob took over, and then we saw a few behind the scenes clips.
Rob - "Neill..good try. Stay special, and always be gentle."
We see the crew in the Tiger Death Box.
Big Black - "I thought when I came back guys, it was gonna be mellow man."
We then get in to a montage of the cast and crew having fun and doing crazy things on set. Punching machine, dodge balls, back flips, basketball shots and torc trucks.
After that, Rob introduced us to the clip of the dodge ball game from the "Dodging Devil Donkeys" episode by using the ball launching machine to haul balls at Big Black as he tried to hit them with a shovel. We see a little bit of the game, up until the ball slammed into Chanel's head, chipping her tooth.
Rob - "It was devastating. I mean, the reason she had a helmet on in the first place, is it was out of her safety! Last thing we wanna do is see this face get destroyed by a dodge ball."
We then see the clip of Chanel getting slammed twice in the face with the dodge ball in the Fantasy Factory.
After that clip, Rob explained how when you own a place like the Fantasy Factory, all different types of people come by. Rob said he was lucky enough for a death metal band to pull up and rage out of their truck. That led to the group forming "The Bleeding Frogs," the heavy metal kill-pop band. Because their name was "The Bleeding Frogs," they needed an incredible mascot to go with, and that happened to be Big Cat in a frog suit. The camera panned to Big Cat in his cage, dressed in his frog suit and Rob started singing -
Rob - "He's an awkward frog!"
Group - "Awkward frog!"
Rob - "He's an awkward frog!!"
Group - "Awkward frog!"
Then we saw the clip from "The Bleeding Frogs" episode where the group hit up a Starbucks and put on an impromptu show. After that, Big Cat hopped us into a commercial break.
When we get back, there is a clip of Rob, Patty, Drama and Gene in Rob's car, and Byron Miller, the audio supervisor comes over the speaker and tells Drama he needs to turn his phone off because it is interfering with the sound.
Rob - "I love that Byron has to come over the walkie to like..."
Patty - "Well, he said it was interfering, so he has to come back, like you guys are little kids and tell you again! Only in greater detail!"
Byron - "Thank you mom."
Gene - "Very good!"
Classic Mom Patty line. So funny. I love when The Dyrdek's are in an episode. It's always so funny, and I look forward to the episode this season where Patty becomes a spokesperson for Bill My Parents.
After that scene, Rob, Big Black, Drama and Big Cat are sitting in Rob's office and Rob asks Big Cat and Drama if they love each other.
Drama - "Yep. Love each other."
Rob - "Can't you look freely into his eyes and tell him you love him? Lock eyes."
Drama "No."
Rob - "Just lock eyes and don't say I love you."
Drama - "Nope."
Big Cat - "Pass."
Rob then pulled out a horn and attempted to blow it, but it exploded in his hands.
Drama - "That thing has been through too many hugs."
Rob explained that it is a hug horn, and every time he blows, Big Cat and Drama have to hug. It will be featured in an upcoming episode. We then see a preview clip titled "Brother Bond," where Rob, Big Black, Big Cat and Drama are all sitting on the floor in Rob's office, with candles in the center. Rob is explaining how important it is that they show how much they love each other, and he asks them to hug. They hug, but there was a gap in between their bodies. Big Black and Rob demonstrate how they looked.
Big Black - "Hug him how you'd hug your woman!"
Drama - "But he's my brother!"
Big Black - "But you guys grew up together!"
Rob - "Put it in tight. Put it in tight. Close your eyes."
While Big Cat and Drama were in their hug, Rob pulled out the hug horn and blew, and let them know that whenever it goes off, they have to hug.
After the scene, Rob explained what other exciting things we can look forward to this season. Hug Horns, wrestling in the WWE, jumping out of a balloon, and going to Mardi Gras is just a little bit of what we still have to come in season 4.
That was a wrap on the Best of, Bonus and Behind the scenes episode. On Monday, the 9th, we see Patty and Gene come to the Fantasy Factory for a visit! I can't wait!
Don't forget, if you need to catch up on any of the episodes, they are all available at
If you are interested in Big Black's clothing line, it is available at, and Young and Reckless is at
All of the amazing Street League clothing that Rob wears is available at Until next time...
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Season 4 Episode 4 of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory
The episode starts off with Rob, Drama, and Big Black sitting in the Fantasy Factory, and Rob was explaining how he "farted himself awake" in the middle of the night. Drama didn't understand how you could wake yourself up from a fart, but Big Black understood completely, haha.
The opening credits roll and when we get back, Tracy, Rob, Drama, Big Black, Chanel and Big Cat are playing a friendly game of dodge ball. It was all fun and games until Big Cat pelted a dodge ball across the factory towards Tracy, but somehow Chanel got in between Tracy and the ball and she took it hard, right to the face.
Rob - "We should maybe get her a face mask."
Chanel - "My face is like NUMB!" Chanel - "Is my makeup really fucked up?"
Rob - "No, your makeup is fine. It looks like you got a sun tan!"
After that, Rob goes up to Tracy and asks if he, Tracy and Chanel have been on a team yet. Tracy says no, and Rob tells Chanel to come over and be on their team. Chanel walks over, and at the exact perfect time tha
Big Black - "You David Beckham'd her right in her grill! This is not a game for blond haired girls."
Chanel walked over and everyone welcomed her back.
Chanel - "Yeah, you almost blew my fucking head off!"
Rob huddles everyone together and says that he brought everyone to play dodge ball to see if they had any skills. He explains that one of his friends has a full dodge ball league and tournament, and he wants to create a team to participate in one of the tournaments. Chanel says that they will need a few more people to form the team and Rob says they will get some.
Rob - "I believe that we are going to put together one of the greatest dodge ball teams in the history of man kind, because we are a bunch of strong guys, and one girl, who we gotta do something to protect that face because that thing is straight up and down a magnet for balls."
In the next scene, the crew is in the DC Lounge, about to watch something on the projector. Rob says that they are about to world premiere the 1st cartoon that Tracy and himself have put together for the Wild Grinders. It's called "The Lost Skate Spot." We see a small clip of the cartoon, and it's amazing and adorable. I might be a little bit bias because I am a HUGE Wild Grinders fan, but I believe that the cartoon will be extremely successful. Wild Grinders are going to go far.
Rob went around the room and asked everyone what they thought of the episode. Big Black said he thought there should be a little fat kid who can’t skate. Chanel said that she thinks the cartoon could use a girl. Rob didn’t think that was a bad idea. He said the network executives have actually already approached Rob and Tracy about a girl skater, and Chanel said it should be someone like her.
Rob - “The real life Chanel is a little too wimpy. I mean we just had you shed tears over a little game of dodge ball!”
Chanel - “You wacked me in the face from two feet away, with a ball!”
Rob - “You put your face down there!”
Rob proceeded to tell Chanel that the only way she could be a Wild Grinder is if she proved her toughness. Chanel agreed to that, and she seemed really excited about it.
There is a commercial break, and when we get back Rob brought the entire dodge ball team in to a huddle. We were introduced to three new dodge ball t
Anyways, Rob huddled everyone up and said that he had the official rules of dodge ball, and in the official rules it calls for eight teammates, and that was why Paul, Sterling and Geoffrey were now on the team. Rob explained the rest of the rules of Dodge Ball to the team. (I won't go over them because I'm sure you remember them from either gym class or the hilarious Ben Stiller movie, Dodgeball.) Rob said he set up some drills to test everyone's skills, and he said before that happens, they needed to get a helmet on Chanel's "pretty face." Rob comes back with an awesome black and pink helmet/face mask for Chanel.
They started with the first drill, which was a speed test. Big Black had the stop watch, and he timed as Big Cat, Sterling and Chanel did their runs. They got pretty good times. Then it was Drama's turn. For Drama's run, they added some hilarious music, and it went perfectly with how slow Drama was.
Rob - "Young! Reckless! And I don't care if you run like a wounded donkey!"
Drama attempted to run fast and normal, but he ended up looking ridiculous and he fell at the end. Everyone was cracking up and Drama asked Big Black what his final time was. Big Black told Drama that he forgot to hit the button and poor Drama was never able to see his final time.
Next were accuracy drills. They were all to hurl the dodge ball at the UFC punching machine that Dana White gave Rob as a gift. Like last time, everyone did great...except for Drama. He missed the machine completely and hit the garage door.
The next drill was measuring how well they could catch the ball, and Rob ran off and came back with a professional Dodge Ball launcher. This machine launches the balls super fast, and you have to try and catch it. I don't think anyone knew that Rob actually had this machine, because when he turned the corner with it, everyone groaned and was a little freaked out.
Chanel - "That is going WAY too fast, like that can knock my head off!"
That was followed by random shrieks from Chanel as the balls kept flying towards the team. Chanel went to catch a ball, and her hand hit it while the ball kept flying backwards.
Chanel - "I'm gonna break a nail! I don't want to do this!"
Rob switched places with Chanel, and she loaded the balls into the machine while Rob went to try and catch some. Rob said that everyone had to catch a ball and then they can stand down. Sterling, Big Cat, Paul, Chanel, and Big Black caught one.
Soon, the only person that was left was Drama.
After the drills, the team was in a circle, and Rob said they needed to think of a team name. Rob thought it should be something with donkey, since Drama looked like a wounded donkey while running. They started brainstorming ideas, and soon "Dodging Devil Donkeys" was born.
Rob - (To Big Black) You've got double B's, we've got triple D's."
In the next scene, Chanel is sitting at her desk and Rob calls her in to his office. Rob explains that he came up with the perfect way for Chanel to prove her toughness before she can become a Wild Grinder. Rob says that in an episode, the new girl Wild Grinder character will get tested by the other Wild Grinders so she can prove that she can be part of their crew. Rob pulls up a picture on his screen of the LA Dodger hill and tells Chanel that he wants her to "bomb" that hill to prove that she is tough. Chanel said that she can do it, but she definitely needs to cover her face. She says she wants some practice, so she gets her helmet, elbow pads and knee pads on and starts rolling down some ramps in the Fantasy Factory. She is doing great, and Rob tells Drama the plan to test Chanel's toughness.
Drama - "You might as well just drive a car at 30mph and have her jump out of it."
Next, Chanel decides she needs to practice with a little more speed, so Big Cat gets into the go-kart and pulls Chanel on the skateboard into the foam pit.
Chanel - "I don't wanna break anything!"
Rob - "Well it's not the end of the world if you do."
Chanel makes it most of the way up the ramp and kind of steps off it at the top. To me, it was a success. She made it up the ramp and kind of into the foam pit. Chanel banged her shin on the top of the ramp, but she was a trooper about it.
Rob - "You almost went in the foam pit!"
Chanel - "Almost! I got scared!"
Then Chanel explained how bad her shin hurt after slamming it into the ramp. It left a huge bump.
Chanel - "Now I can't wear a skirt tonight!"
Rob - "I refuse to believe this is happening right now! We are not talking about skirts right now after we almost went in the foam pit."
In the next scene, Rob's truck pulls up to the top of LA Dodger hill. There is a huge mat set up at the bottom, and Rob mentioned how much steeper it looks when you are actually standing at the top.
Chanel said she was nervous, and didn't even want to think about how much speed she would be getting. Rob told her she would be going really fast. Chanel went off and came back dressed in a full suit. She looked like she would be able to take a fall no problem, it was similar to the suit Danny Way wore in season one, when Rob pulled him on the T-Rex to break the land speed world record. Before Chanel took off down the hill, Tracy showed her the sketch of what her Wild Grinde
Big Cat went to the starting point with her and gave her some advice, while everyone else was waiting at the bottom. Chanel took off and she did awesome! She stayed on the board the whole time and made it to the bottom of the hill, where she slammed into the mats!
Rob - "You are officially a Wild Grinder and I think more than anything, you are officially tough!"
Chanel - "That character looks so dope! A girly girl when she goes out at night, but then when she's kicking it with the boys she's like tough and rugged."
Rob - "She's...12. She's not poppin bottles in like a mini dress."
Chanel - "Well..she goes out to like I'm sure birthday parties on a Friday night..."
Haha, that was a great scene, and I was so proud of Chanel for facing her fear and proving her toughness!
In the next scene, we
Rob - "Right now, as a group of dead serious Dodging Devil Donkeys, this team looks like an athletic group that not only is gonna SHINE on this dodge ball championship tournament, but we're gonna look good doin it!"
Then, Rob said he
The team left for the dodge ball tournament, and when they walked in with the donkey, and everyone was staring at them. The MC went over the rules and basically said anything and everything counts. If someone gets injured, there are no substitutions. The first round was the Dodging Devil Donkeys VS. What Would Jesus Dodge. Yes, that was seriously the name of the other team, haha. They were all pumped and when the round started, it got serious.
The Jesus team was anihilating Rob's team. They hurled the balls at them SO HARD and all of a sudden someone launched the ball directly into Chanel's face with such force, that it knocked her helmet off. They took a short break and Chanel was visibly upset, crying. They actually chipped her tooth. Chanel quickly got over the pain and was just really pissed off.
Chanel - "My teeth are already fucked up man! I'm gonna fucking kill somebody!"
Everyone was unsure whether Chanel would continue, but she didn't let the team down! Chanel is tough as hell, and she got right back in the game, this time, without a helmet. The Dodging Devil Donkey's started "HeeHaw-ing" at the other team to try and throw them off, but it didn't work. Right then, Rob jumped up, and took what l

Chanel - "Are you okay? Are your nuts okay?"
Rob - "I think we learned a lesson right now. Just because you dress fancy, and you got a cool name and you bring in your very own mascot of a devil donkey, doesn't mean you can avoid getting hit in the nuts super hard."
Rob - "We gave it all we got. We got a chipped tooth, a blown out set of nuts, and a broken spirit."
In the next scene, the crew is in the DC Lounge, ready to watch Chanel's Wild Grinder make her first appearance. It was an adorable short, and at the end of this blog, I will provide the link to the entire short. Chanel did great, she has an awesome cartoon voice. At the end of the cartoon, Chanel's character was greeted by each member of the Fantasy Factory, all animated int

Rob - "Everybody got Wild Grinder-ized here today, and we watched a dainty little flower go from being a full fledged wimp to being a tough girl. And the #1 thing that says tough? That chipped tooth."
After that, they all chanted "Girl Power!" but then Drama brought it to their attention that it was a little awkward with all men chanting it along with Chanel, haha.
That was the end of the Dodging Devil Donkeys episode of Fantasy Factory! I absolutely loved it! Like I said, I am a huge Wild Grinders fan, so it was so much fun to see so much of the Wild Grinders featured in this episode. It was nice to see Tracy Tubera get a little bit of screen time, since we only usually see him in the background. I also liked that Chanel got her chance to shine, and of course, it was hilarious watching everyone train and compete in the dodge ball tournament.
On Monday, May 2nd, it is the Best of, Bonus, and Behind the Scenes episode, which I LOVE every single season. I love seeing all the behind the scenes clips and some other scenes that didn't make it into the show. Don't forget to tune in! 10:30/9:30pm Central on MTV!
Click HERE to check out the full version of Chanel's Wild Grinders Short, and there is also a video about the origin of the Wild Grinders, and a clip where Tracy Tubera talks toys!
Also, as always, if you liked Big Black's clothing, visit to pick up a tshirt, and also all the Young and Reckless you could ever want is at!